Dual Credit
December 3, 2024
The Pomeroy School District as well as all public high schools in our state are required by OSPI to report the Dual Credit access for our students regarding the passing of Substitute House Bill (SHB) 1146 (OSPI Bulletin No. 067-24). We want our students, parents, and guardians to be aware and educated on the dual credit options available at Pomeroy Jr. Sr. High School (Running Start, College in the High School, CTE Dual Credit, AP/IB/Cambridge), and the financial assistance available to them. You will receive this annual notification each year by email or a hard copy will be available at the HS office. Our school/academic counselor has been working with the 9th-12th grade students and the options for dual credits while attending PJSHS each year. It is our desire that this document will answer questions from parents/guardians. Please ‘click’ on the links below for further information.
- Bulletin Attachment - Dual Credit Notification
- Bulletin Attachment - Running Start Access
- Bulletin Attachment - CiHS Transcription Guidance
- Bulletin Attachment Test Fee Subsidies
Below is the list of dual credits for our students at PJSHS:
Ag Science & Tech – AGBS 108 Computers in Agriculture, 5 credits
Veterinary Assistant – ANSC 115 Animal Health and Disease, 5 credits
Human Development – ECED& 100 Child Care Basics, 3 credits
Health – ECED& 107 Health/Safety/Nutrition, 5 credits
Accounting – ACCT& 201 Principles of Accounting I, 5 credits
DigiTools – CS 110 Introduction to Computers and Applications, 5 credits
Accounting 4 – ACCT 115 QuickBooks, 5 credits
Publications/Yearbook – BUS 138 Document Editing, 5 credits
Natural Resources- AGSC 113- Cultivated Plants, 5 credits
Plant biology-AGSC 114- Plant Physiology, 5 credits
Ag Mechanics- WELD 111 (up to 6 credits depending on the welds completed)
College Algebra & Trig 147 , 5 credits
STATS Reasoning 153 5 credits
College English 101 & 201 5 credits
If you have further questions, please contact Mr. Fred R. Knebel, PJSHS Counselor.
You can reach Mr. Knebel at [email protected] or by calling the HS office at 509-843-1331.