GCEA Agreement
9/1/22 to 8/31/25
THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the Pomeroy School District No.
110 Board of Directors, hereinafter called the "Board" or "District," and the Garfield County Education Association, hereinafter called the "Association". This contract shall have duration of three years: September 1, 2019 through August 31, 2022.
The Board hereby recognizes the Association as the exclusive and sole bargaining representative for all certificated personnel employed by the Board whether under contract or on leave, excluding: Superintendent and Principals and other quasi-administrative positions where job function is supervisory and the employee is paid through program supervision funds.
When used hereinafter, the term "certificated employee" or "teacher" shall refer to all certificated employees represented by the Association in the bargaining unit, except as modified by the operation of law.
Unless the context in which they are used clearly requires otherwise, words used in this agreement denoting gender shall include both the masculine and feminine.
This Agreement shall supersede any rules, regulations, policies, resolutions, or practices of the District, which shall be contrary to or inconsistent with its terms to the extent of the inconsistency.
Existing rules, regulations, policies, resolutions, or practices of the District not in conflict with this Agreement may remain in full force.
Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, nothing contained herein shall be interpreted and/or applied so as to eliminate, reduce or otherwise detract from current individual salaries or employee insurance benefits, under existing rules regulations, policies, resolutions and practices of the District in effect prior to the effective date of this Agreement.
This Agreement shall be governed and construed according to the Constitution and laws of the State of Washington. If any provision of this Agreement, or any application of this Agreement to any employee or groups of employees covered hereby shall be found contrary to law by a court of final jurisdiction, such provision or application shall have effect only to the extent permitted by law, and all other provisions or applications of the Agreement shall continue in full force and effect.
Following ratification and signing of this Agreement by both parties, the District shall make accessible to all employees on district website. An archival copy of the Agreement will be provided to the Association in an electronic format.
The Association and its affiliates (WEA and NEA) shall have the exclusive right of automatic payroll deductions of membership dues, assessments and fees for employees.
The Association shall provide an automatic payroll authorization form to each employee. The employee shall sign and deliver such authorization to the Association during the enrollment period at the beginning of the school year. Once an employee has signed the automatic payroll authorization, dues deductions shall be continuous thereafter.
The Association shall submit the automatic payroll authorization to the District payroll office for processing. A table of prorated annual dues, assessments and fees shall be supplied to the District payroll office by the Association to determine monthly dues deductions by September 8.
The automatic payroll authorization form shall clearly state that it is understood by the employee signing the authorization that continuation of dues deductions until the end of the dues period on August 31 of each year is a binding condition for automatic payroll authorization. Revocation of membership shall be made in writing to the Association on the form available from the Association between the beginning of the school year and September 8, and shall become effective at that time. The Association shall promptly submit notice of such revocation to the District payroll office.
The District shall provide for dues deductions, assessments and fees through automatic payroll authorization and shall, without exception, refrain from intervention or failure to perform said service.
The District shall upon receipt of authorization from an employee, deduct from the employee's salary and make appropriate remittance for insurance plans, PULSE, tax-sheltered annuities, credit union, saving bonds, charitable donations or any other plans or programs jointly approved by the Association and the Board.
The Association and its representatives shall have the right to use district buildings for meetings and to transact Association business provided such meetings are scheduled in advance with the building principal.
The Association shall have the right to use District equipment at reasonable times, when such equipment is not otherwise in use. The Association shall reimburse the District for all supplies and materials incident to such use. The cost of repair or replacement, if caused by the Association or representative thereof, shall be borne by the Association.
The Association shall have the right to post notices of activities and matters of Association concern on bulletin boards to be provided in the faculty lounge of the elementary and high school.
The Association shall have access to the District mail service and teacher mail boxes for communication purposes. Printed materials shall be identified as to source. The Association and its representatives shall have access to communicate to all employees after providing notice to the main office to the building involved; such business shall not interrupt the teaching process.
The Board shall furnish to the Association, upon request, any information which is public record under state law in accordance with adopted Board policy on disclosure of public information.
The Association President or the designee(s) [not to exceed two] shall be released to attend a board meeting if it occurs during school time. Any employee scheduled to attend such meeting shall suffer no loss in pay.
Individual Rights
Employees shall be entitled to full rights of citizenship. There shall be no discipline or discrimination with respect to the employment of any person because of such person's age, sex, marital status, race, creed, color, national origin, domicile, political activity or lack thereof, or the presence of any sensory, mental or physical handicap, unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification, provided that the prohibition against discrimination because of such handicap shall not apply if the particular disability prevents the proper performance of the particular worker involved.
Nothing contained herein shall be construed to deny or restrict to any employee such rights as he may have under applicable laws and regulation. The rights recognized hereunder shall not be exclusive but are in addition to those provided elsewhere.
Right to Join and Support Association
Every certificated employee shall have the right to freely organize, join and support the Association in its endeavors. As a duly elected body exercising governmental power under the State of Washington, the Board shall not directly or indirectly discourage or deprive or coerce any certificated employee in the enjoyment of any rights conferred or protected by the Statutes and Constitutions of the United States and the State of Washington; or discriminate against any employee with respect to hours, wages, terms or conditions of employment by reason of his membership in the Association or his participation in activities of the Association.
Right to Due Process
No employee shall be reprimanded, disciplined, reduced in rank or compensation without just cause. An employee shall be entitled to have present a representative of the Association during any formal disciplinary action. When a request for such representation is made, no action shall be taken with respect to the employee until such representation is made, no action shall be taken with respect to the employee until such representative of the Association is present. Any complaint not called to the attention of the employee may not be used as the basis for any disciplinary action against the employee or as a basis for evaluation.
Academic freedom shall be guaranteed to the employees and no special limitations shall be placed upon study, investigation, presenting and interpreting facts and ideas concerning man, human society, the physical and biological world and other branches of learning that are appropriate to a K-12 public school system.
The responsibilities include a commitment to democratic tradition, a concern for the welfare, growth and development of children, and an insistence upon objective scholarship.
Notification shall be made to the administration whenever a teacher intends to inject course material, which the teacher knows might reasonably be anticipated to be controversial. Any material brought into the classroom and that is presented to students must meet the following criteria:
*has an educational relationship to the course objectives and goals,
*supports and enriches the curriculum,
*is appropriate for the age and maturity level of the students, and
*complies with copyright laws.
In addition, if the material has bias and/or if it contains controversial content, the teacher will follow Pomeroy School District administrative procedures regarding the use of films/videos/supplementary and complementary materials in the classroom. A copy of these procedures will be distributed to staff at the start of each school year.
- Definitions
(1) A "Grievant" shall mean a certificated employee or group of certificated employees represented by the Association filing a grievance.
(2) A "Grievance" shall mean a written statement (see Appendix A) by a grievant that a controversy, dispute, or disagreement of any kind or character exists arising out of or in any way involving interpretation or application of the terms of this Agreement or of an existing Board rule, policy, or practice, or that an employee has been treated unfairly or inequitably, or that there exists a condition which jeopardizes employee health and safety.
(3) "Days" shall mean employee employment days, except as otherwise indicated.
If the stipulated time limits are not met, the grievant shall have the right to appeal the grievance to the next level.
- Procedure
Every effort shall be made to resolve grievances or potential grievances through free and informal communications between the grievant and the immediate administrative supervisor. However, if such informal processes fail to provide an acceptable adjustment of the grievance, then the grievance may be processed as described.
Within fifteen (15) days following knowledge of the act or condition, which is the basis of the grievance, the grievant may file a written grievance, with his principal or immediate supervisor. Grievances filed in the name of the Association and grievances involving administrator(s) above the building level may be initiated at Step II of this grievance procedure as set forth below. All certificated employees shall have the right of Association representation at each step of the grievance procedure. If an aggrieved party is not represented by the Association, the Association shall have the right to be present and to state its views at all stages of the grievance procedure.
The Board or Association may file a grievance relating to the interpretation or application of this Agreement. The board shall initiate its grievances by reducing it to writing and filing it with the Association President. All grievances of this nature shall begin at step II and may be submitted to arbitration as described herein unless there is only one administrator, then all grievances will begin at Step I.
Step I: If more than one administrator then the school principal or immediate supervisor shall meet within five (5) days following receipt of the grievance and attempt a mutually satisfactory resolution of the grievance. If only one administrator then, the superintendent shall meet within five (5) days following receipt of the grievance and attempt a mutually satisfactory resolution of the grievance. If a satisfactory resolution is reached at the meeting, it shall be reduced to writing and signed by the involved parties. If no satisfactory agreement is reached, the grievant may within five (5) days, appeal to Step II.
Step II: The grievant shall meet within five (5) days following receipt of the grievant's appeal to the Superintendent with the Superintendent or his designee. If the superintendent is the immediate supervisor, then the school board chair will become the superintendent designee. It shall be the responsibility of the grievant to communicate with the person or organization against whom the grievance is filed for the purpose of arranging the Step II meeting. If a satisfactory resolution is reached at the grievance meeting it shall be reduced to writing and signed by the involved parties. If no satisfactory agreement is reached, the grievant may, within ten (10) days of the meeting, request in writing that the Association submit his grievance to arbitration.
The Association may, by written notice to the superintendent, within ten (10) days after receipt of the request from the aggrieved person, submit the grievance to final and binding arbitration.
Step III: The parties agree to select an arbitrator whose decision shall be final and binding within ten (10) days after the Superintendent receives notification that the grievance is being submitted to arbitration. A list of arbitrators shall be requested from the
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service and/or the American Arbitration
Association or any other mutually agreeable source.
The arbitrator shall be selected from the list of eligible candidates by a representative of the Superintendent and a representative of the association, alternately striking names until only one name remains.
The representative of the Superintendent and the Association shall present their cases to the arbitrator within twenty (20) days after the arbitrator has been selected.
The arbitrator shall make a decision in writing not more than fifteen (15) days following the day the case is presented to him.
The arbitrator shall have no power or authority to rule on any issue not specifically before him. The parties shall not present any issue to the arbitrator, which has not been specifically included within the grievance as presented to the Superintendent in Step II. The arbitrator shall not have the authority to decide any subject not specifically set forth in the express terms of this Agreement, nor shall he decide any subject not expressly contemplated by the terms of this Agreement.
- Grievance-Board Policies
Grievances concerning application of Board policy, rule, or practice not specifically covered by the terms and provisions of this Agreement shall be subject to the Grievance Procedure; however, if the District and the grievant are unable to reach agreement as in Step II, the decision may be appealed to the Board, however, Step III shall not apply. The Board shall render a written decision within five (5) days of the meeting.
- Exclusions
Nonrenewal of contract or discharge shall be excluded from review under the grievance procedure contained in this Agreement. An employee receiving notification of nonrenewal of contract or discharge may elect to have the matter heard by a hearing officer in accordance with applicable state law.
- Record of Grievances
All documents, communications, and records dealing with the processing of a grievance shall be filed separately from the personnel files of the participants.
- Expenses
The expenses of the arbitration shall be borne equally by the Board and the grieving party. G. Freedom from Reprisals
No reprisal shall be invoked against any employee for processing a grievance or participating in any way in the grievance procedure.
- Released Time
Grievances will ordinarily be processed during the regular workday and released time shall be provided for all participants in the investigation and processing of the grievances, including the grievant, Association representatives and witnesses. Said employees shall suffer no loss in pay.
Certificated employees and former certificated employees shall have the right to inspect all contents of their own personnel file kept within the District. There shall be only one personnel file kept by the District. It shall be kept in the District Office. No duplicate personnel file shall be kept anywhere in the District.
The employee shall be notified in writing whenever information of a derogatory nature from an administrator's personal notes and/or working files and/or any other source is made a part of an employee’s personnel file. No evaluation, correspondence, notes, or any other material making a derogatory reference to an employee's performance or conduct shall be placed in the personnel file without the employee's signed and dated acknowledgment. A signature does not indicate agreement with the contents of the material; it merely indicates receipt of the notification of the item being placed into the employee's personnel file.
Employees shall have the right to attach their comments to any material placed or contained in the personnel file.
Any derogatory material not shown to an employee within ten (10) days after receipt or composition shall not be allowed as evidence in any grievance or in any disciplinary action against said employee.
All material in the personnel file, not necessary for record keeping as set forth in the District Policy, may be reviewed by the employee and his or her principal or principal designee, at the employee's request, every two (2) years. With agreement of the supervisor and at the employee's request, material contained therein shall be purged, provided the material has remained in the personnel file two (2) years or longer. If agreement to purge a document is not reached between the employee and his or her principal, the employee can seek judgment from the superintendent. If the superintendent does not agree to purge the material in question, a written explanation relating why the item in question needs to remain in the employee's file from both the employee's principal and superintendent, shall be attached to the document and provided to the employee within ten (10) days. The employee then may choose to attach a statement to the material upon receiving copies of the statements written by both the superintendent and the principal within ten (10) days. If there is only one administrator, then the superintendent will become the principal designee, and the school board chair will take the place of the superintendent.
The evaluation procedures set forth herein shall be to improve the educational program by improving the quality of instruction. The evaluation process shall recognize strengths, identify areas needing improvement, and provide support for professional growth. The evaluation system will encourage respect in the evaluation process by the persons conducting the evaluations and the persons subject to the evaluation by recognizing the importance of objective standards and minimizing subjectivity. Within the selected instructional framework teachers will be allowed to exercise their professional judgment and will be evaluated on their own practice, skills, and knowledge.
The parties agree that the following evaluation system is to be implemented in a manner consistent with good faith and mutual respect, and as defined in RCW 28A.405.110 “(1) An evaluation system must be meaningful, helpful, and objective; (2) an evaluation system must encourage improvements in teaching skills, techniques, and abilities by identifying areas needing improvement; (3) an evaluation system must provide a mechanism to make meaningful distinctions among teachers and to acknowledge, recognize, and encourage superior teaching performance; and (4) an evaluation system must encourage respect in the evaluation process by the persons conducting the evaluations and the persons subject to the evaluations through recognizing the importance of objective standards and minimizing subjectivity.”
Additionally, the parties agree that the evaluation process is one, which will be implemented with collaboration between the evaluator and the bargaining unit member, as described in WAC 392-191-025:
“To identify in consultation with classroom teachers and certificated support personnel observed, particular areas in which their professional performance is satisfactory or outstanding, and particular areas in which the classroom teacher or support person needs to improve his or her performance.”
Criteria shall mean one of the eight (8) state defined categories to be scored.
Component shall mean the sub-section of each criterion.
Evaluator shall mean a certificated administrator who has been trained in observation, evaluation and the use of the specific instructional framework and rubrics contained in this agreement and any relevant state or federal requirements. All evaluators shall demonstrate competence in observing teachers with inter-rater agreement. The evaluator shall assist the teacher by providing support and resources.
Artifacts shall mean any products generated, developed or used by a certificated teacher. Artifacts should not be created specifically for the evaluation system. Additionally, tools or forms used in the evaluation process may be considered as artifacts.
Evidence shall mean examples or observable practices of the teacher’s ability and skill in relation to the instructional framework rubric. Evidence collection is not intended to mirror a Pro-Teach or National Boards portfolio but rather is a sampling of data to inform the decision about level of performance. It should be gathered from the normal course of employment. Input from students, parents or anonymous sources shall not be used as evidence.
Not Satisfactory shall mean:
Level 1: Unsatisfactory – Receiving a summative score of 1 is not considered satisfactory performance for all teachers.
Level 2: Basic – If the classroom teacher is on a continuing contract with more than five years of teaching experience and if a summative score of 2 has been received two years in a row or two years within a consecutive three-year period, the teacher is not considered performing at a satisfactory level.
Student Growth Data shall mean the change in student achievement between two points in time within the current school year, as determined by the teacher and administrator. Assessments used to demonstrate growth must predominately originate at the classroom level and be initiated by the classroom teacher. Assessments used to demonstrate growth must be appropriate, relevant, and may include both formative and summative measures.
- The state evaluation criteria are:
- Centering instruction on high expectations for student achievement,
- Demonstrating effective teaching practices,
- Recognizing individual student learning needs and developing strategies to address those needs,
- Providing clear and intentional focus on subject matter content and curriculum,
- Fostering and managing a safe, positive learning environment,
- Using multiple data elements to modify instruction and improve student learning,
- Communicating and collaborating with parents and the school community, and
- Exhibiting collaborative and collegial practices focused on improving instructional practices and student learning.
- Instructional Framework
The parties have agreed to the adopted evidence-based instructional framework developed by UW CEL 5D+ and approved by OSPI. The instructional framework is included in Appendix I.
Nothing in the instructional framework will be binding on either party if it is contrary to the terms and conditions described in this agreement.
Upon mutual agreement the parties may select a different OSPI approved instructional framework.
- Criterion Performance Scoring
If the evaluator and teacher cannot agree on a final criterion score, the following principles will apply:
See Appendix H at end of document
- Summative Performance Rating
A classroom teacher shall receive a summative performance rating for each of the eight (8) state evaluation criteria. The overall summative score is determined by totaling the eight (8) criterion-level scores as follows:
- 8-14—Unsatisfactory
- 15-21—Basic
- 22-28—Proficient
- 29-32—Distinguished
- Student Growth Criterion Score
Embedded in the instructional framework are five (5) components designated as student growth components. These components are embedded in criteria as SG 3.1, SG 3.2, SG 6.1, SG 6.2, and SG 8.1. Evaluators add up the raw score on these components and the employee is given a score of low, average or high based on the scores below:
- 5-12—Low
- 13-17—Average
- 18-20—High
Student growth data will be taken from multiple sources, and must be appropriate and relevant to the teacher’s assignment. It will include teacher initiated formal and informal assessments of student progress. Student achievement that is not calibrated to show growth between two points in time in the current school year shall not be used to calculate a teacher’s student growth criterion score.
If a teacher receives a 4 – Distinguished summative score and a Low student growth score, they must be automatically moved to the 3 – Proficient level for their summative score. If a teacher receives a 1 – Unsatisfactory on any of the five student growth components, it will trigger the student growth inquiry plan. The teacher and evaluator will mutually agree to engage in one of the following:
- Triangulate student growth measure with other evidence (including observation, artifacts and student evidence) and additional levels of student growth based on classroom, school, District and state-based tools;
- Examine extenuating circumstances possibly including: goal setting process/expectations, student attendance, and curriculum/assessment alignment;
- Schedule monthly conferences with evaluator to discuss/revise goals, progress toward meeting goals, and best practices for the following school year;
- Create and implement a professional development plan to address student growth areas.
This evaluation system only applies to classroom teachers, specifically those staff with an assigned group of students who provide academically focused instruction and grades for students.
The term “classroom teacher” does not include ESAs, librarians, media specialists, TOSAs, Instructional Coaches, Curriculum Specialists, and other bargaining unit members who do not work with regularly recurring and specifically defined groups of students. Those bargaining unit members who do not meet this definition will remain under the previous evaluation system, as defined in another section of this agreement. Counselor evaluation is included in Appendix J.
Prior to being evaluated under Article III, the District shall provide professional development relevant to the framework and evaluation process. Each teacher shall receive adequate professional development to comprehend the framework and understand the evaluation process. Such professional development shall be provided as follows:
- On the first professional development day part of the day will be spent on explaining the new evaluation and its forms.
- Professional development follow up will be provided as needed for those who ask or need it.
- As recommended by the Professional Development committee.
Each employee within fifteen (15) days of employment or within fifteen (15) days from the commencement of the school year, whichever is later, shall be given a copy of the evaluation criteria, procedures, and any relevant forms or screenshots appropriate to the teacher’s position and track in the evaluation cycle.
No teacher shall be evaluated by an evaluator who has not been trained in observation, evaluation, and the use of the specific instructional framework and rubrics contained in this agreement and any relevant state or federal requirements. Each year, the district will provide the Association with evidence of the content and successful completion of this training by each individual serving as an observer or evaluator before any such individuals may participate in the evaluation process of bargaining unit members. This evidence will include documentation of the demonstrated competence and inter-rater agreement of each evaluator.
- Notification
The teacher will be notified within two weeks from the start of the school year of the evaluator and whether the teacher will be evaluated using a comprehensive or focused evaluation.
- Teacher Self-Assessment
- Prior to the Pre-Observation Conference, the member may complete a Self-Assessment form.
- No teacher will be required to complete or share the Self-Assessment form with his/her evaluator.
- Student Growth Goal Setting:
The teacher shall determine a student growth goal for Components SG-3.1, SG-6.1 and SG-8.1 on a Goal Setting form. The goal for SG-3.1 and SG-6.1 may be the same goal.
- Artifacts and Evidence:
- The evaluator, during observations and/or meetings, will collect and share artifacts and evidence necessary to complete the evaluation.
- The teacher may provide additional artifacts and evidence to aid in the assessment of the teacher’s professional performance against the instructional framework rubric, especially for those criteria not observed in the classroom. The evidence provided by the teacher shall be incorporated on the negotiated form prior to the post-observation conference, and be used to determine the final evaluation score.
- A teacher may, but shall not be required to submit artifacts and evidence for completion of the evaluation.
- Informal Observations
- An informal observation is a documented observation that is not required to be pre-scheduled. Additional informal observations may be necessary to collect additional evidence.
- An evaluator may conduct any number of informal observations.
- Observations do not have to be in the classroom. Department or collegial meetings may be used for Informal Observations.
- Informal observations may be documented in writing and if documented, a copy will be provided to the teacher within five (5) days of the informal observation. If there is an area of concern based upon any such informal observation, the written documentation of the observation must be provided to the teacher in order for that evidence to be used in the evaluation process.
- Any time after an informal observation a teacher may request a post-informal observation conference to discuss the informal observation.
- A second year Provisional teacher who receives a summative rating of 3 – Proficient with no components graded basic or below or 4 – Distinguished will be granted continuing contract status for the subsequent school year.
- Record-Keeping
The District shall adhere to the following:
- A copy of the final framework rubric, teacher’s written comments, if applicable, and forms shall be included in the teacher’s personnel file.
- Teachers shall have access to their eVAL account in subsequent years.
- Evaluators shall notify the teacher of any additional evidence submitted to eVAL within forty-eight (48) hours.
- Teachers shall not be required to share personal assessment information utilized within the eVAL system.
- Teachers shall not be required to use the eVAL tool if an acceptable alternative is available.
- Any and all data entered into eVAL shall be considered confidential, and not be subject to public disclosure.
- Electronic Monitoring
All observations shall be conducted openly. Mechanical or electronic devices shall not be used to listen to or record the procedures of any class without the prior knowledge and consent of the teacher.
- Alternative Evaluator
On request, teachers shall be assigned an alternative evaluator. Requests must be submitted in writing by October 1st.
A Comprehensive Evaluation will include evaluation of all eight state criteria. A teacher eligible for focused evaluations must complete a comprehensive evaluation once every six years.
- Pre-Observation Conference:
The pre-observation conference may be held prior to each formal observation. The pre-observation conference may be held during planning time or during regular contract hours. The teacher and evaluator will mutually agree when to conference. The purpose of the pre-observation conference is to discuss the employee’s goals, establish a date for the formal observation, and to discuss such matters as the professional activities to be observed, their content, objectives, strategies, and possible observable evidence to meet the scoring criteria. Inquiries for need of pre-observation conference will be initiated by administration before each formal observation.
- Formal Observations:
- The first of at least two (2) prearranged formal observations, not sooner than September 15 unless approved by the teacher, for each employee shall be conducted within the first ninety (90) days of the school year. The teacher may request additional observations. The total annual observation time cannot be less than sixty (60) minutes. An employee in the third year of provisional status as defined in RCW 28A.405.220 shall be observed at least three times in the performance of his or her duties and the total observation time for the school year shall not be less than ninety minutes. Any formal observation shall not be less than 30 minutes in length.
- The formal observations will occur no later than ten (10) days after the pre-observation meeting.
- Observations will not take place on half, early release, or late start days, the day before winter or spring break, and on days of an assembly or a modified schedule, unless agreed to by the employee.
- The evaluator will document all formal observations using the form agreed to by the employee and provide copies to the employee within three (3) days.
- The second formal observation will occur no sooner than six weeks after the first formal observation and ideally, in different semesters or trimesters so that reasonable time can be provided for continuing professional growth. The observation will occur no later than ten (10) days after the pre-observation meeting. The second formal observation can occur sooner than six weeks after the first formal observation if agreed to by the employee.
- The final formal observation shall occur prior to May 1st.
- Post-Observation Conference
- The post-observation conference between the evaluator and teacher will be held no later than five (5) days after the formal observation.
- The purpose of the post-observation conference is to review the evaluator’s and teacher’s evidence related to the scoring criteria during the observation, and to discuss the teacher’s performance.
- If there is an area of concern, the evaluator will identify specific concerns for the applicable criteria and provide possible solutions to remedy the concern in writing.
- Final Summative Evaluation Conference
- No later than May 10th the evaluator and teacher shall meet to discuss the teacher’s final summative score. The final summative score, including the student growth score, must be determined by an analysis of evidence. This analysis will take a holistic assessment of the teacher’s performance over the course of the year.
- The teacher has the right to provide additional evidence for each criterion to be scored.
- All evidence, measures and observations used in developing the final summative evaluation score must be a product of the school year in which the evaluation is conducted.
- If the evaluator assigns the teacher a final summative score below Proficient, the evaluator must provide at least three (3) pieces of evidence from at least two (2) artifacts for each criterion scored Basic or Unsatisfactory.
- The teacher will sign two (2) copies of the Final Summative Evaluation Report. Each teacher shall sign the observation and evaluation forms to indicate receipt. The signature of the teacher does not, however, necessarily imply that the employee agrees with its contents. The teacher may attach any written comments to observations and to the final annual evaluation report as well.
- Teachers shall have the right to attach additional comments or a rebuttal to the Final Summative Evaluation.
- The final Summative Evaluation Report will be given to teacher no later than May 15.
The Focused Evaluation is used when a teacher is not evaluated using the Comprehensive Evaluation process, and will include evaluation of one of the eight state criteria. According to RCW 28A.405.100, provisional teachers must complete four years on a comprehensive evaluation before moving to a focused evaluation regardless of the overall score on the comprehensive evaluation or gaining continuing status.
Continuing teachers completing a Comprehensive Evaluation with a score of Level 3 proficient, or Level 4 distinguished in the previous school year, and have been moved to a Focused Evaluation can choose to maintain no less than the same score for the subsequent school year when selecting a challenging criterion for his/her Focused Evaluation. If the teacher needs to be returned to a Comprehensive Evaluation, the teacher would be notified no later than December 15th.
If a non-provisional teacher has scored at Proficient or higher the previous year, they may choose to be evaluated using the Focused Evaluation. The teacher may remain on the Focused Evaluation for three (3) years before returning to the Comprehensive Evaluation.
The teacher or the evaluator can initiate a move from the Focused to the Comprehensive Evaluation. A decision to move a teacher from a Focused to a Comprehensive Evaluation must occur within the first ninety (90) days of the school year.
- The criterion area to be evaluated shall be proposed by the teacher prior to, or at the first pre-observation conference, and must be approved by the evaluator.
- If the employee chooses criterion 1, 2, 4, 5, or 7, they must also complete the student growth components in criterion 3 or 6.
- If the criterion selected for a focused evaluation has been determined to be non-observable, a classroom based observation will not be required.
- Observations and conferences for the focused evaluation shall follow the guidelines set forth in Section 6 – Procedural Components of Evaluation, and Section 7 – Comprehensive Evaluation Process, above.
- The score received on the selected criterion is the score assigned as the final summative score.
- A group of teachers may focus on the same evaluation criterion and share professional growth activities. This collaboration should be initiated by the teacher(s) and no individual shall be required to work on a shared goal.
- The Association will be notified when any teacher is judged below Proficient, within ten (10) school days.
- When a teacher is judged below 3 – Proficient, additional support shall be granted to the employee to support their professional development:
May include but not limited to:
- The evaluator will assign a mentor teacher.
- Monthly meetings will be held between the evaluator and the teacher to discuss the teacher’s progress.
- Professional development by outside resources will be made available to the teacher.
- In such cases that a teacher with more than five (5) years of experience receives a summative evaluation score below Proficient, the teacher must be formally observed before October 15th the following year. If the 1st Formal Observation in that following year is successful, then the teacher no longer needs a structured support plan as outlined in B above.
Before non-renewing a provisional teacher, the evaluator shall have made good faith efforts beyond the minimum requirements of the evaluation process to assist the teacher in making satisfactory progress toward remediating deficiencies. The efforts shall include:
- A completed comprehensive evaluation conducted in accordance with Section 7 above with a formal observation prior to October 15;
- Written notice to the Association and teacher that the teacher is under consideration for non-renewal by March 1, or thirty (30) calendar days after the teacher began work, whichever is later. Final notice of non-renewal will be given by May 15.
- Once the Association is informed then the teacher will be granted additional support as outlined in IX B.
At any time after October 15, a classroom teacher whose work is judged not satisfactory based on the scoring criteria shall be placed on probation and notified in writing of the specific areas of deficiencies and provided a written reasonable plan of improvement.
- A classroom teacher’s work is not judged satisfactory, and therefore shall be placed on probation, when the overall comprehensive score is 1 – Unsatisfactory. A continuing contract teacher under RCW 28A.405.210 with more than five (5) years of teaching experience whose comprehensive summative evaluation score is 2 – Basic for two (2) consecutive years or for two (2) years within a consecutive three (3) year time period shall also be placed on probation.
- Teachers may only be placed on probation from the Comprehensive evaluation system described above.
- Teachers on continuing contracts who have been assigned to teach outside of their endorsements shall not be subject to nonrenewal or probation based on evaluations of their teaching effectiveness in the out-of-endorsement assignments.
- In the event that an evaluator determines that the performance of a teacher under his/her supervision merits probation, the evaluator shall report the same in writing to the Superintendent. The report shall include the following:
- The evaluation report prepared pursuant to the provisions of Section 5, paragraph 6, and,
- A recommended specific and reasonable program designed to assist the teacher in improving his or her performance.
- If the Superintendent concurs with the administrator’s judgment that the performance of the employee is unsatisfactory, the Superintendent shall place the teacher in a probationary status for a period of not less than sixty (60) school days, any time after October 15 and before February 15. The probationary period may be extended into the following school year if the teacher has more than five (5) years of teaching experience and the final summative rating as of May 15th is 1 – Unsatisfactory. Before being placed on probation, the Association and the teacher shall be given notice of action of the Superintendent which notice shall contain the following information:
- Specific areas of performance deficiencies identified from the instructional framework;
- A suggested specific and reasonable program for improvement;
- A statement indicating the duration of the probationary period and that the purpose of the probationary period is to give the teacher the opportunity to demonstrate improvement in his/her area or areas of deficiency.
- A plan of improvement will be developed and will include the specific evaluative criteria which must be met, the measures and benchmarks which will be used to determine the teacher’s success or failure. The plan will include a system for periodic feedback during the term of probation will include supports provided and funded by the district, and the dates those supports will be put in place.
- Evaluation During the Probationary Period
- At or about the time of the delivery of a probationary letter, the evaluator shall hold a personal conference with the probationary teacher to discuss performance deficiencies and the remedial measures to be taken.
- Once the areas of deficiency and criteria for improvement have been determined, they may not be changed.
- During the probationary period the evaluator shall meet with the probationary teacher at least twice a month to supervise and make a written evaluation of the progress, if any, made by the teacher. The provisions of Section 5, paragraph 6, shall apply to the documentation of observation reports during the probationary period.
- The probationary teacher may be removed from probation at any time if he/she has demonstrated improvement to the satisfaction of the evaluator in those areas specifically detailed in his/her notice of probation.
- The probationary teacher may request that an additional certificated evaluator become part of the probationary process and the request must be granted. This evaluator will be assigned by the ESD and will be jointly selected by the district and the Association from a list of evaluation specialists compiled by the ESD. The cost will be shared by the District and the Association.
- A teacher who is on a plan of improvement must be removed from probation if he/she has demonstrated improvement in the areas prescribed as deficient. The teacher must be removed if a teacher with five (5) or fewer years of experience scores at 2-Basic or above and a teacher of more than five (5) years scores at 3-Proficient or above.
- Lack of necessary improvement during the established probationary period, as specifically documented in writing with notification to the probationer constitutes grounds for a finding of probable cause under RCW 28.A.405.300 or 28A.405.210.
- Evaluator’s Post-Probation Report
Unless the probationary teacher has previously been removed from probation, the evaluator shall submit a written report to the Superintendent at the end of the probationary period which report shall identify whether the performance of the probationary teacher has improved and which shall set forth one (1) of the following recommendations for further action:
- That the teacher has demonstrated sufficient improvement in the stated areas of deficiency to justify the removal of the probationary status; or
- That the teacher has demonstrated sufficient improvement in the stated areas of deficiency to justify the removal of the probationary status if accompanied by a letter identifying areas where further improvement is required; or
- That the teacher has not demonstrated sufficient improvement in the stated areas of deficiency and action should be taken to non-renew the employment contract of the teacher.
- Action by the Superintendent
Following a review of the report submitted pursuant to paragraph G above, the Superintendent, if there are two administrators, shall determine which of the alternative courses of action is proper and shall take appropriate action to implement such determination.
- A teacher who fails to successfully complete the probation process, as outlined above, may have his/her probationary period extended or may be recommended for non-renewal.
- Records of probation and supporting documentation for an unsatisfactory evaluation will be maintained in the teacher’s file for three (3) years and will, if no further unsatisfactory analysis is made in the interim, be removed and destroyed at the request of the employee.
When a continuing contract teacher with five (5) or more years of experience receives a comprehensive summative evaluation rating of 1 – Unsatisfactory for two (2) consecutive years, the District shall, within ten (10) days of the completion of the Final Evaluation Conference or May 15th, whichever occurs first, implement the teacher notification of non-renewal (discharge) as provided in RCW.28A.405.300.
The teacher who is, at any time, issued a written notice of probable cause for non-renewal or discharge by the Superintendent pursuant to this Article shall have ten (10) days following receipt of said notice to file any notice of appeal as provided by statute and retains all rights and timelines as provided by this Agreement.
- Evaluation results shall be used:
- To acknowledge, recognize, and encourage excellence in professional performance.
- To document the level of performance by a teacher of his/her assigned duties.
- To identify specific areas in which the teacher may need improvement according to the criteria included on the evaluation instrument.
- To document performance by a teacher judged unsatisfactory based on the District evaluation criteria.
- Beginning in 2015-2016, as one of multiple factors in Human Resources and personnel decisions only as defined elsewhere in this agreement.
- Evaluation results shall not be:
- Shared or published with any teacher identifying information.
- Shared or published without notification to the individual and Association.
- Used to determine any type of base or additional compensation.
- Evaluators shall not consider school or District-wide scores when evaluating individual scores, i.e. nothing prohibits an evaluator from evaluating all teachers as Distinguished within a school.
Reduction in work force shall be accomplished by having each employee review and sign a Staff Weighted Index Form in accordance with Appendix B. The District shall provide the form by November 1st and such form shall be returned within two (2) weeks and the Staff Weighted Index will be made available approximately six (6) weeks after the form is issued. This will allow the employee an opportunity to make plans concerning employment for the upcoming school year. All certificated employees represented under this agreement shall be ranked according to the Staff Weighted Index number. In addition, provisional, and retire/rehire certificated employees shall be designated as such on the ranking list. Certificated employees shall be placed on the ranking list starting at the highest index number descending to lowest index number. Ties shall be determined by experience within the District. Following placement, when it becomes necessary to reduce the teaching force, it shall be done so beginning with provisional status,-then all other certificated employees on the ranking list by Staff Weighted Index and certification or endorsements.
Calculation of the Staff Weighted Index
Credit/clock hours/experience submitted by the certificated employee for the Staff Weighted Index Number calculation shall be done by October 1st of each year. The Staff Weighted Index Number is defined and computed as the employee's placement upon the LEAP Certificated Seniority Schedule (Appendix C) plus .0288 x number of years of experience beyond the last experience step where the employee is on the schedule. Credit hours beyond the educational step listed on the Certificated Seniority Schedule will be times .0025 plus .0288 x number of years experience beyond the last experience step with employees on the schedule.
EXAMPLE: .0025 x hours beyond step
plus .0288 x year experience beyond step
John has 19 credits beyond BA+45 with 19 years experience.
.0025 x 19 credits = .0475
.0288 x 8 years = .2304
STAFF WEIGHTED INDEX NUMBER .2779 + 1.633 = 1.9109
If the employee with the lowest Staff Weighted Index Number has an assignment or assignments that require special certification or endorsements and no other certificated employee has the required certification or endorsements, the low-ranked employee shall retain his or her position and the next higher Staff Weighted Index Number shall be used instead.
Placement Criteria
All employees retained shall hold certification as required by the State Office of Public Instruction and/or Federal Program requirement.
Those employees presently teaching at an assigned teaching position for the ensuing school year will be notified by May 15th, in writing, of non-renewal by the Board.
Acceptance of contract employment as a certificated employee in any other school district while on non-renewal status shall constitute an automatic termination of the employment relationship as provided herein. No certificated employees will be hired by the District from outside the bargaining unit until all full-time employees on non-renewal in the employment pool shall have been determined not to be qualified for the position.
Upon request of a non-renewed certificated employee, the district shall make provision for the continuance of such employee's participation in any district group insurance program. The entire premium required shall be paid by the non-renewed employee to the district payroll office on a monthly basis as required by the payroll office.
All contracted employees shall have the right to apply for any position added to the school curriculum, provided they are qualified.
Recall shall be by inverse order according to the secondary or elementary level for which the employee is qualified. Job share positions are recognized by the individual, Association, and District as a relationship of mutual benefit. During recall, job shares are the only type of positions that may "bump" into full-time positions. The District shall give written notice of recall by sending a certified letter to the employee at his/her last known address. Any certificated employee so notified shall respond within ten (10) calendar days from receipt of said notice whether the employee accepts or rejects the position.
All non-renewed certificated employees will be retained in the District employment pool until August 1 of the following calendar year and will be placed on the substitute teacher's list for the following year.
- The District shall protect certificated employees by purchasing liability insurance in the amount of at least one million dollars ($1,000,000.) gross aggregate per occurrence and the District shall include the certificated employees as named insured under the liability insurance policy of the school district. Such liability coverage shall not substitute for an employee's liability insurance.
- Legal counsel shall be provided through insurance to any certificated employee against whom a law suit is initiated, provided such certificated employee at the time of the act or omission complained of, was acting within the scope of his employment or under the direction of the District.
To assure that pupils are taught by employees working within their areas of competence, employees shall not be assigned, except in accordance with the regulations of the State Board of Education. Employees shall be notified no later than August 15, of any changes in their programs and schedules for the ensuing school year, including teaching and any special assignments. In the event that an assignment and/or schedule change occurs following August 15, then the administration shall arrange for a conference with the affected employee.
In the determination of assignment and transfer, the requests of the employees shall be considered to the extent that these considerations do not conflict with the educational program. As to employees who desire a transfer or reassignment, the following procedure shall be used:
- The employee shall send a letter to the Superintendent by February 15, which shall be kept on file by the district. This will provide an employee who wants to transfer to another assignment the opportunity to keep the administration informed on a regular basis.
- The Superintendent or his designee shall notify each employee when the position is open.
To insure that employees are given every consideration in filling any vacancies or newly created positions, which occur at any time within the District, the following procedures shall be used:
- All vacancies and new positions shall be publicized to certificated employees when a position becomes available.
- Said notice of vacancy or new position shall clearly set forth the job description for the position and the instructions for applying.
- All vacancies or new positions shall be filled on the basis of qualification for the position.
- The District shall fill vacancies and new positions with their present employees after due consideration of all factors whenever practical.
- If an employee is reassigned to substitute for an administrator who is absent, the District shall compensate the employee for any time spent preparing lesson plans and activities for the day(s) missed and for any follow-up time that may be encountered as a result of fulfilling the obligations of a principal. The rate shall be paid at per diem rate.
Individual Employee's contract
The District shall provide each employee a contract with all assignments indicated therein and in conformity with Washington State Law and the terms of this Agreement. If any individual certificated employee contract contains any language inconsistent with this Agreement, this agreement during its duration shall be controlling.
Certificated employees shall receive full credit for each year of previous teaching experience.
Educational Training Notification
Advancement of an employee on the salary schedule due to receiving additional certification, degrees, and/or college course credits shall be submitted to the Superintendent (for the purposes of September salary adjustments) by September 30th. In the event the State Office of Public Instruction and/or College/University does not issue such verification in a timely manner, the affected employee(s) may submit interim evidence of such attainment and/or correspondence which shall satisfy the District notification requirement until official documentation is received, prior to October first, by said employee(s). The documentation shall be promptly submitted to the Superintendent.
Supplementary contracts
Supplementary contracts (see Appendix D) will be issued to employees for counseling, Career & Technical Education, and co-curricular assignments. Such contracts shall be issued in conformity with and subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement supplementary contracts are negotiable each year· providing there is no levy failure the year preceding the school year they would be given.
If funds become available through the budgeting process, supplementary contract days may be added to the contract, not to exceed the number of days listed below:
Counseling 10 (or per cent of involvement in assignment)
CTE Family & Consumer 6 (6 minimum or amount provided by Career & Technical Education
Science Education standards)
CTE Business & Marketing Ed. 4
CTE Agriculture Education 40
If the district reserve drops below 2%, then supplemental days may be cut before reduction of staff is instituted.
Standards for Career & Technical Education Procedure
State requirements and guidelines will be followed. When openings for Career &Technical Education teachers occur, all other sources of certificated personnel shall be exhausted before any non-degree person may be employed as a Career & Technical Education teacher.
Dual Credit Classes
Any certificated employees that teach dual credit classes (College in the High School) will be approved up to 8 hours of extra time to meet the requirements of the college or institute in which the course is being offered. This time will need to be pre-approved with the building administrator and a time sheet will need to be submitted.
Payday for teachers will be on the last weekday of each month. If a holiday occurs on the last weekday of a month, payday will be the last weekday before the holiday. If district cash flow allows, the December payday will be the last working day before Winter vacation.
Length of Work Year
The length of the regular employee contract shall be one hundred eighty (180) days plus the number of PD days funded by the State. Any extension of contracted days by the District shall be computed on 1/183 days.
Snow days or other emergency school closure days will be made up during the floating holiday(s), or at the end of the year, rather than interfering with vacations.
Length of Work Day
The expected certificated employee workday will be seven hours and thirty-five minutes (7:35) to include a complete seven (7) period day. This accommodates a seven (7) period day and additional passing time. This includes a thirty-minute duty-free lunch period. Certificated employees shall begin their workday thirty (30) minutes before the students' school day begins and shall be available thirty (30) minutes after the students are dismissed.
In regard to delayed opening and/or early dismissal days, the workday of certificated employees shall begin thirty (30) minutes before the scheduled student starting time and will end with the scheduled student dismissal time on each day.
Certificated employees at the secondary level shall have a preparation period equal to a regular class period during each regular instructional day.
Certificated employees at the grade school will receive an average of 35 minutes of preparation time on each full day of school. Some days will be slightly less than 35 minutes and some days slightly more. If a staff member agrees, he or she may not have planning time on a specific day of each week if extra time is provided on a different day of each week. In order to preserve the preparation time for elementary teachers, the district will ensure that a substitute is provided in the event that the regular specialist (i.e. library, art, physical education, etc.) is absent.
Elementary certificated employees shall not be required to perform noon playground activity supervision.
Certificated staff will be compensated at per diem rate if they have been asked by the administration to cover another classroom during their scheduled prep period. Compensation will be given if the following have taken place:
- All attempts have been made to secure a sub
- Emergency situations
Compensation will not be given when other certified employees request coverage for personal obligations such medical appointments, hair appointments, leave to watch child play, or other family commitments.
Additional Pay
Certificated staff will be compensated at per diem rate for time spent in professional development that has been organized and/or dictated by the district and occurs outside of their regular contracted hours.
Certificated employees will be paid at a rate of $35.00/hr for other duties that occur outside of the regular contract hours. This may include, but not limited to Friday School, curriculum training, etc.
School Start Time
Pomeroy School District and GCEA agree to start instruction at 8:25 A.M. in both buildings.
School Calendar
The school calendar is attached as Appendix E. Both parties, being the Association and the District, shall organize and submit for negotiation, a calendar proposal for the following school year. Negotiations shall begin by March 1st.
Weather-Related Issues
At times, it is necessary for the District's representatives to cancel school bus runs or delay school bus runs due to weather conditions. If the buses run on a delayed or no-run schedule, then the start time of the school district shall be delayed by two hours.
Any half day of school cancelled due to inclement weather conditions will be made up by scheduling a full day of school if all flex days have been used. Staff, who would lose three (3) hours for grade prep, would be reimbursed at per diem rate with completion of an extra time sheet. Staff, who would lose three (3) hours of professional development, will not make up the PD time. Time will be made up in the extra day being scheduled if all flex days have been used.
All economic items provided by the State of Washington shall be provided for the certificated employees by the District.
- Certificated Salary Schedule (see Appendix F)
- Co-Curricular Salary Schedule (see Appendix)
The District shall contribute the amount paid by the state toward premium costs of all mutually accepted insurance programs. In addition, the District shall contribute 100% per month up to $71 per FTE towards the retiree health care subsidy.
Premium payments shall cover a full twelve-month period commencing November 1st and ending October 31st. If an employee terminates his employment prior to June, coverage of insurance shall terminate at the end of the month in which termination occurs. Annual enrollment for employees’ group insurance programs shall normally be during the month of September, beginning September 1st and ending September 30th. The enrollment of newly employed employees shall begin with their employment and shall be completed within thirty (30) days thereof.
Terms of employment are defined as follows:
- Full-time: A certificated employee who is employed for a full day under a regular contract. B. Less than full-time: A certificated employee who is employed less than full time but at least half-time under a regular contract.
- Months of employment: All certificated personnel who complete a regular contract will be considered to be employed during the months of June, July and August, and will be eligible for District participation in their hospital and medical programs for these months also.
Certificated employees of the District who are husband and wife may elect to combine the District contribution on any of the above insurance programs.
Employees may participate in tax-sheltered annuity programs approved by the Association and the Board. Any new programs must initially have five (5) or more members (participants) in the District.
Illness. Injury. and Emergency Leave
- Twelve (12) days leave per year will be granted, accumulative, without deduction of salary for illness (mental and/or physical), injuries, and emergencies (due to a problem that has been suddenly precipitated, is unplanned, or when preplanning could not relieve the necessity for the employee's absence.) A letter of explanation documenting the need for emergency leave must be submitted to the superintendent within 48 hours after the employee has returned to work. If the superintendent denies the emergency leave request, the employee may appeal to the school board at the next regularly scheduled meeting. Certificated employees from within the State shall be granted leave credit according to State Law, which provides for transfer of accumulated leave from the previous district.
- A certificated employee employed for less than a full year, or a certificated employee under contract, as a part-time employee shall be allowed a proportionate number of sick leave days.
- The District will provide each certificated employee with an accounting of his or her accumulated leaves and all transactions concerning his or her leaves at the employee's request.
- Whenever a certificated employee is absent from employment and unable to perform duties as a result of injuries sustained in the course of employment, which are not due to the negligence of the employee, or in the event that a certificated employee has been physically disabled because of an assault on the employee's person in the course of employment, the Board will grant the injured certificated employee leave of absence with full pay for a period not to exceed an accumulation of 360 workdays for absences related to the injury, or until State Industrial payments are withdrawn, whichever occurs first.
Full Pay includes: difference between the employee's contracted salary and State Industrial with no deduction of sick pay for the disability period stipulated in paragraph one above, but in no case will the net pay be more than if the employee had not been injured. Workdays absent after
360 accumulated days will be deducted from sick leave with the employee utilizing his/her sick leave to compensate for the difference in the amount of State compensation and the employee's regular salary for at least 45 days or to the limit of the employee's accrued sick leave account. Sick leave account shall be reduced in the same ratio as the pay out from State compensation bears to the employee’s total salary. All benefits such as retirement, social security, and salary placement shall be maintained by the District. An employee who qualifies under the Washington State Teachers' retirement System and/or Washington State Industrial Insurance may elect to receive benefits under this provision, if said benefits are more beneficial.
- A certificated employee who had exhausted sick leave as a result of an illness or injury shall be granted leave with only the amount of the regular daily substitute's pay deducted from said employee's salary for a period of no more than 20 days. After the twentieth (20th) day, the District shall deduct l/180.
- Employees shall attempt to schedule medical appointments at times, which do not interrupt their contracted assignments.
- A sick-leave-pooling process will be created for teachers. Contributions to the pool will be on a voluntary basis. The process will follow any state rules and regulations that govern such sick-leave pools.
- Each time a claim is made for sick leave, the District's form Employee Status Report shall be made out on return to duty, signed by the teacher and the principal, and forwarded to the Superintendent's office.
- Sick leave in excess of five (5) consecutive school days must be verified by a written statement from a physician.
Family Illness
Employees shall be granted unlimited leave for illness within the immediate family. Any days so taken will be deducted from the employee's accumulated illness and injury leave days. "Immediate family" is defined as spouse, children, parents, brothers, sisters, and parents-in-law.
The certificated employee requesting absence for family illness must do so to the Superintendent designee as soon as possible prior to the absence taking effect.
Immediately upon return to work, proper forms must be signed and returned to the principal.
Statutory Leaves
The District and Association recognize there are several statutory leaves available to certificated employees. These leaves are available for individual circumstances and can be utilized through request to the superintendent. Both the District and Association recognize the following leaves for which statue will be followed to access the leave:
Domestic Violence Leave- for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking, or have family members who are victims of these crimes
Family Medical Leave Act - for maternity and adoption
Military Leave - personnel called to duty
Military Family Leave- for family members of military personnel
Accrued illness and injury leave may be utilized for the leaves listed above, as outlined in the statute.
The certificated employee must request leave through the Superintendent, as soon as need for the leave exists.
Bereavement Leave
A maximum of five (5) days Bereavement Leave shall be allowed for each death in the immediate family (husband, wife, mother, father, son, daughter,sister, brother, fiancé and foster child).A maximum of three (3) days Bereavement Leave shall be allowed for each death in the secondary-immediate family (mother-in-law, father-in-law, stepfather, stepmother, grandchild, grandmother, and grandfather). A maximum of one (1) day of Bereavement Leave shall be allowed for each death in the family (aunt, uncle, nephew, niece, cousin). Said leave may be taken in one-half or full-day increments. Unlimited additional Bereavement Leave days shall be granted with any days so taken being deducted from the employee's accumulated illness and injury leave days.
The teacher requesting absence for Bereavement must do so to the principal as soon as possible prior to the absence taking effect. Immediately upon return, proper forms must be signed and returned to the principal.
Personal Leave
Employees shall be granted three (3) days of personal leave to be used at the employee's discretion. A 1/2-day is intended as compensation for certificated employees for the time spent at the required open house or back to school night event. Certificated employees will be allowed to carry forward three (3) personal leave days from year to year up to a total of seven (7) days. When using accumulated leave, no more than three (3) days can be used at any one time. If more than three days is being requested approval by your building supervisor is required. Leave will only be approved if a substitute can be secured. Up to three teachers may have one (1) day of personal leave the day before or after any vacation period providing substitutes are available. No more than three (3) employees should be gone from school on the same day for personal leave unless a greater number is approved by the Superintendent. In June, employees will be allowed to cash-out up to two personal leave days for substitute pay.
Leaves of Absence or Other Leaves
- A leave of absence or other leave, up to one (1) year, subject to renewal by written request to the Board will be granted to certificated employees by the Board upon recommendation of a committee of four (4) consisting of the Superintendent, the Principal from the building in which the request originated, and two teachers who are recommended by the Association.
- The certificated employee to become eligible for consideration shall have completed two years of satisfactory teaching in the District.
- Leaves of absence may be granted for:
- Study
- Foreign teaching in service of the U.S. Government.
- Approved exchange teacher assignment.
- Injury sustained in the course of employment.
- Special cases.
- Such leaves as defined above, shall state the provisions for re-employment. A certificated employee who has been granted a leave of absence shall be re-employed in the same, or advanced position on the salary schedule if education or teaching experience has been gained while on leave, provided that the administration shall contact the employee who is on leave no later than March 1 of the year in which he is to return and the employee shall notify the Superintendent of his intent to return to employment within the District no later than March 15 of the year in which he or she will return.
Jury Duty and Subpoena Leave
- Leaves of absence for civic duty, such as jury duty shall be granted. The employee shall notify the district when notification to serve on jury is received.
- Leaves of absence with pay shall be granted when an employee is subpoenaed to appear in a court of law as long as the leave is considered civic duty.
Certificated employees receiving notice of jury duty or subpoena shall notify the Superintendent upon receipt of notification. In the case of jury duty, the employee may ask to be excused from duty through the assistance of the District.
Association Leave
A total of six (6) days of leave per school year may be provided for Association business. Leave may be granted upon Association request.
Whenever possible, notification of the leave shall be submitted by the Association President in writing to the Superintendent two (2) days before the leave is to take effect.
The Association President and the employee shall be informed of the arrangements made for the leave. The principal shall be responsible for securing a substitute where necessary, and the Association shall reimburse the District at a rate of substitute's pay for every day of such leave taken.
Noncompliance Leaves
For every day unaccounted for or in noncompliance with the leave provisions stated herein above, the District shall deduct at a rate of 1/180 days.
Collaboration Days
Excluding emergencies and school functions, employees are asked to make appointments and leave requests on different days than collaboration days, usually Wednesdays.
Notice of Retirement/Leaving the District
Certificated employees that notify the district of plans to either retire or leave the district with a formal letter by December 31st will be offered a stipend of $800. If notice is given by March 31st the employee will be offered a stipend of $500.
In order to permit freedom of access both during and after regular school hours, all employees will be given keys to their classroom, faculty lounge, work area, outside door of their assigned building, and office.
Substitutes shall be considered “casual" employees and are not part of the bargaining unit until 20 consecutive school days service with the District.
Upon completion of twenty (20) consecutive days of substituting, which may be broken by an approved absence, the substitute teachers daily rate of pay for each day of service thereafter shall be in accordance with their experience and educational position on the certificated employee’s salary schedule.
The substitute salary previous to 20 days service to the District shall be up to the state allocated amount.
The School District shall (for purposes of employee utilization of illness and injury leaves) establish an account for each certificated employee. The account shall allow unlimited accumulation of illness and injury leave at the rate of twelve (12) days per year. This account may be used by the employee for any contract-approved illness and injury leaves. The days that exceed the state limit of 180 days shall not be usable in any illness and injury leave cash-out procedure. These may only be used as actual leave days. This account shall be calculated and recorded separately from the state account, which is limited in the number of days that can be accumulated.
During the month of January each year, an employee may "cash-out" illness and injury leave days according to the following parameters and any applicable state code provisions (especially Chapter 392-136 WAC):
- "Cash-out" means to surrender days of illness and injury leave for which the District will pay the employee for each day surrendered 25% of that amount which is the employee's annual salary divided by the number of days the employee is contracted to work.
- "Employee's annual salary" means the amount the employee is paid annually exclusive of any extra-curricular pay, overtime pay, standby pay, premium pay, and any fringe benefits such as health insurance premiums.
- To be eligible for cash-out provisions other than retirement, the employee must maintain a minimum of sixty (60) days in his or her account. A minimum of more than sixty days is necessary before any leave can be cashed-out, and a minimum of sixty days must be maintained after any cash out has been completed.
- Those employees who are not retiring from service may only cash-out a maximum of twelve days in any year. The process for determining how many days of actual leave an individual employee may cash out is as follows:
- Take the number of leave days that were accumulated by the employee during the previous calendar year.
- Subtract from the previous number of days the actual number of illness and injury leave days that were used by the employee during the previous calendar year from the state account. (Those subtracted only from the separate unlimited District account shall not be considered for this purpose.)
- The remaining number of days, if a positive number, shall constitute the number of leave days that are eligible to be cashed-out.
- An employee wishing to cash-out illness and injury leave shall notify the District in writing of his or her intent to do so during the month of January. Such notice shall specify the number of days the employee wishes to cash-out.
- Upon retirement from service, any employee shall have the right to cash-out his or her entire state illness and injury leave account at the 25% conversion rate defined in parameter No. 1.
- In the case of an employee's death, his or her illness and injury leave account shall be cashed out and paid to his or her estate.
- The money generated by any cash-out shall be payable by the District to the employee at the next payday after the cash-out is accomplished. Any such payments shall not come from what is known commonly as the state "salary pool."
- When illness and injury leave days are cashed-out, the state account (limited to 180 days accumulation) shall be debited. As long as the employee's account with the District has more than 180 days, however, any days that are actually used by the employee shall be subtracted only from the District (unlimited) account.
Certificated employees new to the district shall be compensated for one (1) day at per diem for the purpose of orientation procedures paid at the lowest range on the salary schedule regardless of the number of years of experience.
- All beginning employees that are hired by the District shall be assigned a peer mentor.
- Assignment of mentor: When a mentor is needed, the principal, after consultation with the GCEA building representative, will assign a volunteer /mentor from the mentor list. Designated mentors must be employees with at least three years of satisfactory evaluations in the District.
- Duties of the mentor/ men tee partnership: Mentors are to assist with the induction of new employees into the organization of the District/ School/ Department. Mentors will maintain communication and facilitate the mentor/ mentee partnership throughout the school year. The partnership will participate in an end-of-the-year
debriefing with the building principal and superintendent for the purpose of adding to the District mentor/ mentee resource packet.
- Funding priority: Assignment of mentors shall be as follows:
- Beginning teachers (see number 1)
- Experienced teachers new to the District that request a mentor teacher
- District teachers who are reassigned or transferred to a different building and/or transferred to a significantly different teaching assignment that request a mentor teacher
- District teachers feel they are in need of assistance and who request a mentor
- Confidentiality: It is the professional obligation of mentors to maintain confidentiality except when the Code of Professional Conduct (WAC 180-87) requires otherwise.
- Financial Commitment: The District shall provide the following:
- Mentor Stipend: $600/school year or an equivalent pro-rated amount
- Mentee Stipend: $400/school year or an equivalent pro-rated amount
- Partnership: At least one release day will be provided for the mentor and the trainee. All reasonable travel costs for the partnership to attend a workshop, visitation, etc. will be paid for by the District.
- The stipend amounts may be higher if the District receives a Teacher
Assistance Program (TAP) grant.
- Financial commitment from the district will be contingent upon the district reserve being above 4 %.
- Teachers who desire a mentor after reviewing sub-section 2 above shall make his or her request to his or her building principal.
3.20SECTION 20: Time and Responsibility
The three (3) days, formerly known as “deemed done” are now part of the base contract and salary schedule.
Classroom exclusions
After attempting at least one other form of discipline, as set forth in this procedure, teachers have statutory authority to exclude a student from the teacher's classroom or instructional or activity area for behavioral violations that disrupt the educational process while the student is under the teacher's immediate supervision in accordance with this policy and procedure and building discipline standards. Additionally, the district authorizes building principals to administer classroom exclusion with the same authority and limits of authority as classroom teachers. As stated in policy 3241, the Superintendent, school principals, and certificated staff will work together to develop definitions and consensus on what constitutes behavioral violations that disrupt the educational process to reduce the effect of implicit or unconscious bias.
Except for emergency circumstances, the teacher or other school personnel must first attempt one or more other forms of discipline to support the student in meeting behavioral expectations before considering using classroom exclusion. Classroom exclusion may be administered for all or any portion of the balance of the school day. Classroom exclusion does not encompass removing a student from school, including sending a student home early or telling a parent to keep a student at home, based on a behavioral violation. Removing a student from school constitutes a suspension, expulsion, or emergency expulsion and must include the required notification and due process outlined in the procedures below.
The school will provide the student an opportunity to make up any assignments and tests missed during a classroom exclusion. The district will not administer other forms of discipline or classroom exclusions, in a manner that would result in the denial or delay of a nutritionally adequate meal to a student or prevent a student from accomplishing a specific academic grade, subject, or graduation requirements.
Following the classroom exclusion of a student, the teacher (or other school personnel as identified) must report the classroom exclusion, including the behavioral violation that led to the classroom exclusion, to the principal or the principal’s designee as soon as reasonably possible. The principal or designee must report all classroom exclusions, including the behavioral violation that led to it to the Superintendent. Classroom exclusion under the behavioral violation category of “other” is insufficient.
The teacher, principal, or the principal’s designee must notify the student’s parents regarding the classroom exclusion as soon as reasonably possible. As noted above, the district must ensure that this notification is in a language and form (i.e. oral or written) the parents understand.
When the teacher or other authorized school personnel administers a classroom exclusion because the student’s presence poses an immediate and continuing danger to other students or school personnel, or an immediate and continuing threat of material and substantial disruption of the educational process:
(a) The teacher or other school personnel must immediately notify the principal or the principal’s designee; and
(b) The principal or the principal’s designee must meet with the student as soon as reasonably possible and administer appropriate discipline.
The district will address student and parent grievances regarding classroom exclusion through the district’s following grievance procedures.
In general, teachers should have only one student teacher per year. An exception to this practice must be approved by the teacher and the principal.
Assignments of student teachers shall be made with the agreement of the master teacher at least fourteen (14) days prior to the beginning date of the student teaching assignment. The fourteen (14) day notice may be waived by mutual agreement.
The District shall reimburse certificated employees for the use of their private vehicle when the use of such vehicle has been previously authorized by the Board or its agent and the certificated employee has presented the District with the required validation forms for reimbursement. The rate shall be the current maximum state rate per mile. All necessary costs will be paid for District-approved travel. Meals will be reimbursed according to the meal rates that are listed on the Washington State Department of transportation website: http://www .wsdot.gov/biz/travel.htm
Teachers who travel on District business shall have use of a District credit card for all purchases necessary for the travel except any purchases or payments for which a District purchase order can be used. Each teacher who uses such a credit card has the responsibility of checking the card out through the office and checking it back in upon returning. Each teacher using the credit card also has the responsibility of following any District guidelines on expenditures.
The District shall provide $3,000 for university or college tuition reimbursement (for the improvement and/or enhancement of professional skills) during each year of the current agreement. Any employee may apply for reimbursement for up to half of the cost of tuition. Reimbursement will be paid in the fall of each year for the preceding year.
Curriculum and Improvement of Instruction Meetings
- The Superintendent may grant leave with pay to certificated employees to attend conferences, workshops, or conventions if such meetings are for curriculum, improvement of instruction, or within the job description of the employee.
- Requests to attend such meetings shall be made to the Superintendent of Schools not less than one (1) week prior to the date of the meeting unless mutually agreed to.
- The district shall pay transportation cost within a radius of 350 miles. Cost for the additional mileage will be paid by the certificated employee.
It is recognized that an effective staff development program is necessary to provide continuing opportunities for the professional growth of certificated teachers. Therefore, certificated employees shall be surveyed periodically to determine staff development needs. Such surveying, planning, and implementation may be with the assistance of the Association, other agencies, or colleges and universities.
- The Association and District will jointly create a Professional Development Committee. The PD committee will meet three (3) times a year. PD chairperson will send a survey to all staff by April 15th for PD direction for the upcoming year.
- Staff development activities shall cover the following areas:
- Released time for classroom observation and
- Released time for staff development
- Workshops and classes designed to meet student
- Consultant and material assistance for certificated employees involved in curriculum innovation and change.
- The Association may recommend to the District topics for after school courses, workshops, conferences, and programs designed to improve the quality of instruction.
- In the implementation of new curriculum, the District shall develop and implement an in-service training program for any certificated teacher(s) who will be responsible for the new curriculum
- Professional development is a joint venture between the District and Association, as it encourages professional Certificated employees are required to attend planned activities unless a bona fide emergency exists, in which illness, injury, and emergency leave may be taken to excuse the absence.
- The District shall grant certificated employees in-service credit for attendance and/or participation at professional conferences, training sessions, and/or curriculum development activities. Ten (10) clock hours equals one-quarter hour credit; fifteen (15) clock hours equals one semester hour credit. Such credit shall apply to salary schedule advancement as long as the State of Washington recognizes the clock hours or credits for salary purposes.
THIS AGREEMENT shall remain in full force and effect from September 1, 2022, to and including August 31, 2025. Either party may, upon written notice, no later than sixty (60) days before the date of expiration, give notice of its intent to negotiate a successor Agreement.
Effective on or before June 1, 2023, and again on or before June 1, 2024, this Agreement may be reopened for the purpose of negotiating economic items, fringe benefits including health care benefits, school calendar, legislative impact items, and other matters as mutually agreed.
Ratified by the Garfield County Education Association, May 17, 2022.
Ratified by the Pomeroy School District Board of Directors, June 23, 2022.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereunto set their hands and seal this day of
, 2022.
Chairman, Board of Directors
Executive Officer, Garfield County Education Association
Superintendent of Schools
This form is to be utilized in initiating a grievance pursuant to the grievance procedure.
The completed, signed Grievance Review Form must be submitted in presenting a grievance at Steps 1, 2, 3. The form must be addressed to the appropriate personnel.
TO: Name Title
POSITION: (or title)
- Consistent with the procedure for adjusting grievances, I have taken the following actions: (Indicate specifically by name and title who has officially reviewed the grievance to date.)
Step 1
Step 2
- The nature of my grievance is:
- The adjustment I am seeking is:
Your current placement on the Leap Certificated Seniority Schedule by column and experience step:
Staff Weighted
Index Number Name Column Experience Step
State the number of hours of college quarter hours above the position that you hold.
(1) Number of hours
(2) Are all of your college credits now on file with the district personnel office?
Yes[] No[] (Check one)
(3) All credits to be counted must be accepted by the District.
(4) All ce1tificated employees shall receive full credit for each year of previous teaching experience.
The Staff Weighted Index Number is defined and computed as the employee's placement upon Certificated Seniority Schedule (Appendix C) plus .0288 x number of years of experience beyond the last experience step where the employee is on the schedule. Credit hours beyond the educational step listed on the Certificated Seniority Schedule will be times .0025 plus .0288 x number of years experience beyond the last experience step with employees on the schedule.
EXAMPLE: .0025 x hours beyond step
plus .0288 x year experience beyond step
John has 19 credits beyond BA+45 with 19 years experience.
.0025 x 19 credits= .0475
.0288 x 8 years = .2304
STAFF WEIGHTED INDEX NUMBER .2779 + 1.633 = 1.9109
Experience BA BA+I5 BA+30 BA+45 BA+90 BA+135 MA MA+45 MA+90 PhD PhD+45
0 1.000 1.027 1.055 1.083 1.173 1. 231 1.173 1. 244 1.305 1.305 1.368
1 1. 037 1.065 1.094 1.124 1. 217 1. 276 1. 217 1.290 1.353 1.353 1. 419
2 1. 075 1.104 1.134 1.167 1.262 1. 323 1.262 1.338 1. 403 1.403 1.471
3 1.115 1.145 1.176 1.211 1. 308 1.372 1.308 1. 387 1.455 1.455 1.526
4 1.156 1.188 1.220 1. 257 1.357 1. 423 1. 357 1. 438 1.509 1.509 1. 582
5 1.199 l.232 1. 265 1. 305 1. 407 1. 476 1. 407 1.492 1.664 1. 664 l.641
6 1. 244 1.277 1. 312 1. 355 1. 459 1.530 1. 459 1. 547 1. 622 1.622 1. 701
7 1. 290 1. 324 1.360 1. 406 1.513 1.587 1. 513 1.604 1.682 1.682 l.764
8 1. 337 1. 373 1. 410 1. 460 1.569 1. 646 1.569 1.663 1. 745 1. 745 1.830
9 1. 424 1. 463 1.515 1. 627 1. 707 1.627 1. 725 1.809 1.809 1.897
10 1.517 1.573 1. 687 1. 770 l.687 1. 789 l.876 1.876 l.968
11 l.633 1.750 1.835 l.750 1. 855 1.945 1.945 2.040
12 1.815 1.903 l.815 1.924 2.017 2.017 2.116
13 1.882 1.973 l.882 1.995 2.092 2.092 2.194
14 2.046 l.951 2.069 2.169 2.169 2.275
Hours listed are quarter hours.
.0288 will be added for each year of experience beyond the stated number in any column.
.0025 X hours beyond educational step.
Pomeroy School District No. 110, Garfield County (Party of the first part), and <Employee> (Party of the second part), affecting the contract year <Year> to <Year>.
The school district agrees to pay to <Employee> a total of $<Amount> at the rate of $<Rate> for each of <Months> for performing the following services:
(Describe in full: Give specific instructions, including a statement of duties, the ends to be achieved and the amount of time to be spent.)
This contract, relating to interscholastic and/or extra-curricular services is issued pursuant to
RCW 28A.405.240 and is not a continuing contract within the scope of RCW 28A.67.070.
Chairman, Board of Directors
Pomeroy School District No. (Employee)
(Employee's Address and Telephone Number) (Date)
-Legislative Final-
LEAP Document 1
Table Of Staff Mix Factors For Certificated Instructional Staff
***Education Experience***
0 |
1.00000 |
1.02701 |
1.05499 |
1.08304 |
1.17303 |
1.23099 |
1.19891 |
1.28891 |
1.34693 |
1.01346 |
1.04084 |
1.06918 |
1.09846 |
1.18939 |
1.24704 |
1.21224 |
1.30317 |
1.36079 |
2 |
1.02628 |
1.05393 |
1.08257 |
1.11411 |
1.20478 |
1.26303 |
1.22566 |
1.31632 |
1.37458 |
3 |
1.03950 |
1.06741 |
1.09636 |
1.12890 |
1.21940 |
1.27905 |
1.23838 |
1.32881 |
1.38850 |
4 |
1.05246 |
1.08160 |
1.11072 |
1.14439 |
1.23542 |
1.29551 |
1.25171 |
1.34274 |
1.40286 |
5 |
1.06585 |
1.09513 |
1.12454 |
1.16008 |
1.25077 |
1.31206 |
1.26526 |
1.35599 |
1.41728 |
6 |
1.07961 |
1.10825 |
1.13866 |
1.17597 |
1.26623 |
1.32785 |
1.27915 |
1.36942 |
1.43100 |
7 |
1.10379 |
1.13286 |
1.16367 |
1.20301 |
1.29461 |
1.35793 |
1.30517 |
1.39673 |
1.46008 |
8 |
1.13919 |
1.16984 |
1.20138 |
1.24398 |
1.33681 |
1.40246 |
1.34610 |
1.43896 |
1.50458 |
9 |
1.20814 |
1.24125 |
1.28538 |
1.38038 |
1.44826 |
1.38747 |
1.48253 |
1.55041 |
10 |
1.28158 |
1.32891 |
1.42517 |
1.49532 |
1.43104 |
1.52733 |
1.59744 |
II |
1.37371 |
1.47207 |
1.54362 |
1.47584 |
1.57423 |
1.64574 |
12 |
1.41708 |
1.52023 |
1.59391 |
1.52240 |
1.62236 |
1.69607 |
13 |
1.56956 |
1.64544 |
1.57060 |
1.67169 |
1.74756 |
14 |
1.61913 |
1.69890 |
1.62022 |
1.72451 |
1.80105 |
15 |
1.66126 |
1.74310 |
1.66233 |
1.76934 |
1.84788 |
16 or more |
1.69447 |
1.77794 |
1.69557 |
1.80472 |
1.88482 |
For credits earned after the BA degree but before the MA degree, all credits with excess of 45 may be counted after the MA degree.
LEAP Document I is referenced in the 2009-11 Omnibus Operating Budget (ESHB 1244).
Co-Curricular Salary 2013-2016
0.0177 |
0.0187 |
0.0197 |
0.0217 |
0.0237 |
0.0257 |
0.5 |
0.01 |
0.01 |
0.01 |
0.01 |
0.01 |
0.01 |
1 |
0.02 |
0.02 |
0.02 |
0.02 |
0.02 |
0.02 |
1.5 |
0.03 |
0.03 |
0.03 |
0.03 |
0.04 |
0.04 |
2 |
0.04 |
0.04 |
0.04 |
0.04 |
0.05 |
0.05 |
2.5 |
0.04 |
0.05 |
0.05 |
0.05 |
0.06 |
0.06 |
3 |
0.05 |
0.06 |
0.06 |
0.07 |
0.07 |
0.08 |
3.5 |
0.06 |
0.07 |
0.07 |
0.08 |
0.08 |
0.09 |
4 |
0.07 |
0.07 |
0.08 |
0.09 |
0.09 |
0.10 |
4.5 |
0.08 |
0.08 |
0.09 |
0.10 |
0.11 |
0.12 |
5 |
0.09 |
0.09 |
0.10 |
0.11 |
0.12 |
0.13 |
Base = |
32,746 |
0 (entry) |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Level |
0.5 |
$290 |
$306 |
$323 |
$355 |
$388 |
$421 |
1 |
$580 |
$612 |
$645 |
$711 |
$776 |
$842 |
1.5 |
$869 |
$919 |
$968 |
$1066 |
$1164 |
$1262 |
2 |
$1159 |
$1225 |
$1290 |
$1421 |
$1552 |
$1683 |
2.5 |
$1449 |
$1531 |
$1613 |
$1776 |
$1940 |
$2104 |
3 |
$1739 |
$1837 |
$1935 |
$2131 |
$2328 |
$2525 |
3.5 |
$2029 |
$2143 |
$2258 |
$2487 |
$2716 |
$2946 |
4 |
$2318 |
$2449 |
$2580 |
$2842 |
$3104 |
$3366 |
4.5 |
$2608 |
$2756 |
$2903 |
$3198 |
$3492 |
$3787 |
5 |
$2898 |
$3062 |
$3225 |
$3553 |
$3880 |
$4208 |
Activity |
Level |
Activity |
Level |
Elem. Know. Bowl |
1 |
Junior Class |
1 |
Music |
4 |
Senior Class |
1.5 |
Concession Stand |
5 |
Knowledge Bowl |
2 |
Yearbook |
4 |
Elem. ASB Advisor |
2.0 |
Jr/Sr High ASB Advisor |
3.5 |
Committee Chairperson |
.5-increase to level 3 never getting paid less then previous year |
- Credit will be given for similar experience and responsibility in Pomeroy or other educational systems.
- Committees are, but not limited to, Safety, LIT, Curriculum, and Professional Development.
Note: If an opening occurs in the concession stand or committee chairperson, certificated staff covered by the PSD/GCEA Agreement will be given first opportunity to apply to fill the vacancy. If no certificated staff member applies, the position will then be advertised to other employees.
Scoring Models/Concepts
Model #1:
- When there is more than one (1) component, if a 4 – Distinguished is scored, the overall criterion score cannot be lower than 2 – Basic.
- When there is more than one (1) component, if a 1 – Unsatisfactory is scored, the overall criterion score cannot be higher than 3 – Proficient.
- Each rating will be assigned the following numeric values:
- Unsatisfactory – 1
- Basic – 2
- Proficient – 3
- Distinguished – 4
- When there are two (2) components to a criterion, the average of the two scores will be the final criterion score.
- When there are three (3) or five (5) components to a criterion, the median score will be the final criterion score.
- When there are four (4) components to a criterion, the average of the two (2) median scores will be the final criterion score.
- When a final criterion score includes a fractional number (for example 2.3), all scores with fractions below .5 will be rounded down and all fractions .5 or above will be rounded up, for example, a score of 2.33 would receive a final criterion score of 2 and a score of 2.5 would receive a final criterion score of 3.
Pomeroy School District 110
Final Evaluation Form
Comprehensive/Focused Evaluation
Criterion 1: Expectations – Centering instruction on high expectations for student achievement.
P1- Learning target(s) connected to standards
P4- Communication of learning target(s)
P5- Success criteria
CEC2- Learning routines
Criterion 1 Score
Criterion 2: Instruction – Demonstrating effective teaching practices.
SE1- Quality of questioning
SE4- Opportunity and support for participation and meaning making
SE5- Student talk
CP5- Use of scaffolds
Criterion 2 Score
Criterion 3: Differentiation – Recognizing individual student learning needs and developing
strategies to address those needs.
______ SE2- Ownership of learning
SE4- Capitalizing on students’ strengths
CP4- Differentiated instruction for students
A4- Teacher use of formative assessment data
SG-3.1: Recognizing individual student needs & developing strategies to address
needs Establish Student Growth Goal
SG-3.2: Recognizing individual student needs & developing strategies to address
needs Achievement Student Growth Goal
Criterion 3 Score Student Growth Score
Criterion 4: Content Knowledge - Providing clear and intentional focus on subject matter and
content and curriculum.
______ P2- Lessons connected to previous and future lesson, broader purpose and transferable skill
CP1- Alignment of instructional materials and tasks
CP2- Teacher knowledge of content
CP3- Discipline-specific teaching approaches
P3- Design of performance task
Criterion 4 Score
Criterion 5: Learning Environment – Fostering and managing a safe, positive learning environment.
CEC1- Classroom arrangement and resources
CEC3- Use of learning time
CEC4- Student status
CEC5- Norms for learning
Criterion 5 Score
Criterion 6: Assessment – Using multiple student data elements to modify instruction and improve
student learning
A1- Student self-assessment
A2- Student use of formative assessment over time
A3- Quality of formative assessment methods
A5- Collection systems for formative assessment data
SG-6.1: Multiple student data elements to modify instruction and improve student
learning Establish Student Growth Goal
SG-6.2: Multiple student data elements to modify instruction and improve student
learning Achievement of Student Growth Goal
Criterion 6 Score Student Growth Score
Criterion 7: Families and Community – Communicating and collaborating with parents and the
school community
PCC2- Communication and collaboration with parents and guardians
PCC3- Communication within the school community about student progress
Criterion 7 Score
Criterion 8: Professional Practice – Exhibiting collaborative and collegial practices focused on
improving instructional practice and student learning.
______ PCC1- Collaboration with peers and administrators to improve student learning.
PCC4- Support of school, district and state curricula, policies and initiatives
PCC5- Ethics and advocacy
SG-8.1: Exhibiting collaborative and collegial practices focused on
improving instructional practice and student learning
Criterion 8 Score
Total Score Total Score Total Score
Comprehensive Guideline Student Growth Guideline Focused Guideline
8-14—Unsatisfactory 5-12 – Low* 1 – Unsatisfactory
15-21—Basic 13-17 – Average 2 – Basic
22-28—Proficient 18-20 – High 3 – Proficient
29-32—Distinguished 4 – Distinguished
*A score of 1 in any student growth component results in a Low Student Growth Rating, regardless of overall score
(teacher name) is rated for the (school year)
Teacher signature Date
Principal signature Date
*focused evaluation will use this same form but focus on one criterion if 3,6 or 8 is used, or focus on two criterion if 1,2,4,5, or 7 is used (student growth goals from criterion 3 or 6 would have to be added)