Support Services » Child Find

Child Find


Pomeroy Elementary Library

November 9th

9am-2pm by appointment only

Do you have concerns with your child's development? Childfind screening consists of vision, hearing, speech, gross/fine motor, social, adaptive, and concept knowledge. Any child, homeless or housed, from birth to 5 years old, are welcome to attend. Please call the Pomeroy Elementary Secretary at 843-1651 to schedule an appointment for your child. If your family is living in a temporary situation, you may contact the district where you are currently staying for a screening, Children that are currently enrolled in school at the Pomeroy School District can be evaluated or if you have a concern about your child ages 6-21 please contact us and we can set up a meeting.

Biblioteca de Pomeroy Elementary

November 9th

9am-2pm Solo con cita previa

Naciminto a los 5 años de edad

¿Tiene alguna preocupación por el desarrollo de su hijo? La deteccíón de hallazgos infantiles consiste en visión, conocimientos de audición, habla, motores brutos/finos, sociales, adaptativos y conceptuales. Cualquier niño, sin hogar o alojados, desde el nacimiento hasta los 5 años de edad, son bienvenidos a asistir. Por favor llame a la Primaria Pomeroy Secretario al 843-1651 para programar una cita para su hijo. Si su familia vive en un situación temporal, puede comunicarse con el distrito donde se hospeda actualmente para una evaluación. Los niños que actualmente están inscritos en la escuela en el Distrito Escolar de Pomeroy pueden ser evaluados o si usted tiene una preocupación acerca de su hijo de 6 a 21 años, por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros y podemos establecer una reunión.



Does your child speak, move, or behave differently than other children the same age?  Free developmental screenings are scheduled in the spring at the elementary office.


To make an appointment call Alaina Fruh at (509) 843-1651 or Kerri Ruark at (509) 843-1331. Please leave a detailed voicemail if you reach the recording. You can also email our CHILDFIND coordinator, Kerri Ruark, at [email protected]. This program is sponsored by the Pomeroy School District for children birth to twenty-one years of age, who reside within the Pomeroy School District boundaries. Please call with any questions. If you have concerns about the development of your child under the age of three or need help finding community resources, please call Sue Kreikemeier (BOOST Director) Birth to Three Services at 509-595-3307. BOOST is a resource that helps families navigate the complex health and social services system and helps establish connections to the resources needed. BOOST serves several counties in Washington State and provides multiple language interpretation.


If your family is living in a temporary situation, you may contact Fred Knebel our homeless liaison.



Fred R. Knebel, M.Ed.

PHS Counselor

Administrator of Special Services

[email protected]
