Special Education
Special Education Director: Fred R. Knebel [email protected]
Special Services Records Clerk: Kerri Ruark [email protected]
Special Education Teacher P-6 grades: Gwen Schwemmer
Special Education Teacher 7-12 grades: Kelly Knebel
Paraprofessional Elementary: Hannah Heitstuman
Paraprofessional Elementary: Lora Sliter
Paraprofessional Elementary: Alia Scoggin
Paraprofessional Jr. Sr. High School: Wendy Snyder
Paraprofessional Jr. Sr. High School: Sandy Anderson
School Psychologist: Carlee Crocket
Speech Therapist: Merrie Fleming
OT/PT: Sub-contract with St. Joseph Hospital
Special Education services are provided to eligible children age birth through 2 years when they have been diagnosed with a disabling condition. The Pomeroy School District works collaboratively with BOOST Collaborative Children & Family Support Services, who provides the services for children in this age category. When a child turns 2 years 9 months of age the district and BOOST work together for a smooth transition of the child into a school program.
Play School:
Special Education services and support are provided through Pomeroy School District for eligible preschoolers ages 3 through 5 years. Children with two or more areas of delay may receive instruction in our preschool classroom. Students may spend all or most of their school day receiving specially designed instruction in all academic areas, as well as self-help and adaptive skills.
Special Education Itinerant Services:
Itinerant / Related Services may be provided to support a student’s education progress when identified in the student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP). Related Services may include support services such as speech and/or language therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, health services, vision services, orientation and mobility instruction, transition services and special transportation. Eligible children may also receive therapies while attending day care, or can be school-based. These services are available district-wide.
Resource Support/Skills Center:
Special Education resource staff members are provided at both buildings. The staff provides specially designed instruction to students with disabilities ages 3-21 years of age. These services may be provided within the general education classroom, in a pull-out model, or a combined model depending on the needs of the individual student. The areas where support is provided are:
o Written expression
o Basic reading skills
o Reading fluency skills
o Reading comprehension
o Mathematics calculations
o Mathematics problem solving
o Social/Behavior
o Adaptive
o Physical Therapy
o Occupational Therapy
Life Skills:
The Life Skills program in the high school classroom provides specialized instruction for special education students with moderate intellectual delays. Instruction is provided in areas of functional academics, daily living skills, communication, and social skills. Students may spend up to half of their day in the regular classroom.
This program is for students that will miss 20 or more days of school due to illness or injury. Upon physician documentation, the district can provide a tutor for five hours a week (or as determined by team) and access to all general curriculum.