Weight Room
Pomeroy Weight Room Rules
Purpose: To promote physical fitness through strength and endurance exercises for the students of Pomeroy High School and the general public of Garfield County.
Bill Van Vogt, Weight Room Head Supervisor for the School District, wants to work closely with each and every coach. Mat Slaybaugh and Kenny Bott will also be weight room supervisors for the school district. Coaches are encouraged to ask questions and seek help from us at any time. We will cooperate as much as possible to see that a coach's routines and goals are met. We would ask that a coach keep us informed as to his/her intentions for the facility and of any help that they might need. We would be more than happy to demonstrate the equipment or proper techniques. We would expect all coaches to enforce the rules set forth. This would achieve the greatest degree of safety and consistency among weight room personnel. There is plenty of space and equipment for the public and for coaches and their teams. We have one of the nicest facilities in the state. We can and should support each other and work together for the mutual benefit of our athletic programs as well as for the citizens of our community. We will be adding and updating equipment as we can and we do our best to see that our equipment is maintained in top working condition. Please feel free to give us your input so that we might better maximize the efficiency of the Pomeroy Weight Room.
1. The weight room will normally be open Monday-Friday between the hours of 5:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M. during the school year for the general public. Summer hours are normally between the hours of 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 P.M. Those hours may vary from time to time. Any coach may also open the weight room at any time for the purpose of athletic training.
2. It is advised that each lifter should have a complete physical from a qualified physician prior to starting a weight program.
3. Lifting age shall be restricted to 13 years of age or having graduated from the 6th grade as approved by the Pomeroy School District Superintendent. Age restrictions may be altered if deemed necessary.
4. All persons on the premises shall conduct themselves in an orderly, safe, courteous, and sportsmanlike manner at all times.
5. Tobacco, drugs or drinking of alcoholic beverages is prohibited.
6. Weights must be returned to the appropriate racks according to color code after use.
7. Each participant shall be expected to see to it that:
a. the weights and equipment are treated in the manner for which they were created.
b. Each lifter has a spotter for each exercise set and use self-spotting
arms attached to each bench.
c. Each lifter is lifting in a safe manner so as to reduce chance of injury. Proper form and lifting techniques must be observed. Lifters should ask supervisors and coaches about these techniques and the proper use of equipment.
d. All garbage is properly disposed of.
8. Lifters must wear appropriate shoes, wraps, weight belts, and any other protective gear designed for a safe workout.
9. Each lifter must use good form in each lift and only as much weight as he/she feels comfortable with so as to prevent injury. Athletes must follow workout routines designed by their coach during each season. Athletes lifting for more than one sport may have to alter their lifts according to priority.
10. To promote hygiene, all lifters must refrain from working out when ill or contagious to others. Please wipe down equipment after use. Any lifter suspected of poor health may be asked to leave until well.
11. Any lifter who observes any broken or defective equipment must report it to the supervisor or coach present.
12. All accidents must be reported to the supervisor or coach present.
13. All lifters should recognize that weight lifting is a sport and can be dangerous and hazardous especially if safe lifting techniques and the use of protective gear is not utilized properly. It should also be strictly noted that some coaches and supervisors have had more training and experience than others. Any advice offered by any one other than a coach or supervisor must be considered to be advice only and not necessarily a professional truth.
14. Any lifter who observes anyone not obeying the above rules should report it to the supervisor or coach present.
15. Violations of the foregoing rules and regulations will be reported to the Superintendent of Pomeroy School District and may result in suspension, ejection, or exclusion from the facilities.
16. The rules and regulations are for the benefit of all participants and may be revised from time to time as to ensure safety and compatibility.
17. Citizens or students not supervised by a coach must have a signed rules and an assumption of risk on file. (Students must have parental signature.) In addition, if a supervisor is not present the weight room will be locked.
Notice: Weight belts must be worn any time a lifter is doing the following lifts:
•Power Cleans
•Standing Curls
This is school district policy supported by the school district’s legal advice.