ASB Handbook
Pomeroy School District #110 believes that student activities outside the regular curricular program are an integral part of its complete educational program. Student involvement in these programs can add to their educational experience and meet needs which may not be provided for by the regular curricular program.
Advising student activities requires time and effort. In the case of a class or club advisor, the time and effort are essential if the class or club is to operate for the benefit of its members, the school, and the community.
A copy of the job description for a class or club advisor is included in this handbook. Advisors should read and be familiar with the contents of this handbook as it covers all phases of supervision of class and club activities.
Students are encouraged to participate fully in all phases of class and club activities, from planning to record keeping. However, they cannot be expected to manage their class or club without advisor support. They must be taught the correct procedures and advisors must carefully monitor student use of these procedures.
The handbook is designed to provide the information necessary to properly advise a class or club. Please note that procedures are included, but forms may be picked up from the Associated Student Body Central Treasurer (ASB Secretary). If you have questions, then seek assistance from the ASB Advisor or the ASB Secretary.CLASS ADVISOR & CLUB ADVISORS RESPONSIBILITIES
Class activities are an integral part of student life at Pomeroy Jr./Sr. High School. The faculty is a part of this process through advising students in their activities. The Senior Class Advisor and Junior Class Advisor are paid positions, while the rest are administratively assigned positions.
- To advise the class and class executive officers in completing class activities.
- To supervise class meetings and work with the class president to set the agenda.
- To provide for supervision at class activities when necessary. This responsibility doesn't require any advisor to be present at an activity on non-school time unless they would like to attend. It means the advisor has discussed and can assure supervision at the activity by an adult.
- To sign all A.S.B. Activity documents. Signature on any document would require the signing advisor to have knowledge and responsibility in helping students complete that activity.
- To be a Lead Class Advisor every other year. This position would require the most time with the class and class executive officers for the year. A class assistant advisor could work with a group on any activity, however, the assistant advisor would be responsible for seeing it through to completion.
ASB Advisor’s Agreement
As an Advisor or Coach of __________________________________, I accept that I have a responsibility to:
- Write, implement and/or execute all elements of the club constitution.
- Provide supervision of students immediately before, during and after all school sponsored activities.
- Obtain parental permission forms prior to the fundraiser and submit all forms upon completion of fundraiser to the ASB Bookkeeper.
- Plan events that minimize conflicts with other district and building events.
- Develop an annual budget plan including anticipated revenue and expenditures.
- Keep accurate inventory records of all district and school property.
- Follow proper procedures for cash handling and purchasing.
- Follow proper procedures for fundraising, including use of required forms and timely submission to the ASB Bookkeeper.
I acknowledge receipt of the “Pomeroy School District ABS Handbook” and the will comply with the information set forth in the handbook.
I have read the recordkeeping requirements for fundraisers and agree to follow them to ensure that the paperwork is completed as required by the state auditor’s office.
___________________________________ |
_______________________ |
Advisor/Coach Signature |
Date |
___________________________________ |
_______________________ |
Printed Name |
Club/Sport |
ASB Background
Why was ASB (Associated Student Body) created?
- To encourage student involvement outside of the regular curricular program through extra-curricular activities.
- In order to have ASB activities, Washington State law requires each school to establish a student government. ASB officers have many responsibilities for the management of the ASB budget, the club and class activities and fiscal operations.
- ASB funds are public money generated in the student interest for Cultural, Athletic, Recreational and Social uses (CARS).
- WAC 392-138-010 (1) defines ASB organizations as “a formal organization of students, including subcomponents or affiliated student groups such as student clubs, which is formed with the approval, and operated subject to the control, or the board of directors or a school district…”
- WAC 392-138-010 (2) defines ASB activities as: “any activity which (a) is conducted in whole or in part by or on behalf of an associated student body during or outside regular school hours and within or outside school grounds or facilities, and (b) is conducted with the approval, and at the direction or under the supervision, of the school district.”
ASB Roles & Responsibilities
The ASB fund is for the extracurricular benefit of the students and their involvement in the decision –making process and is an integral part of the associated student body government.
The following events must show evidence of student approval:
- Budget
- Constitution and bylaws
- All Fundraisers/Activity Proposals
- All purchase orders
- All disbursements
- Fundraiser reconciliations
- Election of student officers
- Transfers
The ASB (at each school) is responsible for creating a constitution that must:
- Establish the organization of the ASB such as officer positions and responsibilities, advisory positions and responsibilities, who can be a member, how to establish a club, timelines for elections, budget preparation etc.
- Establish rules/limitations on the collection of private funds.
- Must establish procedures to ensure compliance with all state and school board policies regarding procurement and disbursements including student approval at all levels.
- ASB Constitution must be approved by District School Board.
ASB Funds may be used for ASB activities that are:
- Optional • Noncredit • Extracurricular
These activities are: • Cultural • Athletic • Recreational • Social
Meeting Minutes
The records of the school’s ASB Constitution and the ASB Council Minutes shall be kept in perpetuity (never to be destroyed) in a safe and central location and per the applicable state laws regarding retention can be sent to the state archives. This includes Club Meeting Minutes.
It is the duty of the ASB Secretary to keep accurate and up-to-date minutes of all regular and special student council and executive meetings. Copies shall be provided to all members of the student council and the faculty office.
ASB Budget
Annual Budget Preparation:
Club & Activity Budgets must include Fundraiser/Activity Proposals, Anticipated Revenue, Anticipated Disbursements, and Transfers. These require Student Council Approval (to be documented in meeting minutes). District Office review and final School Board approval.
WAC 392-138-110
Each ASB of a school district…annually shall prepare and submit a financial plan (budget) for support of the ASB program…and then present such budget to the board of directors for its review, revision, and approval…
…The budget as approved shall constitute and appropriation and authorization for the disbursement of funds for the purpose established in the budget.
WAC 392-128-125 (1)
No disbursement shall be made except as provided for the budget approved.
Fundraising/Activity Proposals
Must receive Student Council and Administrator approval before starting activity/fundraiser.
Anticipated revenue must be given
Anticipated expenses (be sure to include transportation, supervision, security, food, etc.) must be given
Projected profit stated
Require approval at ASB Meeting, Signature from Advisor, Student Officer, ASB Bookkeeper, and ASB Advisor. Using the Fundraising/Activity Form.
When is it considered an ASB fundraiser?
The cash receipts are given to the school ASB Secretary and/or stored in the school safe. The students handle the cash receipting and reconciliation process during the school day; or
A majority of the work is performed by students
The inventory of the work is performed by students
The inventory is purchased by ASB.
The school district holds and inventories the goods for resale.
The parent group uses the school name (without adding the word “boosters”).
School district personnel are involved during staff time.
Not required and not graded.
Steps for checking out a cash box for fundraiser.
Check out cash box to one person only, must be an adult. Cash should be counted by the person receiving and the person checking out (count together if possible). Both people should sign a document showing the date, event, amount checked out. Money needs to be returned in whole to ASB Bookkeeper within 24 hours by an adult.
Process for Conducting a Fundraiser:
Complete and submit a Request for Fundraiser form – this must be approved by building administration and the ASB. Plan ahead approval process may take a few days.
Any contracts must be reviewed and signed by the District Administration (example would be DJ Contracts).
Purchase Order – must be requested and approved by both ASB Treasurer, ASB Bookkeeper, and Building Administration, prior to the expenses occurring.
Inventory Check-out Forms – must be used for any inventory (including team shirts).
Depository Requirements – RCW 43.09.240 – Deposits must be made within 24 hours. Revenues deposited intact – money from fundraisers must be deposited intact (do not use any fundraiser money to pay for expenses) to the ASB Bookkeeper within 24 hours and locked up after the fundraiser is completed.
A reconciliation is required for all fundraising activities – includes sales of tickets, yearbooks, ASB Cards, merchandise, etc. (completed on fundraiser form) to be completed at the conclusion of ALL fundraiser/activities (any time money is receipted).
- Attach copies of all receipts for deposits of revenues. Compare actual revenues received from receipts to expected revenues.
- Attach invoices from related expenses which are used to determine profit/loss.
- Perform ending inventory of remaining unsold merchandise.
- Document any unaccounted inventory items or revenue shortages on the reconciliation form.
- Missing inventory or receipts must be assigned to the responsible student and included as a fine on their account.
- Unsold inventory must remain in the possession of the ASB Central Office.
Charitable Fundraiser:
ASB must give prior approval. Verify beneficiary is a legitimate charitable organization. Follow fundraising procedures. Advertisements must indicate intended use. Club funds may not be used for charitable purposes.
Donations for Private Use:
Receiving - If the district permits students to conduct fundraising activities and solicitation of donations in their private capacities they shall establish policies to permit such activities and the allowable uses of such moneys. The board policy and/or procedures must include the approval process for such activities as well as provisions to ensure appropriate accountability for these funds, which are required to be held in trust. Check your districts policy regarding donations of goods, services and money.
Expenditures - Expenditures for charitable donations, scholarships, and student exchange may be made only from legitimate ASB private, non-associated student body money subject to board policy and specific controls. Cash awards and cash equivalents such as gift certificates/cards are not allowed. Items given to individuals should be of nominal value (check district policy for de minimis amount). For example, an inexpensive pin, plaque, trophy, or athletic sew-on patch would be allowed since they have a nominal value and no functional use or value except to the person receiving the award.
ASB Purchasing and Accounting Procedures:
Our ASB bookkeeping system is designed to comply with OSPI regulations and directives from our computer system as well as accepted accounting procedures. It often seems cumbersome, but can work smoothly with your cooperation. Trying to save time by avoiding the system almost always causes extra work for everyone involved.
These guidelines should help advisors and students understand and work with the system. A brief outline of procedures is followed by detailed instructions.
Procedures to Follow:
- All purchases are initiated through students, with vote by club/class to spend the money.
- Every order or purchase for merchandise requires a purchase order. A requisition is first submitted to the ASB Treasurer, then ASB Secretary, and Final approval by the ASB Advisor. Please allow a full day for preparation of a Purchase Order.
- The Purchase Order can then be printed off Skyward and submitted to the Vendor at the time of purchase. Please use the Costco card for purchases at Costco and the District Visa when possible. Amazon orders and KCDA orders can be submitted on Skyward and ordered directly from vendor. Do not use a personal credit card at any time.
- A requisition for School District Visa must be approved prior to use of the Visa card. Elementary Staff cards will be kept in the District Office to be given out after requisition approval by Principal, Superintendent, Business Manager, or District Secretary. High School Staff cards will be kept in the High School Office to be given out after requisition approval by Principal, HS Secretary, or ASB Bookkeeper. After purchase made card and receipt must be returned within 24 hours.
- Provide invoices, sales slips, packing lists, and receipts to the ASB Secretary, ASAP with PO number written on documentation when possible. – These must be turned into the ASB Secretary as documentation for payment of bills.
- All ASB money raised through fundraisers must be deposited intact with the ASB Secretary, before they can be spent. DO NOT make payments using cash. This is illegal.
- Any purchase made prior to approval of requisition will become the responsibility of purchaser and not paid or reimbursed by the district.
Authorization of Purchase Order before ordering or purchasing any merchandise is required.
Note – Payment for purchase made without a Purchase Order will be the responsibility of the individual who made the purchase. Advisors – please be certain the students understand this and pre-plan purchases!!!
Any expenditure of ASB funds requires a Payment Order signed by the activity advisor, ASB treasurer, and ASB Advisor. These are processed in two ways:
- Most bills are paid by warrant. Requests must be submitted early enough to be processed before the School Board meeting. The warrants are mailed out following the School Board meeting – usually around the end of the month.
- A very small payment can be made on shorter notice from a revolving fund checking account. This is intended for such things as meal money for travel and other immediate needed funding. Please do not expect any large payment of obligations that can be planned ahead. Please plan ahead to have expenses paid by warrant.
- When out-of-state vendors do not charge state sales tax we are required to pay Washington State tax. Please allow the current Garfield County rate for tax on such orders (this is done for you in Skyward).
Change needed for ticket sales, dances, food sales, etc., will be signed out by the ASB Secretary to an adult supervisor only. Please request at least 24 hours in advance on Activity Form (with amount breakdowns). You must also complete an Activity Sheet (located in office at the ASB Bookkeeper’s desk). The Activity Sheet doesn’t apply to ticket sales for games and concessions. Any sales activity such as candy sales, t-shirt sales, etc., also requires a sales check-out form. It is considered a fundraiser when we receipt or spend any money, even if we are not making a profit.
All ASB money must be deposited in the office with the ASB Bookkeeper. A deposit slip must be filled out by the student treasurer or advisor who then will recount the money with the ASB Bookkeeper. A receipt will be issued for each deposit.
Deposit Procedure:
The money received from athletic events, concessions, fundraisers, etc. need to have a completed deposit slip. This should be done by two (2) people (possibly advisor and club member). Write a fee receipt to any individual who pays fees (ASB Cards, Yearbooks, etc.)
Athletic Budgets and Purchasing:
Athletic Budget
The athletic budget falls under Pomeroy High School Associated Student Body Budget and is administered by the High School Principal.
Responsibility of Payment of Unauthorized Purchases
Payment for purchases made without a Purchase Order and proper authorization will be the responsibility of the individual who made the purchase.
Fund-Raising Activities
Coaches using fundraising activities for their sport must follow the same as ASB
Purchasing and Accounting Procedures listed for regular activities. All fundraising must be authorized by the Athletic Director and approved through ASB.
Immediately following each season, the Head Coach for each sport will inventory all equipment and uniforms. The inventory is to be given to the Athletic Director. Equipment or uniforms that are not accounted shall be charged to the individual student who fails to return the items in question. A list of students that owes money for lost uniforms and/or equipment is to be submitted to the Athletic Director and Principal. The individual student athlete will be responsible to pay for the non-returned or lost item. An invoice will be sent home with a letter to parents following the end of the season.
Immediately following the sport season, a list will be compiled of all equipment, uniforms and supplies needed for the next year. This list is to be submitted in the form of a preliminary budget. The preliminary budget should include quantities, prices, and athletic equipment company that the items are to be ordered from, if the item is approved.
Budget Approval
At the end of the school year all Head Coaches will meet with the Athletic Director for a budget approval meeting to determine monies available for the development of next year’s athletic budget. Equipment and supplies that need to be ordered early to be here in time or need to be ordered early to qualify for a special purchase price may require special consideration. This consideration will be based on projected monies available and in the case of uniforms, on the replacement cycle.
Post Season Room and Board
The Associated Student Body of Pomeroy Jr/Sr High School will provide room and board accommodations for student-athletes and coaches based on the following criteria:
Rooms for Overnight Stays
- For tournaments held 2 hours driving time and less away, an overnight stay may be provided, depending upon start time of the first contest.
- For tournaments held 2 hours driving time and further away, and overnight stay will be provided the night before the start time of the first contest.
- All overnight stays will include continental breakfast.
Meal Money for State Competitions
- Meal Money is supplemental money to help students on state competitions that take students away from school at a rate of $20 per day. Starting the day following an overnight stay and required for the competition. Agenda of competition will be provided to the ASB Secretary and High School Principal with the request for Meal Money in advance.
- Meal Money will be provided based on current income projections and the ability of the ASB Budget to meet revenue targets.
- When provided, it is mandatory that all overnight stays include a continental breakfast as a part of the room cost.
- If cuts are to be made, they will apply to all ASB clubs.
The Principal/ASB Advisor will work closely with the Athletic Director and ASB Student Council to assure all criteria is met and exceptions are reviewed and approved before any expenditures are made.
Approved by the ASB Council on: June 2018
Fundraising — Charitable (Private Money)
Student fundraising activities are governed by RCW 28A.325.030. The statute clarifies the difference between activities to raise public funds, such as money for school sports programs and school clubs, from fundraising activities which result in private money for charitable causes.
The statute includes a provision to permit student groups in their private capacity to conduct fundraising activities for scholarships, student exchange programs or charitable purposes. If certain conditions are met these funds are considered non-associated student body funds (WAC 392-138010) and are not public money under section 7, article Vlll of the state constitution.
All fundraiser and expenditures for the fundraisers need to be recognized and include detailed cost expenditures in meeting minutes. These meeting minutes' need to be signed off by ASB, an Advisor, and administrator.
(RCW 28A.325.030, WAC 392-138-200, 205, 210)
Board policy must be in place defining the scope and nature of allowable fundraising and must include provisions to ensure appropriate accountability for these funds.
Funds must be held in trust by the school district and accounted for separate from public money.
The 6)<XX account is used for Charitable/Private Money (if your district's charitable/private money is less than 5% of your district's annual ASB expenditures.) District private purpose trust fund (if it exists) may also be used.
Contact your district office for more information.
Budget approval and capacity is required if deposited to the ASB funds. No budget is required if using a trust fund.
Notice must be given to potential customers identifying the intended use of the proceeds. The notice shall also state that the proceeds are non-associated student body funds to be held in trust by the school district exclusively for the intended purpose.
Fundraising — Charitable (Private Money)
Deposit and investment practices follow the same requirements as public funds of the district. All money must be receipted, deposited intact and transferred to the county treasurer.
Direct costs of the fundraiser are withheld by the district or otherwise compensated.
Pre-approval for disbursement is required by the ASB or other authority designated in school district policy or procedures.
Use of funds must be only for the advertised purpose. Examples of charitable fundraisers may include: funding scholarships and student exchange programs, assisting families whose homes have been destroyed, supporting bonafide charitable organizations, community projects. Charitable purposes do not include any activity related to assisting a campaign for election of a person to an office or promotion or opposition to a ballot proposition.
Raising Enough - There is risk of not raising enough to cover the cost of the activity. This can be problematic since district/public funds CANNOT be used to finance the event. Plan carefully to ensure a profitable event. Running a second fundraiser would be an option to breakeven.
Nonprofit Organizations - Some nonprofit organizations desire to use students and class time to raise funds for their cause. Districts need to review the activities and determine if they are consistent with the district mission and policies. It is recommended that charitable fundraising be done outside of the class day.
Accepting Checks - If accepting checks, wait until all deposits have cleared before remitting proceeds. Checks that are returned as "non-sufficient funds" must be deducted from the amount available. Matching donations may arrive late and must be processed in the same manner as the other donations.
Prizes, Commissions, Incentives - Consider whether prizes, commissions, and incentives will be permitted in conjunction with charitable fundraising. Some districts have taken the approach that student involvement in these types of events should be the result of the student's desire to participate in a good cause. These types of expenses may also lessen the amount available for the charitable purpose. ASB funds cannot be used to support private charitable functions.
Fundraising - General Fund
History - On February 19, 2003, the Attorney General's Office issued AGO 2003 No. 1, which stated that RCW 28A.320.015 authorizes school districts to undertake fundraising activities where the activity in question is related to the educational purposes served by the school district.
Prior to general fund fundraising, school board must adopt policies outlining the scope and nature of fundraising to be allowed. All fundraising activities allowed by the policy must either relate to an educational activity or promote the effective, efficient, and safe management of the district. It is recommended that districts develop a listing of allowable General Fund fundraising activities.
Districts must show a link between the fundraising activity and some specific district educational activity. It is recommended that the link to the educational activity be outlined on the fundraiser request form.
Clearly state that it's General Fund fundraising:
The purpose of the fundraiser must be clearly identified as being a fundraiser for the General Fund. All advertising should clearly indicate what the intended purpose of the proceeds are for, and appropriate accounting records be maintained to properly account for each fundraising activity.
Districts should clearly identify whether fundraising activities are: General Fund fundraising; Associated Student Body fundraising; or Charitable, non associated student body fundraising. "Joint" fundraising activities (i.e. ASB and general fund) are NOT recommended.
It is NOT private money:
Moneys raised from general fund fundraising activities are public moneys, and as such must be spent appropriately.
Gifts, Awards and Incentives
ASB funds are designated as public funds of the school district per RCW 28A.325.020 and RCW 28A.325.030. As public funds of the district, the district must control and account for student body money within the legal parameters governing public funds. This results in certain restrictions on the use of these funds.
Some particular restrictions on the use of public money that cause confusion are:
- ASB public funds can only be used for legal and legitimate activities of the Associated Student Body.
- ASB public funds cannot be used for any personal or private use.
- ASB public funds cannot be used for anything under the general heading of gifts, including charitable donations, scholarship or student exchange.
Expenditures for charitable donations, scholarships, and student exchange may be made only from legitimate ASB private, non-associated student body money subject to board policy and specific controls. (See Fundraising Charitable - Private Money Section.)
While it is constitutionally prohibited (Article Vlll section 7) to make a gift of public funds, it is legal to give prizes or awards in recognition of achievement under certain conditions. The distinction between gifts and prizes or awards is made based upon the following:
- Cash awards and cash equivalents such as gift certificates/cards are not allowed.
- Items given to individuals should be of nominal value (check district policy for de minimis amount). For example, an inexpensive pin, plaque, trophy, or athletic sew-on patch would be allowed since they have a nominal value and no functional use or value except to the person receiving the award.
- If the item is of a personal nature and of greater than nominal value but will be retained by the Associated Student Body, it is not considered a gift. For example, spirit wear can be purchased for use during the club activities; however, individuals cannot retain them.
Gifts, Awards and Incentives
Awarding Student Apparel
Individuals in certain groups within the District's ASB provide leadership, encourage sportsmanship and promote school recognition and school spirit within the school setting and community. In recognition of this service, apparel that no longer has a monetary value may be awarded to these individuals.
It is also legal to give prizes in a raffle designed to raise funds for the student body, provided the money collected is at least as much as the value of the prize(s) being raffled. The ASB must own the prize prior to the start of the raffle. There are specific requirements that must be followed in holding a raffle per the Washington State Gambling Commission. (See Fundraising Section.)
Some examples of payments that have been determined to be gifts and NOT ALLOWED are as follows:
- Food or clothing that was purchased for a needy family. Non-associated student body funds raised by students in their private capacities may be used for such purposes provided they are permitted by district policy. (See Charitable section.)
- Refreshments purchased for teacher or staff (non-student) meetings.
The use of ASB money for graded curricular activities is strictly prohibited. ASB money can only be used for optional, noncredit extracurricular events (which are cultural, social, recreational or athletic in nature) of the district (RCW 28A.325.010).
A refund is a return of funds. There are two types of refunds, a refund of revenue and a refund of expenditure.
A refund of revenue is returning funds that have been previously receipted and deposited by the ASB. Sufficient documentation showing original receipt of funds must be supplied to issue a refund. A refund can be issued by imprest check or district warrant, but should never be made from current cash on hand. Consult your district office for board authorized procedures.
A refund of expenditure is when the ASB returns merchandise to the vendor. The vendor issues a credit invoice or refund check. Consult your district office for the correct procedures to follow when this type of transaction occurs. Consult your district office for board-authorized procedures.
Refunds for receipted checks should not be issued until sufficient time has passed to ensure the check has cleared the bank. Consult your district office for board-authorized procedures.
The ASB Bookkeeper should verify which fund and account the original transaction occurred in to ensure that the refund comes from that same fund and account. (IF the revenue was deposited in a revenue General Ledger account, the refund should come back out of that same revenue General Ledger account).
Refunds must be recorded in the point of sale system or student records to ensure a double refund is not issued and proper internal controls are followed.
Student Involvement
All activities of a secondary school ASB's, in grades 7 through 12, must have student approval and supporting documentation must bear evidence of student engagement. Student authorization may be satisfied by signatures on requisitions, purchase orders, payment orders, or disclosure in the minutes of the ASB student council. Students authorized to approve transactions in the cultural, athletic, social and recreational areas of the ASB should be designated by the ASB governing body.
For schools with grades lower than sixth grade, the board may designate the Principal to act as the ASB. Refer to RCW 28A.325.020.
The ASB fund is for the extracurricular benefit of the students and their involvement in the decision making process is an integral part of associated student body government. The students must have adult supervision to properly administer the associated student body programs, but that supervision must not exclude student participation in determining the use of the money. Refer to WAC 392-138-120, WAC 392-138-125 and WAC 392-138-210. The following events must show evidence of student approval in schools with 7th grade and above:
- Budget
- Collection of private money
- Constitution and By-laws
- Disbursements
- Election of student officers
- Fundraisers
- Transfers
A student council needs to understand the parameters within which it functions at school. Failure to understand these can lead to a breakdown in communication between the principal and the council. The result can be discontent and frustration. Positive school climate may become impossible under such circumstances. Ultimately, the public is "in charge" in a public school system. Their desires are reflected in the policies adopted by the Board of Education and executed by the administration. State and federal laws also impact the system. With this in mind, a student council can actually function on three participatory levels within the school.
Level One: Students have been "empowered" by the principal to conduct their activities with nearly complete authority. Nearly complete because they are subject to the approval of their advisor and the principal.
Level Two: Students have been empowered by the principal to share authority with the staff and administration.
Level Three: Students have been empowered to give input, but have no control over decision making.
Levels of empowerment in most schools include:
Authority |
Shared Authority |
Input Authority (No Authority) |
Council Projects |
School Climate |
Grades |
Elections |
Event Scheduling |
Discipline |
Homecoming |
Student Scheduling |
Hiring/Firing |
Constitutional Revision |
Fund Raising |
Cafeteria |
Council Operation |
Athletic Expenditures |
Maintenance |
Publicity |
Announcements |
Vacation |
Evaluation |
Assemblies |
National Organizations |
Dances |
Traditions |
Day Length Credit Requirements |
In order to avoid conflicts and discrimination, we, the members of Pomeroy High School, have established and will conform to the following articles and by-laws.
Article I - Name of Organization
The organization for which this constitution affects is the Associated Student Body of Pomeroy Junior-Senior High School.
Article II - Requirements for Membership
Any student regularly enrolled at Pomeroy Junior-Senior High School and members of the faculty complying with this constitution shall be declared members of the Associated Student Body.
Article III - Officers, Terms, and Election Conditions
Section 1:
(a)The executive officers of the Associated Student Body shall be: President, VicePresident, Secretary, Treasurer, Senior Representative, and Junior Representative.
(b)The Student Council Representatives shall include: the presidents and representatives elected by each class. The elected representative from every Associated Student Body sponsored club. In the event that an A.S.B. Executive Officer concurrently holds a representative position in a class or club, the class or club may petition to have another officer represent the class or club, in order to maintain a balance of representation.
Section 2:
(a)The terms of office will be for one (1) year and shall be elected during the last grading period of the year at a time selected by the Student Council.
(b)A.S.B. Executive Officers shall be elected to office by popular vote as outlined in the A.S.B. Election Protocol Document. Electors shall be members of the Associated Student Body in the seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh grades, and faculty. (c)The President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Senior Representative shall be elected from the Junior class; the Junior Representative shall be elected from the Sophomore class. To qualify as a candidate for an A.S.B. Executive Office a student must be willing to maintain standards of good leadership as outlined in the A.S.B. Executive Officer Code.
(d)Executive Officers, class officers, and club officers form a hierarchy of classification.
No student can hold more than one (1) position in each classification.
(e)No one student may represent more than one (1) voting position on the Executive and/or Student Council. If one (1) student concurrently holds more than one position, because of class and club election, then the A.S.B. Office takes priority, followed by the class office, then club office.
(f)Each member of Student Council shall be responsible for reporting to the class, club, or organization he/she represents, the business conducted by Student Council.
Article IV - Executive Council Duties
Section 1:
The duties of the executive officers shall be:
- Preside over all meetings of the executive council and Student Council,
- Organize the election process,
- Appoint any needed committees,
- Host all student assemblies,
- Coordinate the activities of the Student Body with the building principals and publish a monthly activity calendar.
- Preside over all meetings in the event the president is absent.
- Serve as an 'Ad Hoc' member of all committees,
- Assist in the selection of Student Body sponsored assemblies.
- Keep accurate minutes of all meetings,
- Publish and supply copies of minutes to the Associated Student Body, Central Treasurer, Advisors and all Council members,
- Handle all Associated Student Body correspondence.
- Assist the Associated Student Body Central Treasurer in handling of financial matters,
- Report to the Student Council concerning Associated Student funds,
- Shall show council approval for expenditures through his/her signature on Associated Student Body checks.
- Attend Directors' meetings and council meetings,
- Share with Directors the views of the students on appropriate business.
- Share with students the directors views.
Section 1:
The meetings of the Student Council shall be held monthly on dates set by the Council.
Section 2:
Special meetings of the Associated Students may be called at the written request of:
(a) 10 members, with the consent of the Executive Council, or (b) The President of the Associated Students.
Article VI - Powers of Student Council
Section 1:
The student Council shall have the power to;
- Pass such by-laws as are necessary to regulate the government of the Associated Students,
- Adjust such difficulties as may arise between classes, clubs or other organizations in the Associated Students,
- Approve recommendations of the coaches/advisors in regard to Associated Student Body awards,
- Make a report on all business transacted that concerns the Student Body,
- Fill all vacancies among officers of the Associated Student Body with the exception of the presidency which shall be filled by the Vice-President, (f) Regulate the student activities calendar.
Article VII - Standing Committees
The Associated Student Body sanctions the following standing committees:
Section 1:
The John Gates Volunteer Wall of Fame Nomination Committee:
(a)The purpose of this committee shall be to review all candidates nominated to be included in the volunteer wall of fame. Its short name will be the "volunteer nomination committee."
(b)Criteria for nominating volunteers shall be set through the Student Council. (c)The committee shall be composed of all ASB Executive Officers, a knowledgeable staff member, and the Principal.
(d)Each year, the committee shall recommend one qualified candidate to the Student Council for approval.
(e)Once approved by the Student Council, the Junior and/or Senior Representatives to the School Board shall communicate the approved nominee to the School Board for approval.
(f)Upon School Board approval, the Associated Student Body shall plan for obtaining a recognition plaque, its installation, and celebration of the new inductee.
Article VIII - Activities Awards
Section 1:
Award emblems shall be granted by the Student Body for all W.I.A.A. interscholastic activities.
Section 2:
The emblems shall be awarded according to a point system which shall have been approved by the Student Council.
Section 3:
After the official emblems have been adopted by the Student Council their design can only be changed by the usual method of amending the Constitution.
Section 4:
The award for drill team and varsity cheerleader shall be a pin selected by the Student Council for the first year and a guard for each additional year, and shall be awarded according to a point system approved by the Student Council.
Article IX - Amendments
This Constitution may be amended in the following manner:
- An amendment(s) shall be proposed by the Student council or by the petition of ten percent (10%) of the Student Body.
- Such proposed amendment(s) shall be read at the first meeting of the Student Body following the proposal and shall be voted upon not sooner than two days thereafter.
- The proposed amendment(s) must be submitted in writing to the Student Council one meeting before it is to be voted upon by the Student Council.
- An affirmative vote of at least 51% of the Student Council shall be required before submission of the proposed amendment(s) to the Associated Students.
- A two-thirds (.667) majority of all ballots cast shall be required for ratification.
Article X - Initiative, Referendum Recall
Section 1:
This constitution recognizes the full right of the initiative, referendum and recall to be used correctly.
Section 2:
By petition signed by twenty percent (20%) of the Associated Students, such matters as stated may be brought before the Associated Students.
Accepted by the Student Council
Section 1:
Accepted Parliamentary Procedure, as specified by Robert's Rules of Order, shall govern the meetings of the Associated Student Body and Student Council.
Section 2:
In order for business to be transacted, a quorum must be present. A quorum is defined as at least fifty one percent (51%) of all officers and representatives duly elected or appointed to serve in Student Council.
Section 3:
The President may appoint an Associated Student Body Reporter. The following requirements must be fulfilled:
- The Student Council shall confirm the appointment through a majority vote.
- The Reporter shall be relieved of his/her duties upon a majority vote of the Student Council upon the recommendation of the President or Executive Council.
- The purpose of the Reporter is to publicize and inform the Associated Student Body of all Student Council and Executive Council activities regularly, such as the Pirate Gold, East Washingtonian, newsletters, etc.
- The Reporter may attend and participate in all activities of the Student Council and Executive Council as a non-voting member.
- The reporter must relinquish any Student Council office or position that allows him/her to attend such meetings, due to a potential conflict of interest.
Section 4:
By-laws may be amended, deleted, or added at any regular meeting of the Student Council provided:
- A quorum is present, and
- two-thirds (.667) vote in favor of the change.
Section 5:
Homecoming activities will be governed by a selected committee.
Section I - Nomination of Officers:
(a)A potential candidate may be nominated in one of three ways and have maintained a 2.00 grade point average from the previous two (2) semesters in school (previous spring semester and present school year fall semester):
- by a current high school teacher
- by the principal or superintendent
- by a signed petition with the signatures of 20 students
(b)If the potential candidate has not maintained a 2.00 grade point average, then a signature of support from all current teachers is necessary.
(c)Once nominated, a candidate must be willing to maintain standards of good leadership as outlined in the A.S.B. Executive Officer Code.
Section II - Election Assembly:
(a)The date for the election and election assembly will be set by the Principal and A.S.B Executive Council.
(b)The election assembly will involve candidates presenting their platform and answer impromptu questions.
Section III - Counting of Ballot and Certification:
(a)The ballots shall be counted in a secure place.
(b)Senior class members of the A.S.B. Executive Council shall count the ballots under the supervision of the Principal or Principal Designee.
(c)An A.S.B. Executive Council member needing to leave the room for any circumstance shall seek and be granted permission by the Principal or Principal Designee before leaving.
(d)A recount shall occur if the counted ballots for a specific office is within ten (10) votes. (e)A recount shall occur if the counted ballots for a specific office is within one (1) vote and shall continue to occur until the same result occurs twice.
Section IV - Tie Breaker:
(a)In the case of a tie, elector classes (grades 7-11) shall meet as a class and vote secretly to elect one candidate. The winner of this special election shall receive one vote.
(b)The winner of the tie shall be the candidate in which the majority of the classes elected.
Section V - Election Results:
(a)Once the election is certified, the winners shall be announced over the intercom.
(b)A candidate may only find out the number of votes cast in their favor.
Section VI - Amending the Election Protocol Document:
This document or any part of this document can be amended through the Constitutional Amendment process as outlined in Article VIII.
ASB Executive Officer Code
All ASB Executive Officers will purchase an ASB card and abide by the following Code of Conduct set forth by Pomeroy Jr/Sr High School. The following standards of eligibility, conduct, and responsibilities shall apply to all members during the term of office. The official term of office shall run from election date to the end of the following school year.
- Grades will be checked weekly. Grades must be maintained at the C level or above. When grades fall to a C- or below, then the student will not be allowed to participate in leadership activities the week after the grade check.
- Each semester GPA must be a 2.5, and if lower than that is received during a semester student will be placed on probation for the following quarter. If the GPA does not increase by the end of the quarter student may be dismissed from his/her position.
- As a member of ASB, student leaders are expected to be good citizens at all times. Citizenship includes being responsible for one’s own behavior at all times, on or off campus.
- All behavior expectations outlined in the student handbook will be followed. Any exceptional misconduct violation that results in suspension from school will be grounds for immediate dismissal from office.
- Student referrals to the office for disciplinary misbehavior will be investigated promptly by the principal.
- Any student charged with criminal violation will be grounds for immediate dismissal from office.
- All officers will cooperate with and support the ASB President, ASB Advisor, and Administration. All officers will uphold the ASB Constitution and meet all requirements for their positions.
- Officers will not carry, use, or be associated with the use of illegal chemical substances or stimulants, drugs, alcohol, tobacco products, vape machines, or other items not allowed on school campus, at any time, on and off campus, on school-related activities or non-school related activities.
- Officers will display good sportsmanship at all times and serve as an ambassador for Pomeroy High School at other schools and school-related events.
- Attendance and punctuality to meetings is mandatory.
- No use of cell phone/electronic devices in meetings at any time without prior approval from the ASB Advisor/ASB President.
- Attendance at all ASB Activities is required. Officers will plan accordingly and in advance with parents to attend these events. If a student must miss it must be prearranged with the ASB Advisor at least 3 days in advance.
- Working on leadership projects and missing other academic classes without prior approval from the ASB Advisor will result in an unexcused absence.
- All officers will be at setup and clean up for all activities.
- All officers will be assigned different tasks and are expected to execute tasks given to them by the ASB Advisor or the ASB President, and ask for help when needed.
Since eligibility is the responsibility of Administration of Pomeroy Jr/Sr High School, the administration and the student involved will discuss discipline for code violations. In most cases the following actions will be taken for code violations:
- The first violation will result in the loss of participation in ASB Activities and officer duties for one month.
- The second violation will result in removal from office.
Any disciplinary action imposed may be appealed first through the principal, then the superintendent, and finally the school board.
A student becomes an ASB Executive Officer and therefore subject to this code at the time they are elected to office. Officers are subject to the rules outlined in this code during the entire school year. The school year is defined as starting the first day of class and ending with the time of dismissal on the last day of school (graduation). All other ASB Officers for classes and clubs can use this code of conduct or must create their own.
This document is an agreement between the Pomeroy School District Board of Directors and all
Pomeroy High School ASB Executive Officers. It was established in good faith during the 1999/00
School Year and was revised during the 2017/18 School Year. It may be revised with ASB and School Board approval. Recommendations for revisions can be made by either the ASB Executive Officers, Principal, or School Board.
This form must be completed, signed, and turned in to Lori Flynn, ASB Secretary, at least 2 days in advance of activity. If this is not done you may be held personally responsible for any expenses incurred.
NAME OF ACTIVITY/EVENT_____________________________________________________________
SPONSORING CLUB___________________________________________________________________
ASB ACCOUNT #__________________________________
Ones______________ Who will pick up change and/or tickets/
$_________________ Total amount needed for Date & Time of pick up?________________
Am’t ____________ for ____________________
Am’t ____________ for ____________________
Am’t ____________ for ____________________
Am’t ____________ for ____________________
Am’t ____________ for ____________________
Am’t ____________ for ____________________
CLASS/CLUB OFFICER SIGN. _________________________________________
ADVISOR SIGN.______________________________ ASB ADVISOR
For Official Use Only Pre-Approved Fundraiser? ____YES ____NO _____________________________ |
ASB Secretary documented |
Pomeroy School District ASB Monetary Donation Agreement
The (Donor’s Name) _____________________________________________________ hereby gives to the Pomeroy School District a monetary donation in the amount of $__________________ (check # ________). The donation is for the sole and expressed purpose of:
________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________
It is agreed between the (Donor’s Name) _______________________________________ and the Pomeroy School District that the donation will be spend for its intended purpose. Any unused or unexpected funds must be reported to the (Donor’s Name)
__________________________________ and approval is required to spend any remaining funds. Pomeroy School District will provide a complete accounting of the expenditures of the grant funds to the Donor.
Donor’s Information |
District Information |
Name of Organization
Principal’s Signature |
Date |
City, State, Zip
Board Action Information (Required if value of $1000 or more) |
Date of Board Meeting |
Name (Please Print)
☐Approved ☐Denied |
Signature of Superintendent |
School Board Policy Policy 3207
Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying
Pomeroy School District #110 is committed to a safe and civil educational environment for all students, employees, volunteers and patrons, free from harassment, intimidation or bullying. Harassment, intimidation, and bullying may occur when a student’s behavior falls well below expected standard of conduct as defined in Board Policy #3200. Slurs, rumors, jokes, innuendos, demeaning comments, drawings, cartoons, pranks, gestures, physical attacks, threats, or other written, oral, physical or electronically transmitted messages or images (i.e. cyber bullying) are examples of the many forms in which harassment, intimidation, and bullying may take. “Harassment, intimidation, or bullying” means any intentionally written message or image, including those that are electronically transmitted, verbal, or physical act, including but not limited to one shown to be motivated by race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, including gender expression or identity, or mental or physical disability), or other distinguishing characteristics, when an act:
- Physically harms a student or damages the student’s property; or
- Has the effect of substantially interfering with a student’s education; or
- Is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment; or
- Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.
“Intentional acts” refers to the individual’s choice to engage in the act rather than the ultimate impact of the action(s). Nothing in this policy requires the affected student to actually possess a characteristic that is a basis for the harassment, intimidation, or bullying. “Other distinguishing characteristics” can include but are not limited to: physical appearance, clothing or other apparel, socioeconomic status, gender identity, weight, and marital status.
Section 1, Behaviors/Expressions
Harassment, intimidation, or bullying can take many forms including, but not limited to slurs, rumors, jokes, innuendos, demeaning comments, drawings, cartoons, pranks, gestures, physical attacks, threats or other written, oral, physical, or electronically transmitted messages or images.
This policy is not intended to prohibit expression of religious, philosophical, or political views, provided that the expression does not substantially disrupt the educational environment. Many behaviors that do not rise to the level of harassment, intimidation or bullying may still be prohibited by other district policies or building, classroom, or program rules, outlined in Board Policy 3200, Board Policy 3210, and/or Board Policy 8700.
Section 2, Training
This policy is a component of the district’s responsibility to create and maintain a safe, civil, respectful
and inclusive learning community and is to be implemented in conjunction with comprehensive training of staff and volunteers, including the education of students in partnership with families and the community. Employees, in particular, are expected to support the dignity and safety of all members of the school community.
Section 3, Prevention
The district will provide students with strategies aimed at preventing harassment, intimidation, and bullying. In its efforts to train students, the district will seek partnerships with families, law enforcement, and other community agencies.
Section 4, Interventions
Interventions are designed to remediate the impact on the targeted student(s) and others impacted by the violation, to change the behavior of the perpetrator, and to restore a positive school climate. The district will consider the frequency of incidents, developmental age of the student, and severity of the conduct in determining intervention strategies. Interventions will range from counseling, correcting behavior and discipline, to law enforcement referrals.
Section 5, Retaliation/False Allegations
Retaliation is prohibited and will result in appropriate discipline. It is a violation of this policy to threaten or harm someone for reporting harassment, intimidation, or bullying.
It is also a violation of district policy to knowingly report false allegations of harassment, intimidation, and bullying. Students or employees will not be disciplined for making a report in good faith. However, persons found to knowingly report or corroborate false allegations will be subject to appropriate discipline.
Section 6, Compliance Officer
The superintendent will appoint a compliance officer as the primary district contact to receive copies of all formal and informal complaints and ensure policy implementation. The name and contact information for the compliance officer will be communicated throughout the district.
The superintendent is authorized to direct the implementation of procedures addressing the elements of this policy.
Cross References:
Policy 3200 |
Rights and Responsibilities |
Policy 3210 |
Nondiscrimination |
Policy 8700 Legal |
Sexual Harassment |
RCW 28A.300.285 |
Harassment, intimidation, and bullying prevention policies |
RCW 28A.600.480 |
Reporting of harassment, intimidation, or bullying – Retaliation prohibited – Immunity |
RCW 9A.36.080 |
Malicious Harassment – Definition and criminal penalty |
RCW 28A.642 |
K-12 Education – Prohibition of discrimination |
RCW 49.60 |
Discrimination – Human Rights Commission |
Revision Date: 11/26/2012
Revision Date: 10/29/2008
Adoption Date: 9/30/2002
School Board Policy Policy 3315
Weapons Free Schools
Pomeroy School District #110 is committed to providing a safe environment for students, staff, and patrons of the school district. This Weapons-Free Schools Policy is in compliance with Washington state law.
Section 1, Definition
Dangerous weapons are defined in RCW 9.41.250 and RCW 9.41.280.
Section 2, Sanctions
RCW 9.41.280 stipulates that any violation of the dangerous weapons policy constitutes grounds for expulsion from the state’s public schools in accordance with RCW 28A.600.010. A violation of this policy by a student may result in an immediate emergency expulsion being imposed if there is sufficient cause to believe that the student’s presence poses an immediate and continuing danger to the student, other students, or school personnel and a continuing threat of substantial disruption of the educational process.
The appropriate school authority shall promptly notify law enforcement and the student’s parent or guardian regarding any allegation or indication of such violation.. Strong disciplinary measures (up to and including expulsion) will be imposed if, in the judgment of the administrator in charge, a dangerous or potentially dangerous situation exists due to a student involvement with a dangerous weapon.
Cross References:
Board Policy 3200 |
Student Rights and Responsibilities |
Legal References:
RCW 9.41.250 |
Use of force — when lawful |
RCW 9.41.280 |
Personal Protection Spray devices |
RCW 28A.600.420 |
Firearms on school premises, transportation, or facilities — Penalty — Exemptions |
WAC 180-40-275 |
Expulsion--Conditions and limitations |
Revision Date: 10/28/2009
Adoption Date: 12/9/96
School Board Policy Policy 5336
Use of Tobacco on School Property—Use of Alcoholic Beverages
The board of directors recognizes that to protect students from exposure to the addictive substance of nicotine, employees and officers of the school district, and all members of the community, have an obligation as role models to refrain from tobacco use on school property.
Effective September 1, 1991, smoking or any other use of tobacco products shall be prohibited on school district property. This shall include all district buildings, grounds and district-owned vehicles.
Notices advising district employees and patrons of this policy shall be posted in appropriate locations in all district buildings and at other district facilities as determined by the superintendent.
The Board adopts as policy that no employee shall use tobacco in an form or alcoholic beverages of any type while in direct charge of students in classrooms, activities or other school-sponsored instructional programs.
Legal References:
RCW 28A.210.310 |
Prohibition on use of tobacco products on school property |
Adoption Date: 8/15/91 & 5/15/80 (last paragraph)
School Board Policy Policy 8700
Sexual Harassment
This district is committed to a positive and productive education and working environment free from discrimination, including sexual harassment. The district prohibits sexual harassment of students, employees and others involved in school district activities.
Sexual harassment occurs when:
- Submitting to the harasser’s sexual demands is a stated or implied condition of obtaining an education or work opportunity or other benefits;
- Submission to or rejection of sexual demands is a factor in an academic, work or other school– related decision affecting an individual; or
- Unwelcome sexual or gender–directed conduct or communication interferes with an individual’s performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment.
Sexual harassment can occur adult to student, student to adult, student to student, adult to adult, male to female, female to male, male to male, and female to female.
The district will take prompt, equitable and remedial action within its authority on reports, complaints and grievances alleging sexual harassment that come to the attention of the district, either formally or informally. Allegations of criminal misconduct will be reported to law enforcement or Child Protective Services. Persons found to have been subjected to sexual harassment will have appropriate school district services made reasonably available to them and adverse consequences of the harassment shall be reviewed and remedied, as appropriate.
Engaging in sexual harassment will result in appropriate discipline or other appropriate sanctions against offending students, staff and contractors.. Anyone else who engages in sexual harassment on school property or at school activities will have their access to school property and activities restricted, as appropriate.
Retaliation against any person who makes or is a witness in a sexual harassment compliant is prohibited and will result in appropriate discipline. The district will take appropriate actions to protect involved persons form retaliation.
It is a violation of this policy to knowingly report false allegations of sexual harassment. Persons found to knowingly report or corroborate false allegations will be subject to appropriate discipline.
The superintendent shall develop and implement formal and informal procedures for receiving, investigating and resolving complaints or reports of sexual harassment. The procedure will include reasonable and prompt time lines and delineate staff responsibilities under this policy. All staff are also responsible for receiving informal complaints and reports of sexual harassment and informing appropriate district personnel of the complaint or report for investigation and resolution. All staff are also responsible for directing complainants to the formal complaint process.
The superintendent shall develop procedures to provide age–appropriate information and education to district staff, students, parents and volunteers regarding this policy and the recognition and prevention of sexual harassment. At a minimum sexual harassment recognition and prevention and the elements of this policy will be included in staff, student and regular volunteer orientation. This policy shall be posted in each district building in a place available to staff, students, parents volunteers and visitors. The policy shall be reproduced in each student, staff, volunteer and parent handbook.
The superintendent shall make an annual report to the board reviewing the use and efficacy of this policy and related procedures. Recommendations for changes to this policy, if applicable, shall be included in the report. The superintendent is encouraged to involve staff, students, and volunteers and parents in the review process.
Legal References:
RCW 28A.640.020 Regulations, guidelines to eliminate discrimination—Scope WAC 392–190–056– 058 Sexual harassment
Adoption Date: 7/20/95
REVISED 11/06 |
Parent Booster Clubs are separate entities from the school and school district. They generally support and supplement the athletic and music programs of a specific school although they can also support other school activities. Encouragement to involve parents in these school activities comes from the local school board and the superintendent. This volunteer involvement provides added resources for both students and staff. All such groups must follow school board policy regarding recognition by the school district.
Although these groups are not governed by the school district, they must follow certain local school district policies and procedures especially when renting district facilities, gifting donations, or involving student groups.
Staff participation, cooperation and support are encouraged if employees would like to become members of the Booster organization. However, district employees are discouraged from holding an official position or having signature authority with a Booster Club due to potential conflicts of interest. (RCW 42.23)
To legally solicit donations or fundraiser, Booster Clubs must register with the Secretary of State as a non-profit corporation as well as a charitable organization. Booster Clubs usually have elected officers, membership, and pass an annual budget. They are subject to their Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws.
It is recommended that they become a 501 (C) 3 non-profit organization and maintain clear communications with the building principal (or their designee) regarding their activities. In many districts, Booster Clubs are officially recognized by the local school board. They must carry liability insurance for their activities, particularly when renting district facilities. Additional special insurance may also be required if the Booster Club sponsors athletic events.
In order for funds to belong to a Booster Club, the entire activity must have been conducted at the direction and/or under the supervision of the Booster Club. This means that the Booster Club must be clearly in charge of the activity from start to finish.
To determine if the Booster Club directed or supervised the activity, all of the following criteria are used:
- If there was a contract involved, the Booster Club must have signed the contract in accordance with their bylaws. If someone else (i.e., a school district representative) signed the contract, then the activity is not a Booster activity but becomes a school activity under the direction of the ASB.
- The Booster Club must have been involved in the creation and planning of the activity, as well as the implementation, operation and management of the activity. It must also: provide the majority of manpower for the activity through its non-student volunteer members; have a properly structured committee for the activity; provide insurance for the activity and; handle all financial aspects of the activity including: product management, sales, and security of assets.
- School district employees should be involved only on their own personal (non-staff) time unless the employee' s job description requires them to serve in an advisory capacity.
- The activity must: have been approved by the Booster Club membership or Executive board; and be part of the organization's budget.
- A facility use permit may be required by the school district, in accordance with district policy.
When students are asked to participate in a Booster fundraiser, it must be clearly advertised that the activity is a Booster event. Students are discouraged from collecting money for the Booster Club. A contract between the Booster Club and the ASB is advisable when students are asked to work a Booster event, because it clearly defines the responsibility and distribution of the funds.
Booster groups wishing to make a donation of either goods or money to a school should contact the building Principal to determine district policies and guidelines governing donations.
Booster Clubs need to be aware of the equity issues when donating money and/or equipment to the school's athletic teams. Title IX issues for equity comes into play when donations favor one segment of athletics over another, e.g., boys' over girls' sports. For information on Title IX questions, contact the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) website: http:
A helpful resource for Booster Clubs is the booklet printed by Washington State PTA, PTA and the Law/Volunteers and the Law. It is a basic outline of the state and federal rules, regulations, and laws, which affect private, nonprofit, tax-exempt organizations.