Coaches Handbook
Mission Statement for Pomeroy School District Extra-Curricular Athletics:
The mission of the Pomeroy School District extra-curricular athletics program is to expand and compliment the school's overall mission of educating its students.
To implement this mission the Pomeroy School District will:
(a) Encourage students to strive for excellence through competition as the foremost goal.
(b) Help students set goals for athletic achievement that will aid students in developing the proper respect of hard work, discipline, and sacrifice that are necessary for achieving results.
(c) Enable students to become physically fit and to learn appreciation for wellness through exercise.
(d) Teach students (through preparing and participating in sporting competition) the social skills that transfer to living in our society -- these skills include communicating effectively, understanding group dynamics, developing positive personal attitudes, building leadership traits, having compassion for others, and learning to respect authority.
Philosophy of Implementation of the Mission
Unlike the structured curriculum in our schools, athletics may not be able to serve every student. However, because Pomeroy is a small school, a majority of students can be served through participation is some aspect of the overall program. Sub-varsity programs should provided the opportunity for participation by as many students as possible while developing their athletic abilities. Varsity programs will serve as a focus for individual athletic achievement and team success.
Of utmost importance is student understanding that participation in school athletics is a privilege earned through proper academic achievement and proper personal conduct. Once a student earns the right to play, he or she then has the responsibility to represent the school in a manner that reflects positively on the community.
Chain of Communication for Athletic Extra-Curricular Activities:
Because of the nature of school sports and sports competition, misunderstandings and disagreements can arise among the various parties involved (coach, player, parent, administrator, and school board). The chain of command is a communication process that will be publicized to players and parents in order to resolve concerns at the lowest possible level with the coach.
To deal with these concerns in the most effective and efficient (orderly) manner, there needs to be a proper chain of communication. The following flow chart represents a process for flow of communication whereby any of the aggrieved parties should understand how to bring a question of complaint for consideration. Simply, information should flow from one end of the chain to the other.
School Board |
Superintendent |
Principal |
Athletic Director |
Coach |
Assistant Coach |
Parent/Player |
The coach is directly in charge of team members. Concerns at this level, by a player or a player's parent, should be directed to the coach as the primary step towards a solution. If a satisfactory result cannot be achieved, the next step in the chain is in order. While moving up the chain it is recommended that all parities, including the coach be present for discussion.
This movement up the chain should also be used in all cases where a confrontational atmosphere is evident. In addition, any complaint from an organized group should be directed to the coach in the presence of the athletic director as well.
Formal meetings between parties should be properly documented. If a situation is not remedied at the lower levels of the chain, this process can be followed to the top of the chain. Ultimately, the concern could be aired in a formal meeting of the school board. Though a rarity, such a meeting should include all parties that have been involved with this complaint or concern.
If any level of the chain has been passed over, it is the responsibility of the superior who received the complaint to redirect the persons involved to the appropriate level. Since, communication in a small community is often of an informal nature, exception to this chain of communication will take place. For example, a parent may try to communicate directly to a school board member, superintendent, or principal. An appropriate response would be "I appreciate your concern, but you must first take your concern to the proper level. If you would like, I can set up a meeting for you."
This chain should also be used when someone in the middle of the chain needs to express a concern. An individual's first step would be to address his or her immediate supervisor. If not satisfied, a further step up the chain is in order.
Finally, it should be noted that the chain of communication works both ways. Someone at the top of the chain must also direct a concern through the proper links of the chain. For example, if the school board has a concern with a coach, it needs to first address the superintendent. The superintendent in turn would pass that concern on through the chain to the coach.
At any point in the chain, if the authority involved chooses to expedite the process, he/she may pass the responsibility to the next higher level with permission form the aggrieved party as well as his/her superior. For example, if a situation seems very serious, an athletic director who has been called into the situation may opt to invite the principal/superintendent to the meeting. At such a meeting, all links of the chain involved should be present.
By making proper use of this chain of communication, most concerns or problems should be remedied with the beginning steps. If a serious problem does arise, all parties have been given ample opportunity to state their case. Each step will be properly documented for final consideration.
Coaching Authority:
To help implement the philosophy of the Pomeroy School District Extra-Curricular Athletics Mission Statement, an identification of coaching authority must be stated. The philosophy, among other things says, "sub-varsity programs should provide the opportunity for participation by as many students as possible while developing their athletic abilities. Varsity programs will serve as a focus for individual athletic and team achievement."
Coaching authority is as follows: the head coach of each sport has the responsibility and authority to help facilitate a sequence of skills and strategies to be taught by assistant coaches in their sports area, including the Junior High program. It is also necessary to have a free and open line of communication between a head coach and his/her assistants. A head coach should seek input from his/her assistants in developing the sequence of skills and strategies to be taught. Emphasis by the head coach should be on what to teach, more than how to teach.
If this use of authority is kept in balance, the overall sport should succeed in fulfilling the philosophy of the mission statement.
Coaches in a given sport, other than the head coach are to be identified as assistant coaches.
Number of Coaches Recommended per Sport:
- It is desirable for each sport to have a minimum of two coaches. This is necessary because of the injury problem; if an athlete is injured in practice or at an athletic event a coach, parent, or bus driver with a first aid card will go with the injured athlete and a coach will stay to supervise the other athletes.
- Extra Coaches: (applies to both boys’ and girls' high school and junior high school after cuts)
- Financial condition of the district will also determine the amount of additional coaches to be hired.
Sport # of Players # of Coaches
Baseball 11-22 2
23-30 3
Basketball 12-25 2
25-36 3
Cross Country 1-20 1
21+ 2
Football-Junior High 11-33 2
33+ 3
Football-High School 11-33 3
33-55 4
55+ 5
Golf 1-21 1
21+ 2
Softball 11-22 2
23-30 3
Track & Field 20-33 2
34-45 3
46-55 4
Volleyball 10-20 2
20-48 3
Wrestling 10-22 2
23-36 3
Vacancies/New Positions:
Extra-curricular coaching positions for the Pomeroy School District will be filled in the following manner:
- All athletic staff vacancies or new positions shall be advertised to all certified, classified, and athletic staff through a notice of vacancy. The head coach and administration may approve a transfer while the position is advertised through a notice of vacancy.
- Notice of vacancy or new position shall clearly set forth the job description for the position and the instructions for applying.
Renewal Procedures:
Coaches presently employed, who have received a favorable evaluation, will receive preference for their present position. They are to submit, in writing, their intentions to coach the following year.
These intentions and evaluations are to be submitted according to the following dates:
Coaches of fall sports: last school board meeting of December
Coaches of winter sports: last school board meeting of March
Coaches of spring sports: last school board meeting of June
The superintendent and Board of Directors will review each request. Renewal procedure will be based upon job performance evaluations of duties and responsibilities assigned to each coach. If the present coach is not retained or if the present coach does not apply, a vacancy will be declared for that position.
The Role of the School Board:
Function: To provide leadership and supervision of the interscholastic athletic program in Pomeroy School District.
Accountability: Responsible to the Community of Pomeroy
- Oversee the entire educational program of Pomeroy School District.
- Pass community concerns through the chain of communication.
- Hire coaching staff based upon the recommendation of the Athletic Directors through the Principal/Superintendent.
- Set and act upon policy that furthers the mission and philosophy of athletics in Pomeroy School District.
- Support athletics through the budgeting process.
The School Board's Expectations of Coaches:
Balance corrections with positive statements – We fully understand that correcting is necessary and essential in running a strong, successful sports program. We expect every effort to be made to reinforce discipline with positive feedback.
As a board, we will support your efforts as you endeavor to follow the above guidelines. We look forward to a successful and positive season with you as a part of our program.
The Role of the Principal/Superintendent:
Function: To provide leadership and supervision of the interscholastic athletic program at Pomeroy Jr./Sr. High School.
Accountability: Responsible to the School Board
- Recommends athletic staff members to the School Board for filling position openings on the athletic staff
- Assists the Athletic Director by acting as a liaison person to the School Board
- Approve the athletic budget and purchasing of all athletic equipment and supplies
- Supervision of athletic contests according to Pomeroy School District Guidelines
High School Athletic Director:
Function: To provide leadership, supervision, and organization of the interscholastic athletic program. To have delegated authority over all personnel assigned to the athletic program.
Accountability: Responsible to principal/superintendent
- Supervise the interview process in filling position openings on the athletic staff.
- Coordinate the interscholastic athletic program by assuring eligibility clearance and certification of participation of all student athletes.
- Arrange and distribute athletic game and practice schedules.
- Arrange for all officials of interscholastic contests and provides a safe game atmosphere and dressing room/shower away from coaches, teams, and fans.
- Attend all athletic association meetings.
- Arrange the details of traveling teams (transportation schedule and transfer list), meals, transportation, motels, finances, and time.
- Assist with athletic publicity and liaison person with civic groups, including Pomeroy Booster Club.
- Responsible for all aspects of game management at all athletic events.
- Responsible for business management of athletic program including accounting of revenues and expenditures pertaining to athletic activities, development of annual budget and purchasing of all equipment and supplies (such as letters and state recognition pins/awards), as official purchasing agent.
- Responsible for coordinating and supervising the inventories of all athletic equipment.
- Arrange for an ambulance to be in attendance at varsity football games.
- Responsible for updating policies in the Pomeroy School District Coaches Handbook, and Athletic Eligibility Code.
- Distribute all passes of any kind to athletic contests.
- Responsible for programs for athletic contests where required.
- Responsible for submitting evaluation, coaches intention and recommendations of all coaches according to the renewal procedure guidelines (All coaches would include cheerleading advisor)
- Meet with all coaches at the start and end of each sport season to discuss areas of mutual concern, including budgets and schedules (All coaches would include cheerleading advisor)
- Meet with all coaches, as a group, regularly during the school year (All coaches would include cheerleading advisor)
- Attend school board meetings when necessary.
- Perform such other related duties as may be assigned.
- Distribute to coaches annual up-to-date WIAA guidelines for their sport.
- Establish a summer calendar to help reduce conflicts between sports, so as many athletes as possible can participate in as many events as possible.
Responsibilities of All Coaches:
The Coach -In the profession:
- understands the mission of athletics in relation to the education of all students at Pomeroy Jr./Sr. High School
- attends all coaches meetings
- is aware of all National Federation rules governing the sport they coach as well as W.I.A.A. rules, District 9 rules, and league rules
- is aware of and enforces all rules in the Athletic Eligibility Code
- is aware of and follows all procedures outline in the Coaches Handbook
- meets the W.I.A.A. Coaches Standards
In the Care and Prevention of Injuries:
- holds a First Aid/CPR Card
- maintains the proper conditioning of athletes throughout the sports season
- emphasizes proper safety precautions and is aware of athletic training procedures for the care of and prevention of athletic injuries
- treats all injuries with discretion, providing first-aid treatment and/or professional medical attention when deemed necessary. Shall follow through on injuries by keeping informed on the status of each in jury in relation to being fit of later participation
- files an accident report with the Building Secretary when necessary
- requires written permission for return to participation for a participant with severe injury
As a Person:
- has an interest in the age group in which he/she is working
- is approachable and honest in dealing with parents
As an Administrator of Rules and Regulations:
- provides each student-athlete and parent with a written copy of all rules, regulations, etc., which are in addition to the information in the Student Athletic Handbook, after approval from the Athletic Director. These additional rules may not be in conflict with the policies established for eligibility in the Eligibility Code and these rules may not be more severe than existing rules
- allows only those student-athletes who have been cleared for practice and games to participate
- adheres to Pomeroy School District regulations and policies including school bus regulations
- provides program information to the Athletic Director in a timely manner
- recommends student-athletes who have fulfilled requirements for athletic letters, certificates, or special awards, based on a criteria circulated to athletes at the beginning of the season
- reports the outcome of contests to the appropriate news media
As a Supervisor of Conduct and Discipline:
- directly supervises all practice sessions for his/her sport
- directly supervises all dressing rooms distinctly under his/her control
- accompanies and directs the team in all interscholastic activities at home or away and shall be responsible for the conduct of his/her team at such activities
- applies discipline in a fair and positive manner
- communicates any significant individual or team "problems" to the Athletic Director
- enforces school rules concerning student conduct
- assists in helping student-athletes keep current with academic eligibility requirements
As a Caretaker of Facilities and Equipment:
- issues and keeps accurate records of equipment checked to participants, providing an accurate inventory to the Athletic Director at the end of the season
- assures proper use and care of the facility, properly securing at the end of practice
- prepares fields and/or facilities for activities, specific to the sport
- provides for the maintenance and repair of equipment and uniforms
In the Knowledge and Schooling of the Sport:
- keeps abreast of new knowledge, ideas, and techniques relating to his/her sport and instructs athletes through using sound progression in the development of motor skills necessary for the sport
- teaches fundamental skills and strategies of the sport to individual players and the team within the intent of the rules of fair play
- informs all participants the inherent risks involved in participation in that sport
In Relating to Officials:
- promotes sportsmanship towards officials during contests
- interacts professionally when approaching officials about rule administration (i.e. interpretative errors, technical errors)
Other Responsibilities:
- at the end of the season return keys assigned to coaching stations to the school district office, as needed
- reports ejections to the athletic director
- is aware of Pomeroy School District Policy concerning Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying, Sexual Harassment, Tobacco, Weapons and Maintaining Professional Boundaries
- actively works with the Pomeroy Booster Club
Head Coach:
Basic Function: Provide leadership, supervision, and organization of a specific interscholastic activity
Accountability: Responsible to athletic director
The Head Coach -As a Leader of the Sport:
- develops a district-wide program for the sport in which he/she is the head coach, supporting all athletic teams by adhering to out-of-season rules
- holds meetings to discuss the program with assistant coaches
- evaluates assistant coaches providing constructive feedback in a timely manner and input to the Junior High Athletic Director’s evaluation of junior high coaches
- assists the Athletic Director in the selection of personnel for assistant coaching positions and evaluates assistant coaches at the high school level
- works actively with youth programs related to sport
As an Administrator of Rules and Regulations:
- prepares a budget for his/her sport as directed by the athletic director
- submits recommendations for the next year's game schedule
- notifies the Athletic Director as well as other coaches who may be scheduled to practice in the same facility when canceling any practice session
- reports lost, damaged, or stolen items to the Athletic Director
- selects and instructs eligible team managers and trainers at their respective school level (exceptions subject to administrative approval)
As a Supervisor of Conduct and Discipline:
- Accompanies and directs the varsity team in all interscholastic activities at home or away and is responsible for the conduct of his/her team and assistant coaches at such activities
- Exercises sound and discretionary judgment relative to his/her direction of his/her team both on and off the field and shall conduct himself/herself before the public and his/her players as a worthwhile representative of the school
As a Caretaker of Facilities and Equipment:
- issues and keeps accurate records of equipment checked to participants
- arranges for the cleaning, storing, and inventorying of equipment after the conclusion of the season
- recommends selection and purchase of equipment/uniforms to the Athletic Director
- recommends additions and/or improvement for the care and maintenance of facilities to the Athletic Director
Assistant Coaches:
Basic Function: Provide assistance to the Head Coach
Accountability: Responsible to head coach and athletic director
Responsibilities: As an Assistant Coach:
- assists in the development of a district-wide program within the sport he/she coaches as directed by the head coach and as outlined in the Coaches Handbook
- shares program information with the head coach in a timely manner
- makes every practical effort to give all team members an opportunity to participate in each contest below the high school varsity level
- accompanies the varsity team to contests home and away when applicable
- Exercises sound and discretionary judgement relative to his/her direction of his/her team both on and off the field and shall conduct himself/herself before the public and his/her players as a worthwhile representative of the school
Supervisory Assistant Coaches:
Basic Function: Provide assistance to the Head Coach
Accountability: Responsible to head coach and athletic director
Responsibilities: As an Assistant Coach:
- on occasion an assistant coach may employed with the primary responsibility to supervise athletes at practice in the absence of the head coach or other assistant coaches, having a secondary responsibility in helping directly with a single team or specific event
- assists in the development of a district-wide program within the sport he/she coaches as directed by the head coach and as outlined in the Coaches Handbook
- coaches shall makes every practical effort to give all team members an opportunity to participate in each contest below the high school varsity level
- accompanies the varsity team to contests home and away when applicable
- Exercises sound and discretionary judgement relative to his/her direction of his/her team both on and off the field and shall conduct himself/herself before the public and his/her players as a worthwhile representative of the school
Community Coach:
What is a community coach?
A community coach is a contracted coach who is not a certificate teacher.
What are the qualifications for a community coach?
- Must be at least 19 years of age.
- Must have a clear understanding of the rules, fundamentals, and strategies of the sport they coach.
- Must prove to be committed to the philosophy that coaches are teachers and have a clear understanding of teaching methods that have tested successful in interscholastic athletics.
- Must be professional and able to relate to students.
What does a community person have to do to become a contracted coach?
- Complete the Pomeroy Public Schools Coaching Application.
- Complete the district disclosure statement.
- Complete the Washington State Patrol Criminal History Form. Coaching contract(s) will be contingent upon successful clearance.
- Obtain a current first aid or sports medicine card and a CPR card.
- If requested, complete the FBI fingerprinting check.
- Meet the WIAA Coaching Standards requirements.
- Participate in the district's sexual harassment training workshop when offered by the district.
- Accept the responsibility for enforcing all WIAA rules, policies, and tournament guidelines.
- Accept the responsibility for enforcing all National Federation rules for the sport.
- Accept the responsibility to enforce all of the rules and regulations contained in the Student-Parent Handbook, Eligibility Code, and Pomeroy School District Coaches Handbook.
- Participate in the district's Blood-borne Pathogens Training Workshop when offered.
Volunteer Coach Packet
What is a volunteer coach?
A volunteer coach is a person who contributes his/her services, free of charge, to assist the coaching staff of a particular sport.
What are the qualifications for a volunteer coach?
- Must be at least 19 years of age or a high school graduate.
- Must have a basic understanding of the rules, fundamentals, and strategies of the sport for which they request to volunteer.
- Must display an understanding of how to relate to students and have a commitment to empathy, dignity, self-esteem, and skill building.
- Must display an understanding of Board Policy 5235: Maintaining Professional Staff/Student Boundaries. (see attached)
- Must hold a current First Aid/CPR card.
- Must be recommended by a head coach to the athletic director (high school or junior high school).
- All volunteer coaches must be approved by the athletic director (high school or junior high school).
What do I have to do to become a volunteer coach?
- Complete Volunteer Athletic Application (includes items listed below)
- Complete Volunteer Coaching Agreement and meet all of the conditions as specified. This must be done before there is any contact with student-athletes.
- All volunteer coaches must complete the WSP Criminal History Information check, OSPI Moral Character Supplemental Form, and be fingerprinted.
- Complete 30 hours of coaching clock hours before beginning the third year of volunteer coaching. Once these 30 hours have been met, you must earn 15 clock hours every 3 years that you continue to volunteer in order to remain in WIAA compliance.
Volunteer Coaching Agreement
A volunteer coach is a person who contributes his/her services, free of charge, to assist the coaching staff of a particular sport.
- Must be at least 19 years of age or a high school graduate.
- Must have a basic understanding of the rules, fundamentals, and strategies of the sport for which they request to volunteer.
- Must display an understanding of how to relate to students and have a commitment to empathy, dignity, self-esteem, and skill building.
- Must display an understanding of Board Policy 5253: Maintaining Professional Staff/Student Boundaries. (see attached)
- Must hold a current First Aid/CPR card.
- Must be recommended by a head coach to the athletic director (high school or junior high school).
- All volunteer coaches must be approved by the athletic director (high school or junior high school).
- Complete Volunteer Athletic Application (includes items listed below)
- Complete Volunteer Coaching Agreement and meet all of the conditions as specified. This must be done before there is any contact with student-athletes.
- All volunteer coaches must complete the WSP Criminal History Information check, OSPI Moral Character Supplemental Form, and be fingerprinted.
- Complete Blood-borne Pathogens Training through Pomeroy School District.
- Complete WIAA online Concussion Management Clinic
- Complete 30 hours of coaching clock hours before beginning the third year of volunteer coaching. Once these 30 hours have been met, you must earn 15 hours every 3 years that you continue to volunteer in order to remain in WIAA compliance.
Junior High Game Supervisor:
- Job duties include the following:
- The supervisor should check to see that the score clock is set-up and operational well in advance of the game starting time. Custodians set the gym up for games, including the score clock.
- Arrangements should be made to put the score clock away with the custodians.
- Anyone that is not connected with a team should be asked to leave the gym 10-15 minutes after the games are over, so the gym can be secured.
- The supervisor should be available to help with medical and emergency situations, including retrieving ice.
- As soon as something happens (or even appears to happen) the supervisor should offer to do whatever is necessary.
- Make sure that ice is available for injuries, in the Elementary lounge.
- Assure the locker room for officials is opened or locked at appropriate times.
- Monitor students shooting hoops during half time, in socks only.
- Unlock the gym when the custodians are unable to do this task.
- Bathrooms and hallways should be monitored by checking them often.
- The supervisor may need to be the clock operator in an emergency situation, when the scheduled operator fails to show up.
- Call 911 for serious emergencies.
- If a major problem occurs, then report it to the junior high athletic director or building principal. Difficult spectators may need to be confronted immediately.
- If a coach or coaches are out of control, a report to the athletic director or building principal should be made as soon as possible.
High School Cheerleader Advisor/Junior High Rally Squad Advisor:
Function: To provide experience in leadership skills and cheerleading skills
Accountability: Responsible to athletic director
- enforce cheerleader guidelines
- organize summer practices and camps
- help plan pep assemblies
Pomeroy Jr./Sr. High School Cheerleader Guidelines:
Philosophy: The purpose of Cheerleading at Pomeroy High School is to support athletics and uphold, reflect, and project the goals of the school community. Cheerleading encourages and promotes sportsmanship and ethical conduct consistent with the educational mission of activities at Pomeroy High School. Cheerleading is classified as an activity rather than a sport as it is noncompetitive.
Fall Sports:
- There will be five (5) football cheerleaders
- Responsibilities will include:
- cheering for all games, home and away
- Homecoming support of all fall sports (cross country, football, volleyball)
Winter Sports:
- There will be four (4) boy's basketball cheerleaders
- There will be four (4) girl's basketball cheerleaders
- Responsibilities will include:
- cheering for all games, home and away
- Winterfest support of all winter sports (boy's and girl's basketball, wrestling)
- Collect "clearance cards" before athlete is allowed to participate in practice.
- Issue school insurance form to students who wish to enroll in plan.
- Hand out and record all equipment.
- Fall sport coaches issue lockers, see administration for help.
- Check all new equipment and add to inventory.
- Mark all new equipment with proper identification.
- Review Athletic Eligibility Code and special coaches rules to all athletes in your program.
- Read and fully explain lettering system to athletes in your program.
- Collect and inventory all school owned equipment.
- Turn in a copy of the inventory to the appropriate athletic director.
- Check all equipment and store in appropriate places.
- Letter Awards: Make up a list for letter award winners. Turn in a copy in to the appropriate athletic director.
- Special Awards: Make up a list of special award winners. Turn a copy in to the appropriate athletic director.
- JUNIOR HIGH COACHES: submit list of participants for Junior High Recognition night at the END of your SEASON.
- Check on time for the Awards Presentation.
- Make up a budget for the coming year. Hand in a copy of the proposed budget to the appropriate athletic director during the end of season meeting.
- Return Medical Emergency Authorization forms to the office.
- Notify the appropriate athletic director of equipment not returned.
- Return keys to coaching stations to the district office.
Guidelines for Athletic Practice and Participation:
In recognition of the importance that academics, strong family values, and religion play in the lives of Pomeroy Junior-Senior High School student-athletes, and in the appreciation of time that each of these aspects of life require during athletic seasons, the following guidelines relate to athletic practices and participation:
These guidelines relate to regular season practices, during the academic school year. Post-season practices may necessitate exceptions to these guidelines and must be approved by the administration in advance. Other exceptions must also be approved by the administration in advance.
A single organized practice for any athletic sport should not be longer than two-and-one-half (2 1/2) hours in duration. Practice time includes stretching/warm-ups, weight training, chalk talks, watching game vided, etc. Individualized practice may vary according to the discretion of a coach and athlete.
* During any six day practice week, time accumulated in organized practice should not exceed fifteen hours. Time accumulated in organized practice and team meetings, including film sessions should not exceed eighteen hours.
* During Semester Assessment week, coaches shall adhere to these guidelines in order to allow students the time needed to prepare for their upcoming assessment.
- No practice session shall begin prior to 6:00 A.M. nor conclude later than 8:30 P.M. on any given day. On school days, the administration shall announce the start time, annually.
- No practice session shall be held on a Sunday.
- Practice sessions during Christmas and Thanksgiving vacations may be held the day before or the day after the holiday, but practice sessions should not be held on the day before and the day after.
- Special consideration should be given to parents by adjourning practice as close to the scheduled time as possible.
Supervision of Athletes
Coaches have a legal duty to supervised athletes at all times. The information below provides guidelines for a supervision plan that provides for direct and indirect supervision of athletes. The legal duty to supervise includes the following components:
- supervision begins 5 minutes before athletes arrive or when school ends for the day
- school staff that coach will arrive no later than 15 minutes after school to assume supervisory responsibilities
- if involved with faculty meetings, the building principal shall be sought to obtain supervision until coaching staff is available
- the coaching staff shall provide supervision for athletes in more than one location when a start time or dressing time allows for this type of situation to occur
- if there are athletes in the locker room a coach must stay until the locker room is cleared or the another coach enters to supervise, if the athletes are not from that coaches team
Rules for Non-School Personnel* Participating in Practice
Non-school personnel may be involved in practice situations. The guidelines below allow involvement while staying within W.I.A.A. rules. Discuss participation with the appropriate athletic director before allowing non-school personnel to practice with school-aged athletes.
- A paid coach must have direct supervision over any practice session where non-school personnel participate.
- No more than half the practice squad may be non-school personnel.
- Members of the practice squads that are non-school personnel must be graduates of Pomeroy High School within the past three years and past members of the squad. The athletic director or principal must clear any exception to this rule.
- This rule is intended to cover people who will help with practices on a limited basis. Anyone intending to help on a long-term basis should fill out paperwork to become a volunteer assistant.
*Non-school personnel would be defined as anyone who is not a current team member or a coach
Cutting Policy:
- Choosing the members of athletic squads is the sole responsibility of the coaches of those squads.
- Assistant coaches shall take into consideration the policies as established by the head coach in that particular program when selecting final team rosters.
- Prior to trying out, the coach shall provide the following information to all candidates for the team and their parents:
- extent of tryout period
- criteria used to select the team
- number to be selected
- practice commitment if they make the team
- game commitments
- each candidate shall have competed in a minimum of five practice sessions
- performed in at least one scrimmage
- each candidate shall have been personally informed of the cut by the coach and the reason for the action
Scouting Procedures:
- Pomeroy School District will allow limited use of school vehicles for scouting purposes. **If a school vehicle is not available, the coach may request reimbursement for gas from the ASB through the athletic director. The request should be made prior to the trip if possible.
- Coaches must make prior arrangements for the use of a school vehicle through the administration and the transportation supervisor.
- District #9 courtesy cards can be obtain from the high school athletic director for admission to games played in District #9.
- At post-season playoffs, a sign-in list may be used by the District #9 schools for identifying scouting coaches.
- Release from school time assignments for scouting purposes during school hours is not permitted. Release from school time assignments for scouting purposes during the post-season playoffs must have prior approval from the administration.
- In order to drive a school vehicle, insurance clearance must be made through the Pomeroy School District Transportation Director.
- A copy of the coach's driver's license must be on file.
Open Gym Guidelines
- The Purpose of Open Gym is to provide a safe environment for the entire student body to improve their physical fitness.
- All students will be advised of any potential hazards or dangers. (Examples include: stepping on someone's foot resulting in a sprained ankle, doing 20-yard sprints without proper stretching resulting in a pulled hamstring muscle.)
- Instruction will be provided only in the fitness and agility portion of the Open Gym.
- Open Gym is not about one specific sport. It is about giving the entire student body a chance to improve their academic and physical skills.
- It is purely a voluntary program.
- It will provide for as many activities as space will safely allow.
- A courteous attitude is all that is required of a student.
- Open Gym will conform to all WIAA standards concerning an Open Gym Program.
- Parents may come to work individually with their child.
Post Season Room & Board
The Associated Student Body of Pomeroy Jr./Sr. High School will provide room & board accommodations for student-athletes and coaches based on the following criteria:
Rooms for Overnight Stays
- For tournaments held 2 hours driving time and less away, an overnight stay may be provided, depending upon start time of the first contest.
- For tournaments held 2 hours driving time and further away, an overnight stay will be provided the night before the start time of the first contest.
- Travel time consideration will be taken into account when determining overnight stay after a contest as determined by the athletic director and transportation director.
- All overnight stays will include continental breakfast.
Board or Meal Money for Overnight Stays
- Board or Meal Money is supplemental money to help students on trips that take students away from school overnight for State Competitive Events at a rate of $20 per day. Students will receive money for the day following an overnight stay.
- Board or Meal Money will be provided based on current income projections and the ability of the ASB Budget to meet revenue targets.
- When provided, it is mandatory that all overnight stays include a continental breakfast as a part of the room cost.
The Principal/ASB Advisor will work closely with the Athletic Director and ASB Student Council to assure all criteria is met and exceptions are reviewed and approved before any expenditures are made.
Approved by the A.S.B. Student Council on: June 3, 2018
Approved by the School Board on: July 25, 2018
Wrestling Mat Lowering/Lifting Guidelines
- The boys locker room door, directly under the mat lowering/lifting winch, MUST be locked.
- At no time should any person be under the mat while being lowered or lifted.
- The mat unloading/loading area on the gym floor should be roped off or have designated people in that area so that people are not allowed through during lifting or lowering of the mat.
- Adults who are familiar/trained with the winch should be the only operators.
Athletic Budgets and Purchasing:
The athletic budget falls under the Pomeroy High School Associated Student Body Budget and is administered by the High School Principal/Lead Teacher.
Requirement of Purchase Orders Authorized by Purchasing Agent
Purchases must be made with a Purchase Order and authorized by the Purchasing Agent, (appropriate level Athletic Director). (See attached ASB Purchasing and Accounting Procedures.)
Responsibility of Payment of Unauthorized Purchases
Payment for purchases made without a Purchase Order and proper authorization will be the responsibility of the individual who mailed, phones the order or made the purchase.
Fund-Raising Activities
Coaches using fund-raising activities for their sport must follow the same as ASB Purchasing and Accounting Procedures listed for regular activities. All fund-raising must be authorized by the Athletic Director.
Immediately following each season, the Head Coach for each sport will inventory all equipment and uniforms. The inventory is to be given to the Athletic Director. Equipment or uniforms that are not accounted shall be charged to the individual student who fails to return the items in question. A list of students that owes money for lost uniforms and/or equipment is to be submitted to the Athletic Director. The individual student-athlete will be responsible to pay for the non-returned items. Coaches are to include the replacement costs of the non-returned or lost items.
Immediately following the sport season, a list will be compiled of all equipment, uniforms, and supplies needed for the next year. This list is to be submitted in the form of a preliminary budget. The preliminary budget should include quantities, prices, and athletic equipment company that the items are to be ordered from, if the item is approved.
ASB Purchasing and Accounting Procedures:
Our ASB bookkeeping system is designed to comply with OSPI regulations and directives from our computer system as well as accepted accounting procedures. It often seems cumbersome, but can work smoothly with your cooperation. Trying to save time by avoiding the system almost always causes extra work for everyone involved.
These guidelines should help advisors and students to understand and work with the system. A brief outline of procedures is followed by detailed instructions.
Procedures to Follow:
- All athletic purchases are initiated through the Athletic Director. The Principal/Lead Teacher, Athletic Director, ASB Central Treasurer, and ASB Treasurer sign all purchase orders for athletic accounts.
- Every order or purchase for merchandise requires a Purchase Order (see Note 1, next page). A Requisition (see Note 2, next page) is first submitted to the Principal/Lead Teacher who then authorizes a Purchase Order. Please allow a full day for preparation of a Purchase Order.
- The white original Purchase Order is submitted to the Vendor (store or mail order outlet) at the time of purchase. Invoices, sales slips, cash register tapes, packing lists, etc. are important!! - They must be turned into the ASB Central Treasurer as documentation for payment of bills.
- All ASB money raised through fund-raisers must be deposited intact with the ASB Central Treasurer. Do not make payments in cash (for example: you need extra paper plates for your feed, so you take cash from the cash box to pay for it, then take it out of your profit). This is illegal and must NOT be done.
- Requests for payment of bills are handled by submitting a Payment Order and documentation of the purchase (sales slips, cash register tapes, invoices, etc.) to the ASB Central Treasurer. This should be completed by the tenth of each month.
Purchase Orders:
Authorization by Purchase Order before ordering or purchasing any merchandise is required.
Note 1 - Payment for purchases made without a Purchase Order will be the responsibility of the individual who mailed or phone the order or made the purchase. Advisors - please be certain the students understand this!!
- Advisor or student treasurer fills out a Purchase Order Requisition. The P.O. number will be assigned by the ASB Central Treasurer. Please complete all other information requested. If cost is not known, use your best estimate (A P.O. cannot be issued without an amount). The requisition must be signed by the advisor and Principal, then submitted to the ASB Central Treasurer who will then issue the Purchase Order. (Note for coaches - all purchases for athletic accounts must go through the Athletic Director.) The Requisition is a request for a Purchase Order. Purchase Orders are pre-numbered triplicate documents and purchases are approved when the P.O. is signed.
- Purchase Orders will be signed by the advisor and student treasurer, and then by the Principal and ASB Central Treasurer. The white original P.O. is for the vendor (company or person you order from). Pink and yellow copies are filed with the ASB Central Treasurer.
Any expenditures of ASB funds requires a Payment Order signed by the activity advisor and student treasurer. These are processed in two ways:
- Most bills are paid by computer warrant. Requests must be submitted early enough to be processed before the School Board meeting the last week of each month. The tenth of the month is a reasonable deadline for this. The warrants are mailed out the after the School Board meeting - usually the last week of each month.
- A very few small payments can be made on shorter notice from a revolving fund checking account. This is intended for such things as athletic officials and assembly programs. Please do not expect to pay large obligations (more than $50.00) on short notice. Please plan ahead to have expenses paid by computer warrant.
- When out-of-state vendors do not charge state sales tax we are required to pay Washington State comp. tax. Please allow the current Garfield County rate for tax on such orders.
Change needed for ticket sales, dances, food sales, etc., can usually be signed out from the ASB Central Treasurer. Please request at least 24 hours in advance (with instructions on amount breakdowns). You must also complete an Activity Sheet (pink sheet located on the top shelf of the ASB Central Treasurer's desk). The Activity Sheet doesn't apply to ticket sales for games and concessions. Any sales activity such as candy sales, t-shirt sales, etc., also requires a sales check-out form.
All ASB money must be deposited in the office with the ASB Central Treasure. A Deposit Slip must be filled out by the student treasurer or advisor who then will recount the money with the ASB Central Treasurer. A receipt will be issued for each deposit.
Deposit Procedure:
All money received from athletic events, concessions, fundraiser, etc. need to have a completed deposit slip. This should be done by two (2) people (possibly advisor and club member). Write a fee receipt to any individual who pays fees (ASB Cards, annuals, H.E. projects, etc.).
Athletic Events:
- The Athletic Director requests payment for officials.
- Officials who are also Pomeroy School District employees must fill out an extra time sheet.
Discrimination is the unfair or unequal treatment of a person or a group because they are part of a defined group, known as a protected class. Discrimination can occur when a person is treated differently, or denied access to programs, services or activities because they are part of a protected class. Discrimination can also occur when a school or school district fails to accommodate a student or employee’s disability. Harassment (based on protected class) and sexual harassment can be forms of discrimination when it creates a hostile environment.What is a Protected Class?
A protected class is a group of people who share common characteristics and are protected from discrimination and harassment by federal and state laws. Protected classes defined by Washington State Law include:
- Sex
- Race/Color
- Creed/Religion
- National origin
- Disability or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal
- Sexual orientation
- Gender expression or identity
- Honorably discharged veteran or military status
What should I do if I believe my child is being discriminated against?
You should report your concerns to your child’s teacher or principal immediately! This will allow the school to respond to the situation as soon as possible.
If you cannot meet with the teacher or principal, you can always contact your school district’s main office. Each school district will have someone who is responsible for responding to complaints about discrimination. Sometimes this person is called the Title IX Coordinator or for issues related to disability, the Section 504 Coordinator.
What if I can’t resolve the problem with the school?
If you cannot resolve your concern, you may wish to file a complaint with the school district. Anyone can file a complaint with the school district. You can file a formal complaint by writing a letter to your Superintendent that describes what happened and why you think it is discrimination. It is helpful to include what you want the district to do. Your letter must be signed.
The employee designated by the district to receive complaints will investigate your allegations and provide the superintendent with a written report of the complaint, and the results of the investigation. You and the district may also agree to resolve your complaint in lieu of an investigation.
The superintendent will send you a written letter within 30 calendar days which will either deny your allegations or describe the reasonable actions the district will take. The letter will include how to file an appeal with your school board if you do not agree with the Superintendent’s decision.
Corrective measures must occur no later than 30 calendar days of the superintendent’s letter.
What if I don’t agree with the superintendent’s decision or no one responds to my letter?
Your next step is to appeal to the school board. You can file an appeal by writing a letter to your school board. The letter must include the part of the superintendent’s written decision that you would like to appeal and what you want the district to do. Your letter must be filed with the Secretary of your School Board by the 10th calendar day after you received the superintendent’s response letter.
The school board will schedule a hearing within 20 calendar days after they receive your appeal letter. You may also all agree on a different date.
What will happen at the hearing?
You will explain why you disagree with the superintendent's decision. You may bring witnesses or other information that is related to your appeal.
The board will send you a copy of their decision within 10 calendar days after the hearing. The decision will include how to appeal to the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction if you disagree.
What if I don’t agree with the School Board’s decision?
You may appeal the school Board’s decision to the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI).
You can file an appeal by writing a letter to the Superintendent of Public Instruction. The letter must include the part of the school board’s decision that you would like to appeal and what you want the district to do.
Your signed letter must be received by OSPI by the 20th calendar day of receiving the school board’s decision. It can be hand-delivered or mailed to:
Administrative Resource Services
P.O. Box 47200
Olympia, WA 98504-7200
Phone (360) 725-6133
OSPI will schedule a hearing with an Administrative Law Judge through the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH). During this process you will be provided information about the hearing.
Appendix B
Students and staff are protected against sexual harassment by anyone in any school program or activity, including on the school campus, on the school bus, or off-campus, such as a school-sponsored field trip.
Sexual harassment is unwelcome behavior or communication that is sexual in nature when:
- A student or employee is led to believe that he or she must submit to unwelcome sexual conduct or communications in order to gain something in return, such as a grade, a promotion, a place on a sports team, or any educational or employment decision, or
- The conduct substantially interferes with a student's educational performance, or creates an intimidating or hostile educational or employment environment.
Examples of Sexual Harassment:
- Pressuring a person for sexual favors
- Unwelcome touching of a sexual nature
- Writing graffiti of a sexual nature
- Distributing sexually explicit texts, e-mails, or pictures
- Making sexual jokes, rumors, or suggestive remarks
- Physical violence, including rape and sexual assault
How do I report sexual harassment?
You can report sexual harassment to any school staff member or to the district's Title IX Officer: Doug Lamunyan
For a copy of your district’s Sexual Harassment policy and procedure, contact your school or district office.
Appendix C
School Board Policy 5336
Use of Tobacco on School Property—Use of Alcoholic Beverages
The board of directors recognizes that to protect students from exposure to the addictive substance of nicotine, employees and officers of the school district, and all members of the community, have an obligation as role models to refrain from tobacco use on school property.
Effective September 1, 1991, smoking or any other use of tobacco products shall be prohibited on school district property. This shall include all district buildings, grounds and district-owned vehicles.
Notices advising district employees and patrons of this policy shall be posted in appropriate locations in all district buildings and at other district facilities as determined by the superintendent.
The Board adopts as policy that no employee shall use tobacco in any form or alcoholic beverages of any type while in direct charge of students in classrooms, activities or other school-sponsored instructional programs.Legal References:
RCW 28A.210.310 Prohibition on use of tobacco products on school property
Adoption Date: 8/15/91 & 5/15/80 (last paragraph)
Appendix D
Weapon Free School
School Board Policy 3315
Weapons Free Schools
Pomeroy School District #110 is committed to providing a safe environment for students, staff, and patrons of the school district. This Weapons-Free Schools Policy is in compliance with Washington state law.
Section 1, Definition
Dangerous weapons are defined in RCW 9.41.250 and RCW 9.41.280.
Section 2, Sanctions
RCW 9.41.280 stipulates that any violation of the dangerous weapons policy constitutes grounds for expulsion from the state’s public schools in accordance with RCW 28A.600.010. A violation of this policy by a student may result in an immediate emergency expulsion being imposed if there is sufficient cause to believe that the student’s presence poses an immediate and continuing danger to the student, other students, or school personnel and a continuing threat of substantial disruption of the educational process.
The appropriate school authority shall promptly notify law enforcement and the student’s parent or guardian regarding any allegation or indication of such violation.. Strong disciplinary measures (up to and including expulsion) will be imposed if, in the judgment of the administrator in charge, a dangerous or potentially dangerous situation exists due to a student involvement with a dangerous weapon.
Cross References:
Board Policy 3200 Student Rights and Responsibilities
Legal References:
RCW 9.41.250 Use of force — when lawful
RCW 9.41.280 Personal Protection Spray devicesBYLAWS OF THE PIRATE BOOSTER CLUB
Article I
Section 1: The name of this organization shall be the PIRATE BOOSTER CLUB.
Section 2: The purposes of this organization shall be:
- Promote and support all Pomeroy School Extracurricular athletic activities for grades K-12.
- Promote and foster amateur sport competition.
- Develop financial resources and support services for athletic activities.
- Work in agreement and harmony with the school staff, advisors, school board, and administration.
- The Pirate Booster Club is not organized for profit, and no part of the net earnings shall inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual. In the event the Booster Club dissolves, all monies will go exclusively to another 501-C3 entity.
Article II: Membership
Section 1: Any person over 18 years of age, but not enrolled in Pomeroy High School, who subscribes to the purposes of this organization and pays annual dues, is eligible for membership.
Section 2: Members (except those named in Section 3 of this Article) are entitled to hold office, to have voice and vote in all general meetings and to receive information about activities.
Section 3: While any Coach or Assistant Coach hired by Pomeroy School District is entitled to membership and to have voice and vote in all general meetings and receive information about club activities, they will be excluded from holding any office in the Pirate Booster Club.
Article III: Officers and Duties
Section 1: The officers of the Booster Club shall be elected annually.
Section 2: The officers of this organization shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section 3: The President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be elected by a majority vote of the membership at its annual meeting to serve one-year terms.
Section 4: The President shall supervise all activities of the organization; execute all instruments in its behalf; preside at all meetings of the Executive Board and of the members of the organization; call all special meetings of the membership as shall be deemed necessary; and perform such other duties usually inherent in such office.
Section 5: The Vice-President shall act the President in his/her absence and perform such other duties as the President may direct.
Section 6: The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all board meetings; act as corresponding secretary as the President may direct; and perform such other duties inherent to the office.
Section 7: The Treasurer shall be the custodian of the funds and accounts of the organization; shall keep an accurate account of moneys received and shall pay all accounts due and payable; and perform such other duties inherent to the office.
Article IV: Meetings
Section 1: Meetings will be held as needed.
Article V: Amendments
Section 1: The Bylaws of the organization may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the organization by a majority of all members present.
Article VI: Rules of Order
Section 1: The rules contained in Roberts Rules of Order shall govern the organization in all cases to which they are applicable when the Bylaws do not otherwise govern.
Article VII: Dues
Section 1: All members shall be annual dues of $25.00 active, $50.00 non-active/business.
Article IX: Committees
Section 1: The committees of this organization shall be appointed by the current President.POMEROY SCHOOL DISTRICT #110
School Board Policy 5253
Maintaining Professional Staff/Student Boundaries
The purpose of this policy is to provide all staff, students, volunteers and community members with information to increase their awareness of their role in protecting children from inappropriate conduct by adults. The board expects all staff members to maintain the highest professional, moral and ethical
standards in their interaction with students. Staff members are required to maintain an atmosphere conducive to learning, through consistently and fairly applied discipline and established and maintained professional boundaries.
The interactions and relationships between staff members and students should be based upon mutual respect and trust, an understanding of the appropriate boundaries between adults and students in and outside of the educational setting, and consistency with the educational mission of the schools. Staff members will not intrude on a student’s physical and emotional boundaries unless the intrusion is necessary to serve an educational or physical, mental and/or emotional health purpose. An educational purpose is one that relates to the staff member’s duties in the district. Additionally, staff members are expected to be sensitive to the appearance of impropriety in their own conduct and the conduct of other staff when interacting with students. Staff members will discuss issues with their building administrator or supervisor whenever they suspect or are unsure whether conduct is inappropriate or constitutes a violation of this policy. The board supports the use of technology to communicate for educational purposes. However, district employees are prohibited from inappropriate online socializing or from engaging in any conduct on social networking Web sites that violates the law, district policies or other generally recognized professional standards. Employees whose conduct violates this policy may face discipline and/or termination, consistent with the district’s policies, acceptable use agreement and collective bargaining agreements, as applicable. The superintendent or designee will develop staff protocols for reporting and investigating allegations and develop procedures and training to accompany this policy.
Legal References: RCW 28A.400.320 Crimes against children, RCW 28A.405.470 Crimes against children – Mandatory termination of certificated employees— Appeal — Recovery of salary or compensation by district RCW 28A.405.475 Termination of certificated employee based on guilty plea or conviction of certain felonies— Notice to superintendent of public instruction -Record of notices RCW 28A.410.090 Revocation or suspension of certificate
or permit to teach — Criminal basis— Complaints — Investigation –Process
School Board Policy 5253 Procedure
Maintaining Professional Staff /Student Boundaries
The purpose of this procedure is to provide all staff, students, volunteers and community members with information to increase their awareness of their role in protecting children from inappropriate conduct by adults. This procedure addresses the relationship between students and District staff. The Board
recognizes that staff may have familial and pre-existing social relationships with parents or guardians and students. Staff members should use appropriate professional judgment when they stand in a dual relationship to students so as to avoid violations of District policy, the appearance of impropriety, or the appearance of favoritism. Any interaction with students outside of the school day must have parental/guardian knowledge and consent of such interaction. In a professional staff/student relationship, school employees maintain boundaries that are consistent with the legal and ethical duty of care that school personnel have for students. A boundary invasion is an act or omission by a school employee that violates professional staff/student boundaries and has the potential to abuse the staff/student relationship. An inappropriate boundary invasion means an act, omission, or pattern of such behavior by a school employee that does not have an educational purpose; and results in abuse of the staff/student professional relationship.
Unacceptable Conduct
Examples of inappropriate boundary invasions by staff members include but are not limited to the following:
- Any type of inappropriate physical contact with a student or any other conduct that might be considered harassment under the board’s policy on Harassment and Sexual Harassment of Students;
- Showing pornography to a student;
- Singling out a particular student or students for personal attention and friendship beyond the professional staff-student relationship;
- Socializing where students are consuming alcohol, drugs or tobacco;
- For non-guidance/counseling staff, encouraging students to confide their personal or family problems and/or relationships. If a student initiates such discussions, staff members are expected to refer the student to appropriate guidance/counseling staff. In either case, staff involvement should be limited to a direct connection to the student’s school performance;
- Sending students on personal errands unrelated to any educational purpose;
- Banter, allusions, jokes or innuendos of a sexual nature with students;
- Disclosing personal, sexual, family, employment concerns or other private matters to one or more students;
- Addressing students or permitting students to address staff members with personalized terms of endearment, pet names or otherwise in an overly familiar manner;
- Maintaining personal contact with a student outside of school by phone, e-mail, instant messenger or Internet chat rooms, social networking websites, or letters (beyond homework or other legitimate school business) without including the parent/guardian;
- Exchanging personal gifts, cards or letters with an individual student;
- Socializing or spending time with students without parental permission (including but not limited to activities such as going out for beverages, meals or movies, shopping, traveling and recreational activities) outside of school-sponsored events, except as participants in organized community activities;
- Giving a student a ride alone in a vehicle in a non-emergency situation without parental permission; and/or
- Unnecessarily invading a student’s privacy, (e.g. walking in on the student in the bathroom).
Appearances of Impropriety
The following activities are boundary invasions and can create an actual impropriety or the appearance of impropriety. Whenever possible, staff should avoid these situations. If unavoidable these activities should be pre-approved by the appropriate administrator. If not preapproved, the staff person must report the occurrence to the appropriate administrator as soon as possible.
- Being alone with an individual student out of the view of others;
- Inviting or allowing individual students to visit the staff member’s home;
- Visiting a student’s home; and/or
- Social networking with students for non-educational purposes.
Reporting Violations
Students and their parents/guardians are strongly encouraged to notify the principal (or other administrator) if they believe a teacher or other staff member may be engaging in conduct that violates this policy.
Staff members are required to promptly notify the principal or the supervisor of the employee suspected of engaging in inappropriate conduct that violates this policy. The administrator to whom a boundary invasion concern is reported must document, in writing, the concern and provide a copy of the documentation to the assistant superintendent or director in charge of the district’s human resources. The assistant superintendent or director of human resources will maintain a separate non-personnel file of all boundary invasion reports made to human resources. Whenever boundary invasion concerns occur, the person in charge of human resources will review the full history of concerns relating to the person complained about and will provide a summary to the superintendent. All professional school personnel who have reasonable cause to believe that a student has experienced sexual abuse by a staff member, volunteer, or agency personnel working in the school are required to make a report to Child Protective Services or law enforcement pursuant to board policy and procedure 3421, Child Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation Prevention, and RCW 26.44. Reporting suspected abuse to the building principal or supervisor does not relieve professional school personnel from their reporting responsibilities and timelines.
Disciplinary Action
Staff violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. The violation will also be reported to the state Office of Professional Practices. Violations involving sexual or other abuse will also result in referral to Child Protective Services and/or law enforcement in accordance with the board’s policy on Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect.
All new employees and volunteers will receive training on appropriate staff/student boundaries within three months of employment. Continuing employees will receive training every three years.
Dissemination of Policy and Reporting Protocols
This policy and procedure will be included on the district website and in all employee, student and volunteer handbooks. Annually, all administrators and staff will receive copies of the district’s reporting protocol. Date: 02.10; 06.11
Adoption date: 4/29/14Student/Athlete Transported to/from School Sponsored Events:
- College Testing
- Medical Appointment
- Other School related activities