Eligibility Code
ELIGIBILITY CODE--Pomeroy Jr./Sr. High School
"A Tradition of Pride"
1.0 Mission:
The mission of the Pomeroy School District extra-curricular athletics program is to expand and compliment the school's overall mission of educating its students.
To implement this mission the Pomeroy School District will:
- Encourage students to strive for excellence through competition as the foremost goal.
- Help students set goals for athletic achievement that will aid students in developing the proper respect of hard work, discipline, and sacrifice that are necessary for achieving results.
- Enable students to become physically fit and to learn appreciation for wellness through exercise.
- Teach students (through preparing and participating in sporting competition) the social skills that transfer to living in our society -- these skills include communicating effectively, understanding group dynamics, developing positive personal attitudes, building leadership traits, having compassion for others, and learning to respect authority.
Philosophy of Implementation of the Mission:
Unlike the structured curriculum in our schools, athletics may not be able to serve every student. However, because Pomeroy is a small school, a majority of students can be served through participation in some aspect of the overall program. Sub-varsity programs should provide the opportunity for participation by as many students as possible while developing their athletic abilities.
Varsity programs will serve as a focus for individual athletic achievement and team success. Of utmost importance is student understanding that participation in school athletics is a privilege earned through proper academic achievement and proper personal conduct. Once a student earns the right to play, he or she then has the responsibility to represent the school in a manner that reflects positively on the community.
2.0 Student Standards for Participation
To be eligible to represent Pomeroy Junior-Senior High School in WIAA interscholastic athletics and cheerleading, the following must be observed:
2.1 W.I.A.A. Standards. All rules and regulations of the WIAA must be met. These rules include:
2.1.1 Age Limits
2.1.2 Student Member of a School
2.1.3 Scholarship
2.1.4 Previous Semester
2.1.5 Regular Attendance
2.1.6 Residence
2.1.7 Physical Examination
2.1.8 Season Limitation
2.1.9 Concurrent Sports Limitation
2.1.10 Non-school Participation
2.1.11 Amateur Standing
2.1.12 Running Start Eligibility Standards
2.1.13 Home Based Education Standards
2.2 Pomeroy Jr./Sr. High School Standards. Prior to participation in any athletic practice, students are required to have on file in the high school office the following:
2.2.1 Waiver or receipt of purchase of an Associated Student Body Card
2.2.2 Medical Emergency Authorization Form
2.2.3 Safety Guideline Form for each sport
2.2.3 Physical Fitness/Parent Permission Form
2.2.4 Assumption of Risk Form
2.2.5 Proof of Insurance Form
2.2.6 Form of Acknowledgment of Understanding of the Eligibility Code, Training Rules, Penalties, or Violations (to be signed & submitted for each sport)
2.2.7 Acknowledgment of concussion symptoms and risk
2.2.8 Completion of pre-concussion test data
2.3 Duration of Enforceability. Students shall be subject to standards for participation as defined below:
2.3.1 Athletic Career Defined. A student shall have two (2) distinct athletic careers while attending Pomeroy Jr./Sr. High School. One career shall be in junior high school (grades 6-7-8) and one in high school (grades 9-12). Infractions that occurred during junior high will not count upon entering high school.
2.3.2 Athletic Season Defined. An athletic season begins on the day the WIAA designates as the first day of practice. The season ends with the awards function for that sport. The junior high season ends on Monday after the last contest. The high school season ends with the awards function for that sport, or the Thursday after the last contest, whichever comes first.
2.3.3 Summer Programs (including camps, all-star games, etc). Student-athletes participating in school sponsored summer programs shall be subject to these rules during participation in that program.
Equipment. Equipment issued to the student-athlete is expected to be kept in good condition and returned the Monday after the last contest. Loss or damage to equipment may be the financial responsibility of the student-athlete. Students will not be cleared for their next sport until equipment is turned in.
Travel. All student-athletes shall ride as a group/team to and from practice/games on transportation provided by Pomeroy School District. Exceptions to this standard shall be made through a written note from the parent to the Athletic Director and/or the Principal prior to the activity.
Team Rules. Student-athletes may be required to adhere to team rules above and beyond the basic rules outlined in the Eligibility Code. These rules shall be approved by the Athletic Director and Principal before distribution to student-athletes and parents.
Cuts from Squads. If it becomes necessary to cut participants from squads, then studentathletes and their parents shall know the procedures before practice begins.
Lettering/Participation Recognition. Coaches shall inform student-athletes what is expected of them to earn a Letter or Participation Certificate before practice begins.
2.4 Changing Sports within the Same Season. Within the first fourteen calendar days of the season, an athlete who wishes to change sports must complete and submit a change of sport form to an athletic director. Changing sports will not be allowed after fourteen calendar days.
3.0 Scholastic Eligibility
The primary purpose of scholastic standards is to promote continuous effort in the classroom as well as hold students accountable for work assigned as they progress towards graduation. Performance in the classroom affects performance as an athlete. The following terms are defined as:
3.1 Grade check- the grades of student-athletes at the end of an approximate three-week window during the school year. (windows will be determined by AD and principal prior to start of season)
3.2 Grade period- end of the 1st quarter, 1st semester, 3rd quarter, 2nd semester.
3.3 Academic Probation- a period of time where the student may participate in practices and contests as long as academic requirements are met.
3.4 Academic Suspension- a period of time where the student will not participate in any contests and may not miss school to travel with the team, but may continue to practice with the team.
3.5 Beginning Season Requirements (Grade period). Student-athletes are expected to maintain a 2.0 G.P.A. with no more than one (1) failing grade during each grading period. Those students that do not meet that standard at the grade period will be declared ineligible and be placed on SCHOLASTIC INELIGIBILITY and will not be allowed to participate in contests.
3.5.1 Eligibility Grade period Check. There will be an eligibility check for all student-athletes at the end of 1st quarter, 1st semester, 3rd quarter, and 2nd semester.
3.5.2 Participation Restrictions for Scholastic Ineligibility. Students placed on SCHOLASTIC INELIGIBILITY will not be eligible to participate in contests during the first five (5) weeks of the fall sport season and first three (3) weeks of the winter and spring seasons, except students who are on WIAA Scholastic Probation. He/She must practice with the team in order to become eligible at the end of the 3 or 5 week period. He/She may travel to away contests with the team UNLESS SCHOOL TIME IS MISSED. IF THE BUS LEAVES DURING SCHOOL TIME, AN INELIGIBLE STUDENT WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO TRAVEL.
3.6 During the Sport Season (Maintaining Academic Eligibility). Student-athletes are expected to maintain current classwork and shall have no (0) failing grades during participation. Those students that do not meet that standard at the grade check will be placed on ACADEMIC PROBATION.
3.6.1 Grade Checks. The academic eligibility of ALL student-athletes will be checked approximately every three (3) weeks. Student-athletes determined to have one (1) or more failing (F) grades shall be placed on ACADEMIC PROBATION. Students who are on ACADEMIC PROBATION that have no (0) failing (F) grades at the grade check will be taken off ACADEMIC PROBATION.
3.6.2 Academic Probation. The first time during a sport season a student-athlete is put on
ACADEMIC PROBATION he/she shall have a plan approved by an administrator (AD, Lead Teacher, and/or Principal) to become eligible before being allowed to practice. The probationary period will be three weeks with the plan addressing specific goals throughout the three-week period. The student will continue to be eligible for participation as long as the academic plan is maintained. If at any time during the probationary period the student fails any part of the plan or any additional classes then the student would be declared ineligible for the remainder of the grade check period.
3.6.3 Academic Suspension. The second and any subsequent times the student-athlete is put on ACADEMIC PROBATION for that sport season the student-athlete shall be placed on ACADEMIC SUSPENSION for the remainder of the sport season. The student-athlete will be allowed to continue practice with the team and travel to away contests with the team UNLESS SCHOOL TIME IS MISSED. IF THE BUS LEAVES DURING SCHOOL TIME, AN INELIGIBLE STUDENT WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO
TRAVEL. They will NOT be allowed to participate in the contests either at home or away.
4.0 Daily Attendance
4.1 Students must attend three (3) class periods during the day of an activity or practice in order to be eligible to participate in any practices or competitions. Any exception must receive written administrative approval before the absence occurs. Appeals due to emergency situations will be reviewed by the principal or athletic director if the principal is not available.
5.0 Citizenship
Standards of good conduct and citizenship must be maintained at all times. For classroom/minor disruptions, a student-athlete will generally not be declared ineligible unless an attempt to correct misbehavior has been made collaboratively between the teacher, student, parents and coach. Exceptional Misconduct may put the eligibility status in jeopardy immediately.
5.1 Criminal Violations. Any student charged with a criminal violation, unless covered by the training rules, may be declared ineligible for interscholastic activities.
5.2 School Citizenship. A student referral to the office for disciplinary reasons will be investigated promptly to determine eligibility status.
5.3 Eligibility Review. Eligibility Reviews are the responsibility of the administration. Criminal violations and violations of school citizenship will be handled accordingly, and should exceptions arise, they too, will be resolved by the principal, athletic director, coach/advisor, parent and the student involved.
5.4 Cell Phones/Recording Devices: As stated in the Pirate Log students may not take devices into locker room or bathroom facilities. A coach may at any time collect devices to be kept in a secure place.
6.0 Training Rules
6.1 Training Rules Defined. Successful participation in competitive sports requires attention to personal fitness. This cannot be achieved through the use of alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs. Students are responsible for abstaining from the following:
6.1.1 Alcohol and Marijuana
6.1.2 Tobacco, Nicotine Products and Delivery Devices. Use or possession of tobacco
products, nicotine products, and/or delivery devices. Tobacco products and delivery devices
include, but are not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, snuff, smoking tobacco, smokeless tobacco, nicotine, electronic smoking/vapor devices, “vapor pens,” non-prescribed inhalers, nicotine delivery devices or chemicals that are not FDA-approved to help people quit using tobacco, devices that produce the same flavor or physical effect of nicotine substances and any other smoking equipment, device, material or innovation.
6.1.3 Controlled Substances. Illegal use or possession of controlled substances, anabolic steroids, and legend drugs, i.e. prescription drugs, as defined by the laws of the State of Washington (RCW 69.41.020 - RCW 69.41.050 & RCW 69.50).
Distribution. Distribution or sales of alcohol, tobacco, and/or controlled substances will result in a stiffer penalty along with referral to law enforcement.
Parties. Attendance at a party where the above training rules are being violated. Student-athletes who inadvertently find themselves in this type of situation are expected to leave immediately or they will be in violation of these training rules.
Investigation of Allegation. When an alleged violation of a training rule occurs, the Athletic Director and Principal shall investigate the allegation, through an administrative investigation. An administrative investigation shall consist of the following elements:
6.2.1 Interview Process. Interviews will be held with the principal, athletic director, or both.
Parents may be involved in the interview; however, they only have the function of determining whether the process is fair. Parents are not to impede the investigation by speaking for the student, interrupting those who are speaking or arguing about the contents of the code.
6.2.2 Parent Notification. Parents will be informed of the investigation as soon as possible.
Under Washington State Law there is no requirement that parents be informed or present before the investigation begins. Pomeroy School District #110 believes that parents are partners with the school staff, working together for what is best for each child's health. This is why informing parents "as soon as possible" near the start of the investigation is a restriction the district has placed upon itself.
Consequences Explained. Sanctions will be reviewed along with interventions and their cost.
For each of the violations, a contest penalty and intervention will be a part of sanctions, if the student is found to have violated the Eligibility Code. Contest penalties will be administered based upon student-athlete responses to questions. If accurate and truthful information is offered during the investigation, then the lesser contest penalty is imposed. The maximum penalty will be imposed if inaccurate or untruthful information is offered throughout the investigation.
The intervention will begin with a screening. A qualified prevention/intervention specialist or other qualified individual will administer the screening. An assessment and/or cessation/diversion course or counseling may be a part of the intervention depending upon the results of the screening. Costs will be determined for the intervention when a violation has been determined.
6.2.4 Use of Police Report. A police report may be involved in the outcome, but is not necessary to prove innocence or guilt.
The Eligibility Code reaches off-campus to the healthy life-style promoted by Pomeroy Jr./Sr. High School. In any investigation, a police report may help clarify information collected during the administrative investigation, however, the innocence or guilt of any situation rests upon the rules outlined in the Eligibility Code.
Progressive Discipline for a Violation of Training Rules. The consequences listed on the next page apply to student-athletes found to be in violation of the training rules defined in Rule 6.1. Pomeroy Jr./Sr. High School and the WIAA promote a tobacco-free and drug-free learning environment.
Transferring students, who have a training rule violation, will have their violation status reviewed by the Athletic Director to determine placement at the appropriate level of violation.
In order to help students fulfill their responsibility in remaining healthy, Pomeroy Jr./Sr. High School implements the following consequences:
Alcohol/Tobacco/Marijuana Violations (see Step I)
Legend Drug/Controlled Substance Violations (see Step II)
Administrative Investigation: An administrative investigation, which may include a police report, will take place before penalties and interventions are imposed. Contest Penalty:
- Calculation: 100%, of regularly scheduled contests of the current season and applied to 1 or 2 seasons, including post-season of the current season
- Penalty: 50% if not admitted during the administrative investigation. 20% if admitted during the administrative investigation.
- Failure to Complete Intervention. If the athlete fails to complete the intervention, then:
- Remainder of Season imposed, applied to 1 or 2 seasons
Administrative Investigation: An administrative investigation, which may include a police report, will take place before penalties and interventions are imposed. Contest Penalty:
- Calculation: 100% of regularly scheduled contests of the current season and applied to 1 or 2 seasons, including post-season of the current season
- Penalty: 100% of regularly scheduled contests of the current season and applied to 1 or 2 seasons, including postseason of the current season
- Failure to Complete Intervention. If the athlete fails to complete the intervention then:
- In order to be eligible to participate in the next interscholastic sports season, the student-athlete shall meet with the school eligibility board consisting of coaches and administrators selected by the Principal, to request approval to participate. The school eligibility board will recommend to the Principal appropriate action to be taken in the studentathletes case. The Principal shall have final authority as to the student athlete’s participation in the interscholastic sports program.
- A participant who seeks and receives help for a problem with use of legend drugs and/or controlled substances and controlled substance analogs shall be given the opportunity for assistance through the school and/or community agencies. In no instance shall participation in a school and/or community approved assistance program excuse a student-athlete from subsequent complaints with this rule. However, successful utilization of such an opportunity or compliance with athletic code by the student-athlete may allow him/her to have eligibility re-instated in the athletic program, pending recommendation by the school eligibility authority.
Completion of the plan will reduce the penalty to 50% of the regularly scheduled games.
STEP III Administrative Investigation:
An administrative investigation, which may include a police report, will take place before penalties and interventions are imposed Contest Penalty
- Calculation. Remainder of Career
- Remainder of Career
- Failure to Complete Intervention. If the athlete fails to complete the intervention then:
- Remainder of Career Intervention:
In order to be eligible to participate in the interscholastic sports, the student-athlete shall meet with the school eligibility board consisting of coaches and administrators selected by the Principal, to request approval to participate. The school eligibility board will recommend to the Principal appropriate action to be taken in the student-athletes case. The Principal shall have final authority as to the student athlete’s participation in the interscholastic sports program. Completion of the plan will reduce the penalty to one (1) calendar year.
Administrative Investigation:
An administrative investigation, which may include a police report, will take place before penalties and interventions are imposed. Contest Penalty Remainder of Career
Intervention: None
Calculation of Contests
- The athlete must continue practicing in order for the penalty to be resolved in the present or following season.
- Fractions of games will be rounded up always.
- The penalty will carry into the post-season. The games played by the team will count toward the penalty of the individual eligible player.
- Any penalty not completed during the season and post-season will continue the following season, with the percentage remaining being recalculated.
- Once a team begins post-season play an athlete may fulfill the suspension but will not be eligible for play. Additional Consequences: For any eligibility violation, the student-athlete will not be eligible for any season awards and honors.
Final Notification and Appeals. Upon notification of a training rule violation, the student will be ineligible to participate in interscholastic competition. The student shall remain ineligible throughout the appeals process. The following process shall be used:
Written Notice & 1st Appeal. At the conclusion of the investigation a written notice shall be mailed or hand delivered to the parents or guardians. Upon receipt of the written notice the studentathlete shall have three (3) school days to request an appeal to the Athletic Directors to discuss eligibility.
1st Appeal Upheld. If the Athletic Directors uphold the sanction, then the student-athlete shall have three (3) school days to request an appeal to the Superintendent.
Further Appeals. If the Superintendent upholds the sanction, then the student-athlete may request an appeal to the School Board at its next regularly scheduled meeting.
Chain of Command for Athletic Extra-Curricular Activities:
Because of the nature of school sports and sports competition, misunderstandings and disagreements can arise among the various parties involved (coach, player, parent, administrator, and school board). The chain of command is a communication process that is to be used in order to resolve concerns at the lowest possible level.
To deal with these concerns in the most effective and efficient (orderly) manner, there needs to be a proper chain of communication. The following flow chart represents a process for flow of communication whereby any of the aggrieved parties should understand how to bring a question of complaint for consideration. Simply, information should flow from one end of the chain to the other.
School Board |
Principal/Superintendent |
Athletic Director |
Head Coach |
Assistant Coach |
Parent/Player |