
Pomeroy School Board Meeting Review

June 27th, 2024

  1. Board Director Allison McKeirnan called the board meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Board members Bart Gingerich and Geremy Nelson were present, Directors Kyle Pearson and Ashley Koller were excused. Rachel Gwinn and Kelly McKeirnan were also in attendance.
  2. Minutes for the May 28th meeting was approved, as well as the bills and vouchers.
  3. We continued to see a drop in overall enrollment numbers at the end of May, but foresee those numbers increase next school year.
  4. The board approved the notices of retirement for Lynette Cochran, Food Service Director, as well as Kelly Knebel, High School Special Education Teacher. The food service position has been opened for applicants and the HS sped position is still under discussion of the best plan for program support.
  5. The directors approved School Board Resolution # 319----WIAA Membership. It is a WIAA requirement to approve a school districts membership each year.
  6. School Board Resolution #320 for $15,000 to the Capital Projects fund was also approved. This transfer occurs each year, in planning for the resurfacing of the track in the future.
  7. School Board Resolution 321 for $10,000 to the Transportation Vehicle Fund, this also is a yearly transfer to account for depreciation of our transportation vehicles.
  8. The board of directors also approved the PSD Employee Social Media Policy and Confidentiality Policy. These two policies outline the expectations of use of social media during school hours, expectations of being a school representative and engaging in social media, as well as confidentiality expectations regarding school business and student files and information. These policies will be shared with staff at the beginning of the school year.
  9. Superintendent Gwinn shared with the board the information OSPI is requiring regarding handbook language that addressed information on Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying and Gender-Inclusive School requirements.
  10. The next board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 30th at 7:00 PM in the high school library. A budget hearing will be conducted at 6:30 prior to the board meeting.
  11. Kelly McKeirnan gave a brief business manager’s report. He also shared the change in schedule for the construction of the elementary playground due to contractor’s schedule—project will begin the first of September.
  12. There was no executive session, and the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 PM.
  13. Any forms or handouts at the board meeting may be requested from the district office electronically or in person. Call 843-1651 or email [email protected]