2023/2024 School Year Goals to Improve Our School
We will improve student learning by working on the following goals:
Primary Customer: We believe our students are our primary customers.
Values: We are caring and competent members of a team that serves students. Our vision is to simply make people better!
2023/2024 School Year Goals:
Goal #1: Staff will continue to learn and grow in the area of trauma and SEL for students. We will become a trauma invested school using the tools we have to focus on mental health for our students and teaching to the student as a whole.
Activities to achieve our goal:
- We will implement the “Character Strong” program for SEL lessons with the students during Advisory time with fidelity and intention
- We will work with Sarah Meyers to identify SEL and trauma informed professional development options
- We will provide opportunities for our students to be engaged in SEL and other motivational opportunities via public speakers, engaging activities (first day of school events, evening engagement events, etc.)
- We will be committed to implementing the strategies and skills we have learned about ACES and being trauma-informed into our classrooms when working with students and building relationships
- We will commit to being our students CHAMPION.
- Success Criteria:
- Positive Relationships formed between student and staff, student to student
- Less discipline incidences
- Increase attendance
- Lower number of missing assignments
Goal #2: Staff will continue our focus on self-care and developing ways to provide opportunities for staff to grow as a person and educator using self-care methods and ideas, will be more staff driven.
Activities to achieve our goal:
- Staff will continue with weekly breakfast club on Friday morning hosted in different classrooms.
- A planned monthly get together where staff will sign up to host the get together in September.
- Staff will commit time to support each other, as well as administration to build a culture of inclusivity, kindness and compassion so we can be mentally prepared to support our students
Success Criteria:
- A positive culture within the high school building
- Common language and supports for staff and students
- Increased mental health awareness and needs
2022/2023 School Year Goals:
Goal #1: Structure classrooms to incorporate and focus on basic ELA and common Math within lessons and assignments to remind students of the importance of these basic skills. All teachers will work to improve the ELA and Math grade levels of students with the basics being focused and part of grading tools in the classroom. Using IXL as our data collection system we will improve every students ELA and Math score by one grade level over the school year.
- Teachers will make sure that spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization are being graded in the classroom work and focused on with in the lessons.
- eachers will continue to incorporate math into their lessons in all classrooms and having students perform basic computations.
- Students will be assessed using IXL Diagnostic in September in Math and ELA classroom and that data will be shared with all teachers.
- Math and ELA classrooms will use IXL for at least 1 day a week in their classrooms and complete bench mark testing every three months that data will be shared with all teachers.
- Data will be shared with teachers once a month and any students that aren’t making growth in Math or ELA teachers and admin will create a plan for recovery of skills missing.
- In April students in ELA and Math will again complete testing using IXL to determine growth.
These goals were not focused on during the 2022-2023 school year
Characteristic 6: Frequent Monitoring of Learning and Teaching
Goal #2: Staff will continue to learn and grow in the area of trauma and SEL for students. We will become a trauma invested school using the tools we have to focus on mental health for our students and teaching to the student as a whole.
- We will continue to use the “Character Strong” program for SEL lessons with the students during Advisory time,
- Offer PD options via online on SEL and Trauma for staff to learn how to handle situations with students and peers.
- Staff will be able to participate in a book study on the book Shooter by Caroline Pignat to reflect on how we can help students of all different levels of trauma.
The Character Strong program was not implemented on a consistent basis during the year; little PD time was giving for SEL/Trauma-informed; A book study was not implemented
Characteristic 7: Focused Professional Development
Characteristic 8: Supportive Learning Environment
Goal #3: Staff will continue our focus on self-care and developing ways to provide opportunities for staff to grow as a person and educator using self-care methods and ideas, will be more staff driven.
- Staff will continue with weekly breakfast club on Friday morning hosted in different classrooms.
- A planned monthly get together where staff will sign up to host the get together in September.
- Staff will present self-care strategies during monthly morning meetings or use books such as Teacher’s Guide to Self Care, 180 days of Self-Care for Busy Educators, or Positive Mindset Habits for Teachers.
Staff did a great job implement coffee chat Friday’s and taking the time collaborate, celebrate and talk; monthly potlucks were implemented; focusing on sharing strategies was not implemented