Mrs. McKeehan's 2nd Grade
Mrs. McKeehan’s 2nd Grade Classroom Supply List 2024-2025:
*Supplies do not have to be brand new. Gently used that work well are just fine.
- Backpack
- 1 - 10 pack mini TWISTABLE crayons (These stay sharp, don’t break easily, and will last all year!)
- 1 - 12 pack of TWISTABLE colored pencils
- Washable Markers (10 pack)
- 8 glue sticks * (no fun scented please)
- 1 - 8” x 5” supply box (big, fancy ones will not fit)
- 3 – 1 Subject, 70 sheet, wide-ruled spiral notebooks (green cardboard covers only)
- 1 – fun wide-ruled composition notebook for journaling
- 6 - #2 “Ticonderoga brand pencils” * (presharpened is very helpful)
- 2 – 4 pink pearl erasers (label) Please no pencil toppers
- 3 - Highlighters * (any color)
- 4 – FINE TIP white board markers in fun colors *
- 1 pack regular white board markers in fun colors
- 1 pair pointed tip scissors (pointed tip Fiskers preferred, please get appropriate size for their little hands)
- 1 spill-proof water bottle
- 1 box of Kleenex *
- 1 container of disinfectant wipes *
- 1 bottle of FOAMING anti-bacterial hand soap *
- PE Socks (for those days when your child wears sandals to school)
- PE Shoes (if your child needs help tying their shoes please send Velcro or slip-on shoes! Also, these do not need to be new, but they need to be clean! )
- Deodorant (This will stay in their locker)
- 2 Class Snacks *– Students can bring their own healthy snack each day but we also welcome snacks that can be shared with the class. (Ex: cereal, fruit snacks/roll ups, fig/cereal/Nutrigrain bars, pretzels, crackers, granola bars, goldfish, graham crackers, popcorn, etc.) Individually packaged snacks would be helpful. There is a snack area with multiple choices for each child.
PLEASE LABEL ALL OF YOUR CHILD’S ITEMS that are not community items, *Indicates community
# Optional items for donation, so nice to have but definitely not required : * foaming antibacterial
hand soap, *Dixie cups, * glue sticks, * Post-its, * Snack Ziploc bags , * snacks
Please join our class Facebook page: Mrs. McKeehan’s Sweet 2nd Grade to stay up to date on
our current class happenings! It is a closed group so parents/guardians and staff will be the only
members. Please do a quick search for Mrs. McKeehan’s Sweet 2nd Grade and request to be
added to the group.
See you soon!
Mrs. McKeehan